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Category: What do your hands say about you
What do your hands say about you?
Learn everything about the hands including all the lines. Search for anything palmistry related at Destiny palmistry. What do your hands reveal about your character?
Why learn palmistry? Because the hands are amazing, what would we do without them? Not only are they the most useful body part, with their amazing capabilities. From an article from named ‘The sensory hand” – The Principles of Anatomy as Seen in the Hand (1919), was principally focused on the hand as a motor organ. Fascinated as they were with the capacity of the human hand for precision and dexterity of movement.
The twelve reasons to learn palmistry:
- Discover how a mere handshake can tell you just whom you are dealing with in your life!
- See how the areas of the hand show what type of “mind” they have.
- Learn how the hand as a whole depicts intuitiveness, sensitivity, practicality or thinking types.
- The eleven areas of the palm that illustrate which part of their life receives the most energy (love, work, dreams, instincts, nature, music).
- Find out how easy it is to see negative traits from the setting of the fingers.
- The individual length of the fingers depicts the most important character traits that they cannot hide!
- Recognise a charmer who just might be a compulsive liar!
- Know when you have come across a stubborn and controlling bully.
- An instant clue to his style of lovemaking and more.
- Is your potential lover going to match your libido?
- Poor health warnings at a quick glimpse of the fingernails.
- Career options that suit your hand shape.