Signs of Mental Disturbance on the Palms

signs of mental disturbance, mental disability in palms, fuzzy lines, lines on retarded child,

It is possible to see signs of mental disturbance from the palm lines. Although some peoples hands do not show many lines, hence it can be tricky.

Some time ago, I had a client ask me about her brother, who had a mental condition. She sent me photos because she thought his hands were perfectly normal and that she couldn’t see how you can recognise these types of things from the palm lines.

She thought his hands were regular because he had a heart line, head line and a life line. But these signs of mental disturbance are not easy to spot. Most of the time, one sign alone cannot suggest there is any concern. However, two of the main lines which can point to problems with the mentality is the head and the heart lines.

signs of violent temper, normal head line, palm lines image by destiny palmistry
Normal head, heart and life line

(This article is an excerpt from the book Life and Destiny Palmistry and All the Lines).

The Heart Line

The heart line is the uppermost horizontal line on the palm; it represents how a person expresses their feelings and their attitudes towards relationships. The basics of reading this line are the same as the head and life lines; that is by looking at length, depth, and quality. The deepness of the line displays the depth of feeling. So, a curved line indicates emotion, while a straight line shows control.

A healthy heart line which is broad and relatively free of flaws, reveals a well-adjusted person in their emotions, and they would have profound and intense passions. Most heart lines are not flawless and regularly exhibit branches and markings. I imagine if there were a perfect one, it would show that the emotional experiences of the person’s life would not affect them much, possibly having an insensitive and unsympathetic nature.

The main signs of someone who is mentally ill from the palm lines:

The main signs of mental disturbance are when the lines of life, head and heart are very chained and fuzzy. Normal lines are smooth and free of flaws, not wide and blurry. It is normal to have some marks on these lines, obviously, the perfect line is very rare. (See the example photo below) the fuzzy line is throughout the whole head line and quite severe on the life line.

fuzzy heart line, fuzzy life line in palmistry, palm reading by Sari Puhakka, expert palm reader, destiny palmistry

The Head Line

The head line commences from the space in between the Index finger and thumb and usually runs horizontally at least halfway across the palm. The usual shape of the head line is slightly curved and free from islands, marks and variations. This line is one of the most significant on the palm because it reveals a great deal about the essence of you. It gives clues as to how you think and manage (mentally).

If the head line is too long and dips down, reaching the ulnar edge, it can be a sign of mental disturbance. You do need to compare this line to the rest of the hand because it can also depict intuitive ability. However, if it is long, dips downward and fuzzy, then the mind might not understand these intuitive thoughts. They are at risk of living in a dream world. The reason is that the fuzzy head line depicts a nervous, shy, and delicate mind. The owner might get confused easily and struggle to concentrate.

The start of the head and life line is important.

The start of the head line reveals the early years of life. If there is a split, like a fork and it floats above the life line, that’s an unusual feature which might suggest something not quite right in the mind. It is normal to have a chained appearance at the onset, however it should only be about the length of a couple of centimetres. If the life line also shows similar signs, like it is heavily chained, it can confirm there are problems. For these lines to suggest mental disturbance or disability, the fuzzy or blurred line continues for a longer length of the line.

When the heart line is showing signs of mental disturbance, it can be fully chained in appearance. It will appear to be covered in fine branches all over it like a twisted barbed wire fence. This chained line is also a sign of nervousness and emotional instability. Meditation is good for calming emotions.

The fingers and mental disability in palmistry

curved fingers, image by destiny palmistry

Sometimes the fingers too can reveal a mental disability. They might appear to be curved or held in an unusual way. The person might not be able to straighten the fingers, or that they have a natural curve which looks unnatural. Normal fingers are usually straight.

Other things to look for are puffy fingertips, a very low mount of Pluto, a girdle of Venus, the ring of Saturn and generally a strangely shaped hand.

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Arrow Sign or Hook Symbol Meaning in Palmistry

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The arrow symbol or arrow sign is not something a modern palm reader looks for during a palm reading. Most hand readers avoid even learning the symbols. I don’t often use symbolism because it makes the reading seem like mere superstition. However, it is interesting to know some of these signs, even if just for … Read more

Signs of Divorce from the Palm lines

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Signs of Divorce from the Palm and Marriage lines (Including divorce line in female hand) If you are interested in palmistry, you have most likely heard about signs of divorce from the palms. In my personal experience, marriage is one of the most popular questions in palm reading. But it is a little frustrating due … Read more

Island Mark on the Lines of the Palm

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The creases on our palms serve a practical purpose but can also help us understand our individual lives. These lines are rarely perfect, and the marks that appear can have a meaning. An island mark is one that many see as a negative mark. An island mark is a divided line that joins again, forming … Read more

Marks on the Life Line, Drooping and Rising Lines

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Marks on the life line, like dots, crosses, stars, slashes. What do they mean? Not everyone has smooth, clean lines on their palm. You might even find some marks on the life line and wonder if they mean anything? When someone mentions a palm reading, the first line a person typically looks at on the … Read more

Short Line of Life Actual Meaning in Palmistry

short line of life, short life line


The first line a person typically looks at on the palm is the line of life. It is also frequently the most prominent line on the palm as it arcs around the mount of Venus, reaching somewhere near the wrist. Whether long or short, it is not an indicator of longevity. What it does reveal, however, is the nature and quality of your life.

To judge how a person manages their world; we observe the condition of the line. Ideally, it is well-defined without deviations or markings. In the present day, however, that is not likely to occur due to busy and demanding lives. The line of life also indicates the subjects’ physical strength and health during various periods of life.

Examining it is essential also in obtaining confirmation and timing of events because through the markings on the line, there is a capacity for seeing considerable changes. The line can alter, shift or even fade as circumstances change over time. However, consider all indicators from the palm before making assumptions, as some factors can offset (or support) the findings.

How the life line forms

The way a life line forms, depends on the other lines on the hand as well as the thickness of the mounts. For instance, if you have a deep Simian line with well-developed mounts, the chances are that the life line is short. If you are young and haven’t made yourself set life goals, then your lines are still changing or growing.

If you are a person who lives through emotion and you feel like the heart rules you, your heart line shows as the most robust. In such cases, others might be weaker. The most robust lines on the hand show what rules you live by the most. In the case of the prominent head line, you would very much be practical and rational. If the line of life is the strongest, you are physically driven and do not like change.

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A long steady line shows vitality, routine, stability, motivation and someone who perhaps does not need to depend on anyone or anything. Therefore, a short line shows the opposite, less energy and stability. The thing for sure about this line is that a short one does not mean a short life. The length and prominence refer to the quality of life, the constitution, (lack of) family roots, and the get-up-and-go of the individual. It shows someone who loves their freedom and is not bound by any strict regime.

A short life line can also point to a specific time that a significant change occurs in the persons’ life. Look at the length of the line and apply the time scale to potentially suggest the age that the shift occurs.

In nearly all cases of a short line, I see branch lines that connect to the fate line (career line). The meaning of the connecting lines is that the subject at a certain point in their life makes a significant move or change, such as in their career. Also, check to see if the line is broken instead.

broken life line, break in line of life, life line is broken

The dangers of a short line of life

The danger with this type of line is if the person doesn’t make an effort to plan their future. The love of being free to do whatever they want can eventually catch up on them. So if you have this mark, think about what kind of responsibility are you taking over in your life? Are you allowing others to dictate what you do and where you go?

The short life line can belong to those who do not usually have a broad family background or family traditions. While they can be close to their immediate family members, it is not often that they arrange large family unions. It could be due to the fact they tend to move around a lot. A short life line can appear weak, so for someone with this feature, finding a place to settle down and sticking to a routine and setting goals, strengthens the line.

The lines on the palm can change

I have seen this type of line ‘grow’ as the person makes concrete decisions in their life. For example, I looked at the palm of a seventeen-year-old young man. He had hardly any life line at all; in fact, it was the shortest one I had ever seen. What I found out he was kept under close guard by his father, due to his flighty nature and the lack of a mother figure. This young man did not have any responsibilities at home. He seemed entirely dependent on his father and lived each day without any concerns.

I saw his hand again at age twenty-four, and he had an almost standard length life line on his palm. I asked him what he has been up to and he said ‘I’m adulting now’. He had moved out to live with friends a few years ago, he had a job and was saving money for a new car and a holiday. I saw his line depicting his newfound life goals, and it was a positive sign.

The start of the life line

The start of the life line does not always commence at the same position, occasionally starting close to the thumb and other times as high as the Mount of Jupiter. If it sits high, it shows an ambitious and confident nature.
Occasionally it can begin joined with the head line and appear like a branch from it, which means a much more insecure yet family orientated spirit. These types show a good deal less confidence compared to those with a separate line from the head line. The well-separated line depicts independence early in life.

where the life line starts

The arch of the life line

Some lines curve around enough to reach out towards the mount of Moon so far as to touch the fate line. I have learned that when this occurs, it has a significant meaning around that period indicating a need for change or an event that brings about change. Often career or motivations become a current focus.

A line that arches widely towards the mount of Moon depicts an outgoing and maybe restless person with many interests. They will have a love of travel and changes of scenery. A broad line curving well around the Venus mount shows warmth and affection but a little more reserved. A line close to the thumb shows a lack of energy and love; a person who is entirely selfish or cold emotionally, especially if the Venus mount is flat.

How to time events on the palm here

Read about marks on the line here.

Read about the types of life line here.

Broken life line meaning here

Over 100 Free Palmistry Lessons by Sari Here (YouTube Channel ‘Destiny Palmistry’)

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Star Lines on the Palm, How to Identify One

star lines, palmistry star meanings


Looking at your hands and palm lines can help you understand more about yourself and your future. Modern palmistry is helpful in situations where you might feel confused or uncertain about life decisions. We can rely on the hand and line characteristics because the brain significantly connects to our hands. The star lines can have a significant meaning. In this article, you will learn how to recognise these marks.

The star lines and markings we see on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any category of a regular palmar line are still notable in a palm reading. They can indicate a warning, such as stress, or point to a sign of talent, fortune or an event.

In most cases, markings on the mounts (the padded areas of the palm) accentuate the meaning of the mount in a favourable or undesirable way. Star lines are markings that are both good and bad. On a line, based on traditional meaning, it is an unwelcome find.


Some of these markings will take a careful eye when analysing what they mean due to the difficulty in interpreting whether it is a mix of other lines overlapping or one which stands on its own.

star on apollo, star lines, palmistry

A star will have at least three lines crossing at the same point and NOT be made up by other minor or major lines. It is an independent mark on the palm. While most star lines on the mounts are a welcome sign, they have a complex connotation. The reason could be the challenges in attaining high-level success or recognition.

Star lines on the mounts.

The area under the middle and ring fingers is common to misread the star mark, as it is usually a coincidental crossing of the success line and Girdle of Venus lines.

On Jupiter or Apollo mount, it reveals extraordinary talent, financial windfalls or even fame. However, even these positive markings need to be viewed as cautionary.  Sudden fame or success can influence personal life. That means keeping one’s head together and feet on the ground to ensure a more secure scenario. The star on the Jupiter mount is more about honour and influence. The star on the Apollo is more about fame.

Star on the Mercury Mount

A star on Mercury mount beneath the pinkie shows a sudden rise in a business venture. However, on the negative side, it can point to dishonesty.

Star on the Saturn Mount

A star on Saturn mount beneath the middle finger may depict restriction, confines or obstacles. There is usually some effort in legal matters.

Star Mark on the Mount of the Moon

A star on the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm shows powers of instinct or imagination. There might be celebrity status in a literary career. On the negative side, it can suggest fear of the sea or danger at sea.

A star on the ball of the thumb (Mount of Venus) can depict success in romantic affairs. The energy and passion are strong but might come at the expense or sacrifice of another matter.

Research and Scientific Study Markings in Palmistry

A mark in the centre of the palm in the form of a triangle is thought to be a sign of scientific aptitude. Some palmists say that it indicates an unusual aptitude for research. The person usually undertakes interests that pertain to the unveiling of secrets and problems.

Learn to read hands. See here how
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