What does it mean if your life line is broken?

The Life line broken around the thumb.

The first line a person typically looks at on the palm is the life line. This line is also frequently the most prominent line on the palm as it arcs around the mount of Venus, reaching somewhere near the wrist. When the life line is broken, people tend to worry about it. In this article, you will learn what it means and the meanings of marks on the line.

Examining this line is essential in obtaining confirmation and timing of events because there is a capacity for seeing considerable changes through the markings along the line. The line can grow, alter, shift or even fade as circumstances transform over time.

To judge how a person manages their world, we observe the quality of the line. Ideally, it is without deviations or markings. However, that is not likely to occur today due to busy and demanding lives.


When the life line is broken like a clean break, it is when a section of the line is missing before the line continues. A clean break may show that change is necessary; whether it is due to relocation, illness, accident or other experience, it serves as a cautionary to take more care during that time.

broken life line

A break in a line depicts change because the proper flow of the energy is interrupted, leaving a space that may necessitate a decision for transformation or a breather in life. If the line continues after the break, it shows the continuation of the usual flow.

If there is no clear line after the break, look for a bridge line (often very faint) that connects to the fate line. In many cases, the fate line acts as a life line to support a change in a new direction.

Also, see if there are sister lines on one or both sides of the line; these lines support an otherwise uncertain period. A line on the inside of the life line would show family support, and on the outside from a non-related source. If the break overlaps another part of the line, it often indicates a planned change.


When the life line is broken, and there are markings on the major lines, study all other marks in the hands to compare the major lines simultaneously. Also, check the appearance of the line, which immediately follows the mark. If the line is clear, then the problem is temporary. If the other lines show similar indications, taking preventative action should see these marks disappear when situations improve.

Almost all horizontal markings on the life line, such as crossbars, stars, and slashes, are negative interference or obstacles of some kind. A hand with many of these lines belongs to someone with nervous energy. They are sensitive to everything around them. They worry a lot and possibly tend to look for problems where there may not be any. (If you are one of these sensitive types, it is important to stay or get grounded, see here for article

An island on the life line

The island is a divided line and slows down the normal flow of energy. Imagine if a river is moving in one direction in a steady stream when suddenly there is a fork that parts the waters in two directions. The quantity of water has not increased, so the two new courses have half the original amount of water flowing. If you use the river scenario in a life situation, the individual may have diverted (temporarily) in the usual path, which can sometimes decrease vitality.

If the island has been present for a long time, with no apparent problems, it can describe a period when resistance is low. In some circumstances, it shows a troubled or unstable time or even a predisposition to a disease such as depression or alcoholism. Sometimes it is there when a person has PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), when the subject has anxiety or flashbacks triggered by a traumatic event.

If other indicators tell of a difficult time (many crosses, hatches or blurry lines), the island on the life line shows that health has been affected by those problems. As you can understand, the island can have many connotations. Without thorough examination and confirmation from its bearer, it is impossible to have one meaning for the marking with certainty. The good news is that the island forms back into one line, indicating a return to normality.

Look for clues from the other lines, such as islands on the head line, fate line or heart line to tell what area might be affected. The heart line would indicate an emotional issue. The head line shows a mentality like stress, trauma or worry. The fate line depicts the career or finances.


A dot, spot or tiny indentation shows a period of trauma or stress. Depending on where it appears gives clues to how it affects the health, emotions or mental state. These marks are rare and usually temporary, especially if it is reddish. If the dot is dark, such as grey, brown or black, it is more likely to be a permanent marking indicating a more profound experience or incident.

The following meanings refer to a mark that is directly on the life line and not made up by other lines:

SMALL STAR – Accident or shock.
A LITTLE CROSS – Period of hardship.
TINY SQUARE – Overcoming a threat to life.
SMALL TRIANGLE – Intelligent behaviour, diplomacy.
A GRID PATCH – Illness, stress or depression.
CHAINED PART OF THE LINE – Illness, stress, nervousness.
SMALL CROSS BARS – Periods of setbacks, obstacles or depression.


Lines that appear like small branches rising from the life line are achievement lines. They indicate positive events such as marriage, completing an education or study, promotion in a job or improved financial status. The person has an active nature and is a go-getter. A rising line from the first quarter length of the life line to the mount of Jupiter is a line of ambition.


Short fine lines which droop downward off the inside of the life line usually indicate adverse incidents, such as a loss, divorce or other upsetting circumstances. If they appear at the end of the life line as tasselled or feathered lines, it is a sign of weariness and a warning not to overdo things.

A hand with very few lines and markings belong to those who rarely fuss and are not generally emotional. A broad and unblemished line describes an unobstructed life path. It is someone who rarely diverts from or allows anything or anyone to change them or to distract their journey.

So, the markings, no matter what they look like, indicate interruptions to the life. Starting a new life at any age can interrupt a career, hobbies, friends, family and even the general outlook on life. These changes, in turn, can mark the palm of your hand, especially on the life line.

copyright Sari A Puhakka – excerpt from Destiny Palmistry All the Lines.
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