How to Foresee Achievements and Talent

spirit guide, how to know the future

See Your Achievements and Talent From Your Hands Looking at your hands and palm lines can help you understand more about yourself and your future. Modern palmistry is helpful in situations where you might feel confused or uncertain about life decisions. We can rely on the hand and line characteristics because the brain connects to … Read more

Inheritance Lines and Signs in Palmistry

expert palm reader, sari puhakka

Prediction of Inheritance from the lines? If you are interested in the lines on your palm, you might wonder if there are such things as inheritance lines. The diverse styles of palmistry worldwide mean that you might get various opinions about palm lines in general. Some people look for symbols or letters and rely on … Read more

Money Triangle and Other Money Lines

money triangle, money lines, palm line of money

Money Triangle and Other Money Lines The money triangle and other so-called money signs are not a failsafe part of modern hand analysis. Most of these signs are just myths. However, it is a fascinating part of palmistry. Over the years, I have come across these marks, and some fit their description, especially the star. … Read more

Lotus Flower Symbol Indian Palmistry

lotus flower symbol, lotus sign, palmistry lotus sign, palm symbol lotus flower, lotus flower sign, palm signs,

Do you have a Lotus flower symbol on your palm? A long time ago, some palmists in India discovered that combining some lines that form a symbol adds more meaning to a Palm reading. This style is not modern palmistry, and I have not ever seen such a mark. The method of palmistry that uses … Read more

Money and Travel Signs in Palmistry

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If you are interested in palmistry, or if you are just looking at your own hands out of curiosity, you might be wondering if there are money and travel signs in your palms. Money and Travel signs (or lines) can be in various areas of the hand. As far as travel, the most obvious thing … Read more

Health and Longevity From the Rascettes

health and longevity from the rascettes, rascette, bracelet lines, life span palmistry

Health and Longevity From the Rascettes (Wrist Lines) Is it possible to see health and longevity from the rascettes? The Rascettes are lines on the wrist (also called bracelets). They are lines below the base of the palm on the wrist. There can be just one or more, usually up to five. Modern palm readers … Read more

Square Mark on the Palm Mounts Palmistry

Square Mark on the Palm Lines and Meanings Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is an ancient practice used for centuries to help people gain insight into their lives. By studying the lines, like the square mark on the palm, you can interpret traits and maybe even predict the future. By understanding what … Read more