Some People Believe in Palmistry and Tarot While Others Don’t

seven of cups card

Why Do Some People Believe in Palmistry and Tarot While Others Don’t Belief in palmistry and tarot often hinges on personal experience, cultural background, and individual openness to the mystical. Let me know if you believe in palmistry or tarot or not. You can comment and let me know how you feel about the subject. … Read more

Marks on the Life Line, Drooping and Rising Lines

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Marks on the life line, like dots, crosses, stars, slashes. What do they mean? Not everyone has smooth, clean lines on their palm. You might even find some marks on the life line and wonder if they mean anything? When someone mentions a palm reading, the first line a person typically looks at on the … Read more

Love Life Signs in Palmistry Explained

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Love Life Signs in Palmistry

You might be wondering what some love life signs in palmistry are? For example, how to see a person’s love style. Are they passionate or unfeeling? Do they have the energy for love, or are they sexually timid? These are questions that you might have when first entering a relationship.

The shape of the hand is the first place that we look for clues. The skin also comes into play when thinking about sensitivity and physical pleasures. The length of the fingers helps explain their love style. From the lines on the palm, we look mainly at the heart and head line.

Love life signs from a narrow shaped hand

A slim hand that appears long shows someone who might fall in love too quickly. If the hands feel soft and kind of damp with many fine lines all over the palm, it shows someone sensitive, intuitive and dreamy. Individuals with a slender and long palm are primarily introverted, preferring peace and moving at a slower pace in life. Don’t expect this sensitive soul to watch erotica with you! Because of their connection to emotions, it is easy to hurt their feelings. They can also pick up other people’s moods without even realising it.

Large palm with short fingers

Roundish or conic shaped hands (large palm short fingers) tend to be naturally romantic and impulsive. This shape is a fire type hand, and because of their energy and enthusiasm, they will usually try anything at least once. They are mostly the extroverted type with a personality that is charismatic, impulsive, adventurous, fun-loving and intense, physically and mentally. It is the fire types that are most likely to stray.

Square looking hands are the practical types. This shape shows someone down to earth, dependable and straightforward. If you are thinking about anything more than vanilla, you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Another thing is that they might get stuck in a routine that’s difficult to change. This earth shaped hand depicts a more private person. If you’re looking for loyalty, you’ve found it.

The character from the type of skin

  1. If the hands are soft, they seek pleasure.
  2. Very thin skin shows a lack of passion.
  3. Thick skin (if not coarse in texture) shows warmth and sensuality.
  4. Coarse skin is less sensitive to the feelings of others and tends towards physical pleasure.

Love Life Signs in Palmistry From the Heart Line

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  1. A curved heart line shows warmth and passion.
  2. A straight and short heart line is someone who loves their freedom. There is more physical attraction than emotional.
  3. A long heart line to Jupiter mount can be picky. They are the idealist.
  4. The line which reaches all the way to the index finger depicts the big-hearted individual. They are happiest when everyone around them is happy. They will express themselves clearly and you will know what they want from you.
  5. A Simian line can be very passionate or the opposite, very cold, depending on other factors. They might fluctuate from one to the other.

Signs from the head line

four types of head line on the palm
  1. A straight head line belongs to the more serious-minded type.
  2. A slightly curved head line depicts a flexible nature; they like to please others.
  3. A deeply downward curving line is a sign of a deep thinker, but it can also be moody and overly emotional.
  4. If the head line is barely visible, broken or wavy, the person might be passionate but also opinionated and unstable mentally.

The fingers

The shape of the fingers can give us clues to a person’s sensuality. The thicker the fingers, the more energy there is for life (unless very soft and floppy). The base phalanges and the ball of the thumb are where we look for the amount of sex drive. If the ring and little finger base phalanges are incredibly thick and bulbous, together with a high mount of Venus, it is a sign of a seducer with a high libido.

Long fingers tend to show someone who takes their time in getting to know someone before they jump into bed with them. The shorter fingers show impatience and belong to someone who wants to get things done quickly and now.

Little Finger length

When the little finger is sitting very low on the edge of the palm, it suggests under-development of the traits that the mount beneath it represent, for instance, confidence and communication. These people might be more private and emotional needs in relationships may be an issue.

The long pinkie can show a talent for creativity and communication, which can help in the area of intimacy. A small pinkie then shows the opposite, which is someone who is shy and quiet in their love style. The very small looking pinkie shows difficulty connecting, verbalising and naivety in emotional or sexual matters. If with a small thumb, they may also inadvertently seek a dominant marriage partner. 

Want to learn more about palmistry? Check out the book below.

Learn to read hands.

Destiny Palmistry ‘All The Lines’ available here.

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The Love Life In the Palms and Lines

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The Love Life in the Palms Through 6 Areas Using Palmistry. Finding the love life in the palms is easy if you know the indications. You might think that palmistry is all about looking at the lines on the palm. However, there is much more to it than that. The shape of the hand and … Read more

Relationship Lines in Palm Reading

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Relationships lines (also known as marriage lines) The relationship lines (also called marriage, union, affection or attachment) can help us learn about potential marriages. In this short article, you will learn how to read these lines, and I will also explain the timeline widely used to estimate the approximate timing of a union. Where is … Read more

Faithful Personality Signs in Hand Analysis

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What are the palmistry signs of loyalty and a faithful personality?

It’s fair to say that anyone can have a faithful personality, but naturally, someone more likely than others will have the right core personality. You might wonder if there is such a thing as loyalty to one person’s sign on the palm.

In palmistry (hand analysis), we don’t just look at the lines for potential future outcomes; we look to the character to learn about our inherent capability.

A realistic and practical person is the most believable character in someone faithful in relationships. These qualities in hand analysis are mainly found in someone with a square palm or overall square-looking hand.

These typical signs of loyalty or faithfulness in palmistry depict a dedicated and organised worker, so while they may be loyal and devoted, they may not always be so romantic.

short fingers
  • The fingers will be straight and relatively stiff with some square or spatulate, not clubbed fingertips.
  • They should be set close at the base, with little or no gaps between them, especially the Ring and middle fingers, showing they appreciate the security and like to hold on to things.
  • With a faithful or loyal personality, the thumb should be long, with a square tip and nail. A short thumb will show a more quiet nature.
  • The fingernails, in general, will be broad and of average length.
  • The fingerprint pattern on the middle finger may well be a whorl, a sign of responsibility.
  • A faithful personality has a skin texture of average to coarse, not overly soft or coarse.
  • The ball of the thumb will be springy and well-rounded but not overdeveloped.
  • The lines will be few but clear and of average depth.
  • The heart line will have very few branches and end on or under the mount of Jupiter.


Shouldn’t we all know that Venus represents the God of Love? The Venus mount, on the hand, has a lot to do with our character regarding love and passion. The Venus mount is the ball of the thumb, and depending on its development, it has a variety of meanings. However, a high mount of Venus in a woman’s hand does not tend to the extravagance as a Mount of the same strength would in a man’s hand.

On a man, the large ball of thumb tends to show a high libido, depending on other characteristics. The good Venusian type is healthy and happy and often enjoys music and the outdoors. If the mount is full and smooth, as usually found on a woman, there is a strong love of flowers, dancing, paintings, colour and so on, not necessarily for sexual passion.

However, the opposite applies to coarse skin texture and a stiff thumb. In a dangerous type, the hand is thick, especially the base of the hand and the short base of the fingers. When the mount is red and hard, it shows that the person is heated in his passions, and he indulges in his desires to a far greater extent than in the case of a woman with the same degree of development.

The base phalange of the ring finger looks bulgy if there is a high libido. Sometimes the pinkie base phalange is bulgy too.


Knowing about a person’s character helps to form and keep better relationships. One of the biggest problems with lovers is that their loving style does not match, and it causes rifts in the union.

Couples start okay, and then all of a sudden, someone is looking for love elsewhere. So it is back to square one; how frustrating. However, if you were to understand the essential characteristics of the person before things get overly serious, would you want to know?

What can you learn from palmistry?

Many areas of the hands and fingers reveal the kind of lover you are.

The lines, the shape of your fingers, the shape of the palm, and even the skin texture say a lot about you.

People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, but we are all unique, and our hands show it.

The basic shape of the hand is especially an important part of reading the palms because it helps us to determine the person’s first and most fundamental character and what’s relatively important for most people in relationships. Their sex life, of course.

The fingers are a tremendous part of palmistry because they can show how we express ourselves and how we have developed in the past.

We all have distinctive looks; the same goes for our psychological makeup, which is why reading hands can become very involved and complicated. It is this individual disposition that reflects in our hands from birth.

New Video lessons:

In my new video lessons on character awareness,  you will learn about these important traits visible on the hands:

  • Aggressiveness – What indicators depict this nature from one finger alone?
  • Romantic – Several markings tell a romantic.
  • Sensitive – One very particular sign shows how sensitive the person is.
  • Cold nature – You will not believe how easy this one is to pick.
  • Passionate – Many features of the hand show passion in life.
  • High libido – Same again, too easy but complicated at the same time
  • Low libido – Apparently, the contrary indicator from the above.
  • Ambitious – Would you believe ambition counts in love?
  • Flirty – There is more than one sign for this one.

Subscribe to the lessons today while it is still available at this special price. CLICK HERE FOR INFO.

Life and Destiny Palmistry is now also available in hardcover. See the link below:

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