Scientific Palmistry in Practice and Evolution

Influence of palmistry on modern psychology

The Evolution of Scientific Palmistry The history of chiromancy, or palmistry, dates back centuries and has evolved significantly over time. Scientific palmistry has emerged as a modern interpretation of this ancient practice, combining traditional beliefs with scientific principles. Through the evolution of scientific palmistry, practitioners have sought to bridge the gap between mysticism and empirical … Read more

Hosting a Palmistry Party with Your Friends – Easy Five Steps

hosting a palmistry party

Palm Reading For Fun and Hosting a Palmistry Party Have you wanted to entertain your guests or friends by reading their palms? You can show off your skills of knowledge about their personalities visible from their hands. Palm reading is a fun and easy way to learn more about the people you know! Hosting a … Read more

Marriage on the Palm – Relationship lines

marriage on the palm, marriage lines, relationship line on palm, union lines palmistry, line of affection


To find marriage on the palm, look on the very edge of the palm under the pinkie. The marriage lines have many other names. They are commonly referred to as relationship lines, affection lines, union lines, lines of commitment or lines of attachment. This article explains how to read the line using conventional methods.

Traditionally, these lines predicted the number of times a person would marry or have a serious relationship. However, modern-day palm readers know that the lines are unreliable for predicting the number of marriages or unions. The lines are not dependable because specific individuals’ hands will reveal every line of every fleeting affair. Some others might only show one line, yet they have married more than once. Very rarely is the line missing altogether.

What is the meaning of the marriage line?

The usual meaning of it is that a distinct horizontal line shows long-term affection (not necessarily marriage). The fine and shorter ones are insignificant or less notable unions. If you have one clear marriage line, it shows that when you are in a union, you stay loyal to the one person during the relationship. If the marriage line has marks and flaws, it is said to depict a problematic union.

The term ‘lines of affection’ are probably more appropriate nowadays, especially in Western culture, where marriage is not as valued. People tend to go for de-facto relationships rather than officially getting married.

What are the chances of getting married if you have a marriage line?

In the United States, today’s growing singles population is over 60% who have never been married. Those people are 99.9% likely to have at least one marriage line on their palms. The chances of marriage, even if you have a marriage line, the chances of marriage are only 40%.

Can you see arranged marriage on the palm?

You might be surprised that the percentage of marriages that are arranged worldwide is 53.2% The percentage of arranged marriages in India is 90%. It seems that the term marriage line in India is more relevant, and worldwide it still stands correct at least 50% of the time.

It’s not really possible to tell from the line if the marriage will be arranged. However, in general, if there is a short and thin line on the left hand, it can suggest an arranged marriage or one of convenience (such as for financial gain). It can also signify that the partner is dominant in the relationship. If there are many short lines, it shows brief affairs.

It is wise to use other indicators on the hand, such as influence lines to the fate line (see image below). Also, parallel lines on the life line can suggest support in life from a partner. See about influence lines here.

types of marriage lines, relationship lines


Light and short mainly depicts a casual or short-term relationship. However, this line can still denote a significant soul mate or even long-term marriage. I have seen short lines where there was a long-standing marriage on the palm, in most of them, the partner was more dominant.

The line length shows how long the affection lasts, not how long the relationship lasts. Therefore, a long and well-etched line shows deep and lasting affection. However, if the line is excessively long and it crosses over the mount of Mercury and Apollo, it’s no longer a sign of marriage. It tells more about the subject’s sensitive nature, much like having a second heart line or a long Girdle of Venus.


If a person only has one relationship line, it does not automatically mean they have one life partner, but ideally, that is how they would prefer it. The single line represents more of the person’s attitude, that being loyal and committed to one person at a time. If long and thick, it shows searching for the ‘right’ partner, a soul mate. The long thick line represents a soul connection with one life companion in various examples. If they happen to marry again, they will want to keep that same outlook with the new partner.

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With two lines, it makes sense that a person will commit to a relationship more than once, most people have more than one soul mate. Look to the heart line for breaks or branches that droop towards the head line. The breaks on the heart line show restriction in the ability to feel; the emotional renewal is when the line continues.

If the two lines are parallel (like directly under it) the union might be purely for show, like business partners or a couple who stay together because of children. Often the marriage ends after the children have grown up. In some cases, it represents another relationship directly after the split.


Not all relationship lines are free of flaws, but the clearer and straighter the line, the fewer problems there will be within the union. However, don’t be disheartened if you do see a flawed line here because almost all relationships have their ups and downs. Also, don’t forget these lines can and do change over time.

On some occasions where this line appears blurry or scarred, it can represent problems with fertility or surgery around the productive system. Look for verification from the rascettes on the wrist; these lines are likely to be also marked. Like other stress signs on the hands, resolved problems will have the lines return to normal.

meaning of marks on the relationship line


A forked formation at the start of the marriage line shows a problematic beginning to the union. However, it can also be a sign of soul mates coming together. As an example of a difficult start to a union, a person might be unable to marry someone because they live in different countries, or have different religions.

At the end of the line, it shows the potential of the relationship ending awkwardly. The fork can also suggest the relationship is not steady. The lower branch depicts unsatisfying times and the top branch shows good times. Therefore, if predicting the state of the union, it can go either way, up or down.


When will I get married? Probably the second most popular question I have been asked and perhaps one of the hardest to answer. Whether only one line is present or more, the timing needs to be verified from the influence lines, if there are any present. Unfortunately, though, not all hands will have these lines for confirmation, especially if the skin is coarse and sparsely lined. Finding validation from parallel lines along the life line is another option, using the timing to estimate the age.

As a general guide, if the line falls below the middle section of the mount, the union is expected to be at a younger age. The higher the line on the mount, the later the marriage is likely to occur.

timing marriage lines, union lines

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Love Life Signs in Palmistry Explained

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Love Life Signs in Palmistry

You might be wondering what some love life signs in palmistry are? For example, how to see a person’s love style. Are they passionate or unfeeling? Do they have the energy for love, or are they sexually timid? These are questions that you might have when first entering a relationship.

The shape of the hand is the first place that we look for clues. The skin also comes into play when thinking about sensitivity and physical pleasures. The length of the fingers helps explain their love style. From the lines on the palm, we look mainly at the heart and head line.

Love life signs from a narrow shaped hand

A slim hand that appears long shows someone who might fall in love too quickly. If the hands feel soft and kind of damp with many fine lines all over the palm, it shows someone sensitive, intuitive and dreamy. Individuals with a slender and long palm are primarily introverted, preferring peace and moving at a slower pace in life. Don’t expect this sensitive soul to watch erotica with you! Because of their connection to emotions, it is easy to hurt their feelings. They can also pick up other people’s moods without even realising it.

Large palm with short fingers

Roundish or conic shaped hands (large palm short fingers) tend to be naturally romantic and impulsive. This shape is a fire type hand, and because of their energy and enthusiasm, they will usually try anything at least once. They are mostly the extroverted type with a personality that is charismatic, impulsive, adventurous, fun-loving and intense, physically and mentally. It is the fire types that are most likely to stray.

Square looking hands are the practical types. This shape shows someone down to earth, dependable and straightforward. If you are thinking about anything more than vanilla, you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Another thing is that they might get stuck in a routine that’s difficult to change. This earth shaped hand depicts a more private person. If you’re looking for loyalty, you’ve found it.

The character from the type of skin

  1. If the hands are soft, they seek pleasure.
  2. Very thin skin shows a lack of passion.
  3. Thick skin (if not coarse in texture) shows warmth and sensuality.
  4. Coarse skin is less sensitive to the feelings of others and tends towards physical pleasure.

Love Life Signs in Palmistry From the Heart Line

type of heart line, heart line types, passionate heart line, emotional line, palm love lines, heart line
  1. A curved heart line shows warmth and passion.
  2. A straight and short heart line is someone who loves their freedom. There is more physical attraction than emotional.
  3. A long heart line to Jupiter mount can be picky. They are the idealist.
  4. The line which reaches all the way to the index finger depicts the big-hearted individual. They are happiest when everyone around them is happy. They will express themselves clearly and you will know what they want from you.
  5. A Simian line can be very passionate or the opposite, very cold, depending on other factors. They might fluctuate from one to the other.

Signs from the head line

four types of head line on the palm
  1. A straight head line belongs to the more serious-minded type.
  2. A slightly curved head line depicts a flexible nature; they like to please others.
  3. A deeply downward curving line is a sign of a deep thinker, but it can also be moody and overly emotional.
  4. If the head line is barely visible, broken or wavy, the person might be passionate but also opinionated and unstable mentally.

The fingers

The shape of the fingers can give us clues to a person’s sensuality. The thicker the fingers, the more energy there is for life (unless very soft and floppy). The base phalanges and the ball of the thumb are where we look for the amount of sex drive. If the ring and little finger base phalanges are incredibly thick and bulbous, together with a high mount of Venus, it is a sign of a seducer with a high libido.

Long fingers tend to show someone who takes their time in getting to know someone before they jump into bed with them. The shorter fingers show impatience and belong to someone who wants to get things done quickly and now.

Little Finger length

When the little finger is sitting very low on the edge of the palm, it suggests under-development of the traits that the mount beneath it represent, for instance, confidence and communication. These people might be more private and emotional needs in relationships may be an issue.

The long pinkie can show a talent for creativity and communication, which can help in the area of intimacy. A small pinkie then shows the opposite, which is someone who is shy and quiet in their love style. The very small looking pinkie shows difficulty connecting, verbalising and naivety in emotional or sexual matters. If with a small thumb, they may also inadvertently seek a dominant marriage partner. 

Want to learn more about palmistry? Check out the book below.

Learn to read hands.

Destiny Palmistry ‘All The Lines’ available here.

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Does a Long Head Line Show Intelligence?

long head line

What is a long head line? 

The head line is one of the major palmar creases that represents the mind. In scientific terms, it is called the ‘proximal transverse crease’. This crease usually commences from the space in between the Index finger and thumb and runs horizontally at least halfway across the palm. If the line runs well more than halfway over, it is classified as being long.

When the line runs almost all the way across the palm it is very long. If it crosses completely, it is a Sydney line, or Simian line if there’s no heart line. Initially, the Sydney line, as people understood, was just a rather long head line. Researchers discovered a link between the Sydney line and the Simian crease with various medical and psychological issues, including Down’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, leukemia, and developmental psychological issues.

very long head line

What is the meaning of the head line?

This line is one of the most significant on the palm because it reveals a great deal about the essence of you. It gives clues as to how you think and manage (mentally). It can show whether you are struggling or sailing along smoothly and how you make decisions. If you are looking for honesty, stability, intelligence, imagination and rationality, the head line is where you can find some of those answers. It is also possible to see signs of physical injury to the head.


A long line displays someone with a broader range of analytical interests, a person who seems to have more intelligence, however, this is unfitting. The theory may have come about because of the attribute of attention to detail and the no-nonsense approach to life that they have.

The very long head line shows a deep, sophisticated thinker, they tend to consider more evidence before making decisions and are more philosophical than those with a short one. If this line runs entirely across the palm, it’s called a Sydney line and gives obsessive qualities. Johnny Fincham describes the Sydney line as someone cut off from their inner feelings. They have a hard edge over their personality.

If the long head line curves towards the base of the palm, it gives a more empathic nature. I have seen this type of line on a doctors hand.

Albert Einsteins long head line

Albert Einstein had an extended head line that was NOT connected to the life line. The disconnected lines show an independent thinker. Albert Einstein, according to researchers, had Asperger’s Syndrome, a higher-functioning type of autism that is characterised by “eccentric” behaviour rather than apparent impairment. People with Asperger syndrome are often labelled as eccentrics. They can lack social skills, be fascinated with complex subjects, and have communication difficulties (especially in children). However, this type of line on its own is not a sign of Asperger’s.

The general character of a person with a long head line is someone with:
  • A wide range of interests
  • Fond of research
  • Can absorb a lot of information
  • Have many hobbies
  • Sees the future outcome or long term results in a project
  • Can be cut off from their feelings (if straight)
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Example difference between a long and a short line

Someone with an extended head line and long fingers depicts patience. A person who has a short head line and shorter fingers tend to have less patience mentally. For example, if I ask the, ‘what did you learn from your field trip today?’ The short line response would be, ‘We learned how to ski and all stuff’. The answer is simple and straight to the point.

The person with the long line would reply something like; “the bus trip was extremely long and bumpy, I was already tired before we reached our destination. I had never seen such beautiful surroundings, though I enjoyed every minute of the experience. The best part of the trip was that we were taught how to ski downhill without crashing. Even though I crashed a couple of times, it taught me what not to do. We also learned about how to look after your skis and ski boots, it was fascinating.”

The person with the short head line doesn’t want to bother with tiny details and prefers to get to the point quickly. This type might also have shorter fingers showing some impatience.

What if the line is broken?

Sometimes the head line has a break halfway, so it looks like a short head line, but it continues after the break. If the line is broken, it can be a sign of someone who loses their ‘train of thought’. The continuing of the line is interrupted and so can cause a person to change their mind or have moments of confusion.

broken line of head, marks on the head line


A short line is when it only reaches beneath the Saturn finger. It shows one who has more concerns about practical and routine matters preferring to concentrate on what is going on now without fussing over details; getting straight to the point. They do not like to waste time and so quickly apply what they know through common sense and just do the job.



Broken Life Line Meaning in Palm Reading

broken life line

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, has been used for centuries to help people understand their lives. By studying the lines on the hands, like the broken life line, a palm reader can interpret traits and maybe even predict the future. By understanding what your hands say about you, you can gain clarity … Read more

Bent Middle Finger Meaning in Palmistry

bent middle finger

Bent Middle Finger Do you have a bent middle finger? Ideally, the middle finger (also named the Saturn finger) is straight. The middle finger from a palmistry perspective represents discipline and responsibility. It also stands for boundaries; the balancing force of the psyche aiding rational thought. It shows how much a person leans towards obligation … Read more