Right Hand Simian Line on Your Palm

right-hand simian, career guidance reading

RIGHT HAND (OR DOMINANT HAND) WITH A SIMIAN LINE The right-hand Simian line has a slightly different meaning than having one on the left. By right hand, I do mean the dominant hand. So, if you are predominately left-handed with a Simian line there, this also applies to you. I have based this article on … Read more

Ambition and Leadership Signs in Palmistry

ambition and leadership signs, jupiter finger meaning, index finger length

A palm reading can help identify areas of your leadership It is possible to see the areas of your strengths using modern hand analysis methods. Knowing about these qualities, you can help improve many areas of your life. People often come to me for a palm reading, asking questions about their career, business, or job. … Read more

Hand Shape – Which One Matches Yours?

water shaped hand

Which Hand Shape fits Your Character? Each of us has unique hand features; your hand shape reveals your innate character. In palmistry, it is crucial to know these basic shapes to analyse the other features accurately. The energy we use can be seen in various hand areas, and we can do so by visually dividing … Read more