Palmistry indicators of talent for running a business Palmistry, the ancient art of reading palm lines, can offer intriguing insights…
Category: Signs of success from the hands
When looking for signs of success in your hands, the first thing to analyse is the shape of the hand. Ideally, it is a ‘practical’ hand, the working hand, which has a square or squarish palm. Somewhat rectangle is common but not too narrow. A long narrow palm belongs to the daydreamer and whilst they can still become successful, it might not be in the way that the practical type does. The square palm gives the person an understanding of how things run, and they are organised.
See the whole article about signs of success here.
Someone who is successful in their field, especially if it involves being in the public eye (singing, dancing, acting, lion taming?) have one thing in common, a rising line to Apollo (to the ring finger). The Apollo line is one of the signs of success in palmistry.
Apollo on the hand is the area of the ring finger and the mount just beneath it. A vertical line which begins low on the palm and rises clearly and distinctly into the mount of Apollo represents the arts, including fame and fortune. For this Apollo line to show achievement of fame, there must be a reasonably clear-cut and continuous line. It must also have a sharp definition. If there are two lines of Apollo, then the chances of success are greater. A line of Saturn alongside the line of Apollo is a helpful mark. It shows the individual is trying to reach goals and is motivated to do so.
Learn everything about the signs of success from the hands including all the lines. Search for anything palmistry related at Destiny palmistry. What do you want to know?