Signs of a Cynic or Pessimist in Hand Analysis

You may have heard of the term “Negative Nancy” or the slightly harsher “Debbie Downer”, meaning someone who is excessively pessimistic. You might not know that there may be signs of a cynic or pessimist in the hands and palm lines. Many people disregard palmistry due to its reputation among fortune-tellers. However, modern hand readers … Read more

Signs of Mental Disturbance on the Palms

signs of mental disturbance, mental disability in palms, fuzzy lines, lines on retarded child,

It is possible to see signs of mental disturbance from the palm lines. Although some peoples hands do not show many lines, hence it can be tricky.

Some time ago, I had a client ask me about her brother, who had a mental condition. She sent me photos because she thought his hands were perfectly normal and that she couldn’t see how you can recognise these types of things from the palm lines.

She thought his hands were regular because he had a heart line, head line and a life line. But these signs of mental disturbance are not easy to spot. Most of the time, one sign alone cannot suggest there is any concern. However, two of the main lines which can point to problems with the mentality is the head and the heart lines.

signs of violent temper, normal head line, palm lines image by destiny palmistry
Normal head, heart and life line

(This article is an excerpt from the book Life and Destiny Palmistry and All the Lines).

The Heart Line

The heart line is the uppermost horizontal line on the palm; it represents how a person expresses their feelings and their attitudes towards relationships. The basics of reading this line are the same as the head and life lines; that is by looking at length, depth, and quality. The deepness of the line displays the depth of feeling. So, a curved line indicates emotion, while a straight line shows control.

A healthy heart line which is broad and relatively free of flaws, reveals a well-adjusted person in their emotions, and they would have profound and intense passions. Most heart lines are not flawless and regularly exhibit branches and markings. I imagine if there were a perfect one, it would show that the emotional experiences of the person’s life would not affect them much, possibly having an insensitive and unsympathetic nature.

The main signs of someone who is mentally ill from the palm lines:

The main signs of mental disturbance are when the lines of life, head and heart are very chained and fuzzy. Normal lines are smooth and free of flaws, not wide and blurry. It is normal to have some marks on these lines, obviously, the perfect line is very rare. (See the example photo below) the fuzzy line is throughout the whole head line and quite severe on the life line.

fuzzy heart line, fuzzy life line in palmistry, palm reading by Sari Puhakka, expert palm reader, destiny palmistry

The Head Line

The head line commences from the space in between the Index finger and thumb and usually runs horizontally at least halfway across the palm. The usual shape of the head line is slightly curved and free from islands, marks and variations. This line is one of the most significant on the palm because it reveals a great deal about the essence of you. It gives clues as to how you think and manage (mentally).

If the head line is too long and dips down, reaching the ulnar edge, it can be a sign of mental disturbance. You do need to compare this line to the rest of the hand because it can also depict intuitive ability. However, if it is long, dips downward and fuzzy, then the mind might not understand these intuitive thoughts. They are at risk of living in a dream world. The reason is that the fuzzy head line depicts a nervous, shy, and delicate mind. The owner might get confused easily and struggle to concentrate.

The start of the head and life line is important.

The start of the head line reveals the early years of life. If there is a split, like a fork and it floats above the life line, that’s an unusual feature which might suggest something not quite right in the mind. It is normal to have a chained appearance at the onset, however it should only be about the length of a couple of centimetres. If the life line also shows similar signs, like it is heavily chained, it can confirm there are problems. For these lines to suggest mental disturbance or disability, the fuzzy or blurred line continues for a longer length of the line.

When the heart line is showing signs of mental disturbance, it can be fully chained in appearance. It will appear to be covered in fine branches all over it like a twisted barbed wire fence. This chained line is also a sign of nervousness and emotional instability. Meditation is good for calming emotions.

The fingers and mental disability in palmistry

curved fingers, image by destiny palmistry

Sometimes the fingers too can reveal a mental disability. They might appear to be curved or held in an unusual way. The person might not be able to straighten the fingers, or that they have a natural curve which looks unnatural. Normal fingers are usually straight.

Other things to look for are puffy fingertips, a very low mount of Pluto, a girdle of Venus, the ring of Saturn and generally a strangely shaped hand.

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Health and Longevity From the Rascettes

health and longevity from the rascettes, rascette, bracelet lines, life span palmistry

Health and Longevity From the Rascettes (Wrist Lines) Is it possible to see health and longevity from the rascettes? The Rascettes are lines on the wrist (also called bracelets). They are lines below the base of the palm on the wrist. There can be just one or more, usually up to five. Modern palm readers … Read more

Via Lascivia, Addiction or Escape Line on the Palm

via lascivia, via lascivia, allergy line, addiction line, allergy line meaning, poison line

The Via Lascivia, (addiction line, escape line, poison bar) or whatever you want to call it, can appear differently depending on what type of hand it is on. Generally, it is a line near or even parallel to the Line of Health. It can originate from the life line, or Mount of Moon. Also between … Read more

Marks on the Life Line, Drooping and Rising Lines

marks on the life line, dot on life line, island on life line, cross on life line, drooping line on life line, branch line

Marks on the life line, like dots, crosses, stars, slashes. What do they mean? Not everyone has smooth, clean lines on their palm. You might even find some marks on the life line and wonder if they mean anything? When someone mentions a palm reading, the first line a person typically looks at on the … Read more

Poison Line (Poison Bar) Meaning on the Palm

poison line

Poison line (also known as the allergy line)

The poison line or poison bar (also called allergy line or Via Lascivia) is sometimes challenging to recognise because it doesn’t look the same on every hand. A long and slim hand with many lines are the ones most likely to have this line. Although it can be on any hand, the nervous type is most common.

Where there is a poison line present on the palm, it doesn’t mean there is poison in the body. But what it can denote is sensitivity towards food, drugs or both. The person could be sensitive to airborne pollutants, smoking, and alcohol. This line also appears redder when an allergy or infection is present in the system.

Strangely enough, however, those with this line often seem to have a subconscious awareness of their sensitivity, leading them to leave behind drugs and chemicals entirely. Naturopaths and healers are among many who possess this line. Beryl Hutchinson says that it shows a strong awareness of affinity with nature. It might even suggest healing and self-healing abilities.

Some subjects who have this line do not fall into the ‘allergy’ category. If this is you, it is possible the line is a ‘blockage’ line to the Mount of Moon and what it represents. It might be reducing certain qualities such as creativity, imagination, nurturing etc. If the line sits a little higher on the mount, it might be what’s called the intensity line. (Read about it below)

Length and depth of the poison line

The length and depth of the line give slightly different meanings. If the line is long and stands out, there is sensitivity to drugs, chemicals and or foods. A finely broken and islanded line shows food cravings, and sometimes it is evidence of diabetes. If it reaches all the way through the life line and to the mount of Venus, the effect is more profound. In the case of the latter, it will be regarded as the ‘escape line’ or what some people call the addiction line. The addiction line can also vary in its length. It might also sit just above the wrist lines, or a little higher.

allergy line, poison line, intensity line, palmistry lines

The intensity line

The intensity line can be a little tricky to spot because it can look similar. In most cases, the intensity line is a clean straight line (unlike a crease that is made by the allergy line) and originates from the life or fate line, horizontally towards the outer edge of the palm. The person with this line has an urge to seek drama or thrills. It is one of the signs of hyperactivity or ADHD.

The intensity line is a variation of the allergy line. It is typically on an intuitive hand, someone with many lines on the palm. These people tend to feel a heightened sense of energy about them. They might crave the excitement of activities like bungee jumping, (or on the other end of the scale, drugs). So, you could say that this line, whether an allergy line, poison line or intensity line shows significance for two types of people, the hyperactive and the potential drug addict.

poison line, intensity line, addiction line, escape line

Allergy line on your child’s’ palm

Children with the poison line tend to be candidates for hyperactivity and have reactions to sweets or food additives. As a parent, if you see this line on your child’s hand, you should take care of their diet and observe for any changes in their behaviour that might relate to the changes in the meals. If there are several star patterns among the lines, it can be a sign that the diet is impacting the child’s life.

Read more about health warnings from the hands

See how fingernails can show health problems

Palm Warts the Meaning in Hand Analysis

palm warts

What are palm warts?

Palm warts are small rough, grainy skin growths often found on the hands. They might also have tiny black dots (formed by clotted blood vessels). Common warts are noncancerous and usually caused by a viral infection of the skin. The cause is a virus called human papillomavirus. There are many variations of the virus. The one that causes warts on the hands differs from those in other body parts.

Some people think palm warts are malignant, but they are harmless. Most warts go away without any treatment. The cause might be that the immune system is weak for various reasons. However, in palmistry, many see these warts as something other than a skin infection.

See your doctor about warts on the palm if:

  • They are painful or change in appearance.
  • You’ve tried to treat them, and they continue or spread.
  • They interfere with activities.
  • You aren’t sure if they’re common warts.

Palm Warts in hand analysis

In hand analysis, warts show anxiety and self-criticism. Warts can appear on the palms due to long-term stress and emotional and mental overload; things might be out of control for the person. Like a bubble, a small white or pale spot has the same connotation as a wart on the palm.

  • On or near a union line (marriage line) under the pinkie on the side:  Problems within the relationship or with the sex organs.
  • On the Mercury mount (padded area under the pinkie): Communication or business issues.
  • Apollo mount or line (padded area under the ring finger): Reputation harm or stress within a social circle.
  • Saturn mount or line (padded area under the middle finger): Work, responsibility, legal or father/grandfather problem.
  • Jupiter mount (padded area under the index finger): Self-esteem or block in ambitions.
  • Venus mount (the ball of thumb): Worry over other people or actual physical disease.
  • Mount of Moon (lower padded area opposite the thumb): Long-term stress over emotional matters or mother/grandmother.
  • Tip of the thumb: Unable to make things happen.
  • Tip of the index finger: Lack of confidence.
  • On the middle fingertip: Worry over security, safety or money.
  • Ring fingertip: Relationships, social or creative block.
  • Tip of the pinkie: Business or sexual communication block.
  • The middle of the palm: Long-term personality issues such as bad temper, impatience, or lack of drive.

Other things to look for about the health from the hands

It’s always good to check for other signs on the hands in case of health concerns. Fingernails can give clues to some of these problems. When looking for clues to the health of the nails, we apply the same principles as for the hands: finding something unusual.

A nail usually takes six months to grow from the root to the tip, so some markings can be timed based on where it is on the nail. For example, a horizontal ridge halfway along the nail would suggest a change around three months ago. A typical healthy nail is pliable; it has a smooth texture; an average thickness, and the colour of the nail is typically light pink. The moons should be milky white and usually only visible on the thumb. See about the fingernails here.

A delicate textured hand should have matching smooth-looking nails. The healthy balance is out of proportion if the nails are coarse on a soft hand. The coarse nail is usually short, dry and dense, more commonly seen on a big hand with rough skin.

The red nailbed mainly points to someone with intense passion or extra strength. Very red nails can be due to high blood pressure, bad temper or cardiovascular disease. Look at the colour of the palms to see if they are red. If so, the subject may be doing everything in excess, mentally or physically.

Colour of the palms

We check the colour of the hands, looking for clues to the individual’s health. The colour is what shows the circulation of the blood or lack of it. The blood runs through the veins and arteries; it absorbs and carries away impurities, renewing and maintaining life.

The pink palm has a healthy amount of blood flowing and is a health mark. This colour depicts a vibrant, happy person, not pressured by too much blood or weakened by too little. These people can appreciate love and tenderness. They are optimistic, enjoy life and are social with people around them. It is the colour that balances the negative aspects of the hand.

PALE (WHITE) HANDS: The white hand shows coldness, a lack of warmth, life and desirability. Rather than be social, pleasant and comfortable, they have no interest in pleasing others. The blood does not reach the skin adequately, which comes from the muscularly weak heart. White-handed people lack enthusiasm and passion for love. However, they are imaginative and mystical. Many have an active mind which makes good litterateurs as a poet or prose writer.

RED HANDS: The redness of the hands comes from the force of the blood flow. It shows intensity in everything they do, whether business, art, love or war. They may find it hard to exercise self-control because the mind is blocked in its action by forceful blood. They show activity in the body and mind to the extreme. If only on the fingertips, the brain is active. If only on the inner Mars mount, they feel angry or anxious about something.

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Read more health warning signs on the palms here

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