Talent for Running a Business in Your Hands

hand gestures, talent for business

Palmistry indicators of talent for running a business Palmistry, the ancient art of reading palm lines, can offer intriguing insights into an individual’s personality and potential. For those aspiring to excel in the business world, understanding the palmistry indicators that suggest a talent for running a business can be both fascinating and beneficial. By examining … Read more

Forked Head Line Meaning in Palmistry

forked head line

Split, divided, two-pronged head line? If you are interested in palmistry, you might have come across some unusual lines, like the forked head line. The fork can vary in its connotation, depending on the size and shape. The palm’s head line is a crease that commences from the space between the edge and base of … Read more

Success Line Marks and Meanings in Palmistry

success line marks, apollo line mark meaning, island on success line, fuzzy success line

Success Line (Apollo line) Marks and What They Mean The Success line marks that can appear need careful analysis because sometimes they are not what they seem. The success line, also known as the line of Apollo, the line of sun or creativity, is a vertical line that rises towards the ring finger. It is … Read more

How to tell which career from the fate line

fate line

The fate line is the palmistry term used for the vertical crease in the centre of the palm. How to tell which career suits you from the fate line? In palmistry, it is possible to look at the lines to help predict or assess the progress and type of career. It’s not possible to know … Read more

Fish Symbol Meaning in Indian Palm Reading

fish sign

Fish symbol in Indian palm reading A fish symbol on the palm is not easy to detect. Often this mark is mistaken or confused with other connecting lines. It is a rare sign that has a deep meaning in Indian palmistry. A modern palmist does not use the fish symbol when reading hands, but it … Read more

Money and Travel Signs in Palmistry

fate line timing, money and travel signs, saturn mount, palm reading career, life purpose, missing fate line, missing lines, fate line missing, hands of a millionaire, saturn mount

If you are interested in palmistry, or if you are just looking at your own hands out of curiosity, you might be wondering if there are money and travel signs in your palms. Money and Travel signs (or lines) can be in various areas of the hand. As far as travel, the most obvious thing … Read more