Palmistry Related Sites and Shared Links

We are interested in any site catering to psychics, healers, card readers, and more. Palmistry-related sites and subject categories, like anything metaphysical, can share links with us. The websites we feature on this page have links to this site.

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A screenshot or image from my website with a link is also an option. For example, – Palmistry blog, books and services to help you discover more about yourself. Or something like this – The best palmistry blog:

If you prefer an article with a link to your website, please forward a copy of the article to me for approval. A full-page article must contain a minimum of 900 words. The one-time fee is $70.00, which covers editing (if needed) and proofreading. Link sharing has no fees. Contact me to learn more about sharing links or for more information: CLICK HERE TO SEND E-MAIL.

Our favourite palmistry-related sites are below:

Martijn has a forum with everything hand-related:

All about hand research, see this:

palmistry related sites

Lynn does more than just hand analysis:

palmistry related sites

Patti Lightflower’s I read hands:

Neil Ormsby’s Horoscopes: Free Daily Horoscopes – Astrology Zodiac Signs – Tarot

Your online daily Stars and Tarot by Neil Ormsby. Sun and Moon signs and the position of planets in the Zodiac signs.


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Palmistry Lessons

Palm reading lessons are for beginners through to more advanced learners. My videos are easy to follow, with many example readings. I have over a hundred lessons so far for you to learn from. You can start by learning about the shape of the hand and fingers right through to detailed line reading. I often take requests if there is something palmistry-related that you want to know. Youtube channel:

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