Hosting a Palmistry Party with Your Friends – Easy Five Steps

hosting a palmistry party

Palm Reading For Fun and Hosting a Palmistry Party Have you wanted to entertain your guests or friends by reading their palms? You can show off your skills of knowledge about their personalities visible from their hands. Palm reading is a fun and easy way to learn more about the people you know! Hosting a … Read more

Via Lascivia, Addiction or Escape Line on the Palm

via lascivia, via lascivia, allergy line, addiction line, allergy line meaning, poison line

The Via Lascivia, (addiction line, escape line, poison bar) or whatever you want to call it, can appear differently depending on what type of hand it is on. Generally, it is a line near or even parallel to the Line of Health. It can originate from the life line, or Mount of Moon. Also between … Read more

Which Hand to Read in Palmistry?

which hand to read for female in palmistry for marriage

Which hand should you read in palmistry, and how do you know the difference? The hand that a person writes with is usually their dominant hand, and the lines and hand shape can show which is the non-dominant. Which hand to read in palmistry is sometimes tricky to answer; it can depend on whether you … Read more

Star Lines on the Palm, How to Identify One

star lines, palmistry star meanings


Looking at your hands and palm lines can help you understand more about yourself and your future. Modern palmistry is helpful in situations where you might feel confused or uncertain about life decisions. We can rely on the hand and line characteristics because the brain significantly connects to our hands. The star lines can have a significant meaning. In this article, you will learn how to recognise these marks.

The star lines and markings we see on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any category of a regular palmar line are still notable in a palm reading. They can indicate a warning, such as stress, or point to a sign of talent, fortune or an event.

In most cases, markings on the mounts (the padded areas of the palm) accentuate the meaning of the mount in a favourable or undesirable way. Star lines are markings that are both good and bad. On a line, based on traditional meaning, it is an unwelcome find.


Some of these markings will take a careful eye when analysing what they mean due to the difficulty in interpreting whether it is a mix of other lines overlapping or one which stands on its own.

star on apollo, star lines, palmistry

A star will have at least three lines crossing at the same point and NOT be made up by other minor or major lines. It is an independent mark on the palm. While most star lines on the mounts are a welcome sign, they have a complex connotation. The reason could be the challenges in attaining high-level success or recognition.

Star lines on the mounts.

The area under the middle and ring fingers is common to misread the star mark, as it is usually a coincidental crossing of the success line and Girdle of Venus lines.

On Jupiter or Apollo mount, it reveals extraordinary talent, financial windfalls or even fame. However, even these positive markings need to be viewed as cautionary.  Sudden fame or success can influence personal life. That means keeping one’s head together and feet on the ground to ensure a more secure scenario. The star on the Jupiter mount is more about honour and influence. The star on the Apollo is more about fame.

Star on the Mercury Mount

A star on Mercury mount beneath the pinkie shows a sudden rise in a business venture. However, on the negative side, it can point to dishonesty.

Star on the Saturn Mount

A star on Saturn mount beneath the middle finger may depict restriction, confines or obstacles. There is usually some effort in legal matters.

Star Mark on the Mount of the Moon

A star on the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm shows powers of instinct or imagination. There might be celebrity status in a literary career. On the negative side, it can suggest fear of the sea or danger at sea.

A star on the ball of the thumb (Mount of Venus) can depict success in romantic affairs. The energy and passion are strong but might come at the expense or sacrifice of another matter.

Research and Scientific Study Markings in Palmistry

A mark in the centre of the palm in the form of a triangle is thought to be a sign of scientific aptitude. Some palmists say that it indicates an unusual aptitude for research. The person usually undertakes interests that pertain to the unveiling of secrets and problems.

Learn to read hands. See here how
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WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended for general advice and/or entertainment only.

Learn Palmistry and the Secrets Your Hands Reveal

learn palmistry, destiny palmistry, skin texture, hand reading, hand features of a difficult child,

Reasons Why You Need to Learn Palmistry

Why learn palmistry? Because the hands are amazing, what would we do without them? Not only are they the most useful body part, with their amazing capabilities. An article from named ‘The sensory hand” – The Principles of Anatomy as Seen in the Hand (1919), was principally focused on the hand as a motor organ. Fascinated as they were with the capacity of the human hand for precision and dexterity of movement.

In this, they saw the hand as an executive organ of the brain. To Napier, the hand was the mirror of the brain and ‘there can be no such combination as dextrous hands and clumsy brains’. – What a great quote! The hands are amazing and most interesting because they also reveal character. When you learn palmistry, you make your life easier.

What is palmistry?

Palmistry analyses the hands, palm lines, ridges and fingerprints. These days, contemporary palmistry steers away from the predictive side of reading hands. The art in Western culture is mainly used to depict character, career and health. Other cultures do things a little differently. Palm readers in the East prefer the predictive reading of accidents and disasters, and some even tell people when they might die. Knowing those things through their hands is impossible, and readers should avoid even attempting to look for them.

Most modern-day hand readers do not see palmistry as fortune-telling. People still want to know their future from their hands, but the problem is that the hands show what is happening right now, not what might happen. Realistically, the lines cannot predict the future. People make their own decisions in life. They can tell you that whatever you have done up until now can show as a kind of consequence of what may come. For instance, if you are not taking care of yourself or addicted to food or substances, your health may suffer.

Can the hands show illness?

Some indicators on the hands can tell of poor health, especially if there is a long-term condition. However, it’s not guaranteed that you can predict a health problem. If you have features that depict weakness in the body or the character, a hand analyst could tell you what weaknesses to work on to achieve a desired outcome.

When reading hands, consider all aspects before making assumptions because some elements balance or cancel out others. As a rule of thumb, always look at the thumb. It is a critical factor in good reading.

When meeting new people, it is interesting to learn about their character from their hands before even speaking to them. In relationships, you and your potential lover have a greater chance of success when you discover their relationship behaviour and if it matches yours.

thumbs in palmistry

It is exciting to have this knowledge and to be able to understand people and improve relationships with them! Whether for business, relationships or personal reasons, your knowledge of hand reading benefits you in countless situations. If you have the qualities of someone motivated and driven to succeed, then you are more likely to have the result of becoming successful.

Recognise the character quickly from the Venus mount (ball of thumb).

The Venus mount symbolises beauty, seduction, romance and love. It also shows the individual’s well-being, indicating how much energy and affection are available; a flexible, well-rounded mount is ideal, showing someone friendly, sympathetic and affectionate. A flat mount would depict the opposite: a lack of energy and warmth.

Another fine example is the length of the fingers. If you want to learn palmistry, you need to be confident in the knowledge of your fingers. Short or long fingers tend to stand out; therefore, it is a good way to instantly recognise the character. The short fingers reveal impatience for minor details but with a quick mind.

The long fingers show patience for more information and a much slower thinking person, but mentally active. If the fingers appear neither long nor short, you generally have the perfect balance of character.

When I first met my partner, I recall I looked at his hands (as would any palm enthusiast like myself). The first thing I noticed was that he had long fingers. I have fairly short fingers, so straight away, I knew that we were going to have a different way of thinking.

Twelve reasons to learn palmistry:

  1. Discover how a mere handshake can tell you who you are dealing with in your life!
  2. See how the areas of the hand show what type of “mind” they have.
  3. Learn how the hand depicts intuitiveness, sensitivity, practicality or thinking types.
  4. The eleven areas of the palm illustrate which part of their life receives the most energy (love, work, dreams, instincts, nature, music).
  5. Find out how easy it is to see negative traits from the setting of the fingers.
  6. The individual length of the fingers depicts the most important character traits they cannot hide!
  7. Recognise a charmer who might be a compulsive liar!
  8. Know when you have come across a stubborn and controlling bully.
  9. An instant clue to his style of lovemaking and more.
  10. Is your potential lover going to match your libido?
  11. Poor health warnings at a quick glimpse of the fingernails.
  12. Career options that suit your hand shape.

Destiny Palmistry Character Awareness, by Sari Anitta Puhakka, who has studied hands for over 30 years, is working on new workshops (group and private) and online lessons.

Business Success Signs in Hand Analysis

business success signs

Recognise Business Success from the hands.

Business success signs, in general, depend on the individuals’ ability to focus, learn, lead and take action. Many hand aspects can show these abilities. Regarding reading hands, it’s essential to understand that some indicators can contradict others. However, the following aspects shown in this article help recognise the characteristics of a business-minded person.

The Thumb

The thumb has great significance in reading hands; you can glance at a person’s hand and quickly get a general idea of their energy, drive, and basic temperament. So the thumb is a crucial part of character awareness, especially when meeting someone for the first time. In most business or personal situations, people shake hands to introduce themselves. What a perfect opportunity to glance at the thumb! (Download the thumb reading ebook here).

As with most features, it is finding balance in proportion to itself, and its appearance on the hand is ideal—nothing too crude and nothing too small. A small thumb belongs to the daydreamer; a very low set thumb belongs to a worker’s hands; an extended thumb indicates strength of character. The thumb is an excellent aspect in attaining clues confirming other characteristics found on the hands.

Business Success Signs from the Thumb

A thumb, which opens to a wide angle, is mainly found on the low-set thumb and suggests a more open and giving nature. An angle that is 90 degrees is a hands-on worker. But if it is greater than 90 degrees, it denotes an overly flexible or reckless nature. A good angle is not too wide and not too narrow. The thumb tip should not be overly short but balanced compared to the second phalange. The whorl fingerprint is a good sign.

thumb reading, small thumb, large thumb, palmistry thumb

What to look for to see a businesslike personality:

  1. Looking at the fingers, especially the two middle fingers, they should have knotty joints, giving the appearance of swelling. The knotty fingers are a sign of shrewdness in financial matters (found in many successful business people).
  2. The phalanges between the fleshy parts of the finger joints should be even, revealing a well-balanced mind and personality.
  3. The phalanges on the thumb should also be even. If the tip of the thumb is noticeably shorter than the lower section, it shows a lack of willpower.
  4. The tips of the fingers are fairly thick and either round or squarish. The pointy-looking tips do not suit a businesslike mind.
  5. The ring finger should be a little longer than the index finger.
  6. The mount of Jupiter is well-developed.
  7. The hand shows general good health and firm mounts.
  8. The fingers are straight.
  9. There should be at least one ‘whorl’ fingerprint.
  10. The palm is square than narrow.

Business Success Signs and The Pinkie:

A long pinkie finger shows someone who can easily express themselves. These people can communicate well. One of their best attributes is social, influential, and very organised, with a good vocabulary and raw eloquence. It also means they are naturally good with money and do well in business, politics, science, education, and television or radio broadcasting. Writing, entertaining, and music often come naturally. Any subject requires being able to convey their knowledge or express themselves using words.

Thick Pinkie

A thick pinkie is rare. However, if it appears thicker than the rest of the fingers or abnormally large, it shows someone who may be rather talkative with a keen interest in business or money. These people are perfectionists and potentially very shrewd. It may also be a sign of a workaholic.

The lines that show business success signs

One central line is the rising line of Apollo (success line). A vertical line that begins low on the palm should clearly and distinctly rise into the mount of Apollo beneath the ring finger. It may also rise from the head line or the heart line. This line beneath the ring finger represents the arts, including fame and fortune. For this success line to show achievement, there must be a clear-cut and continuous line with a sharp definition. Two of these lines are very encouraging for a wealthy person. The hands of a business person often show the fate line (line of Saturn) and are almost always present. In many cases, there are two fate lines.

The head line should be clear and relatively free of flaws and breaks. A poorly formed head line might show a person who struggles to think straight. If there is a fork at the end of the line, it shows versatility. (Writer’s fork). The heart line, if curved, shows someone passionate about what they do and they put their emotion into their work. A straight heart line shows someone less likely to put their feelings into account when it comes to working.

forked head line

The Complete book Life and Destiny Palmistry is also available from Amazon in paperback, hardcover or Kindle. Link below.

Subscribe to the Destiny Palmistry YouTube channel here.

WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.