Lottery Win Signs and Marks on the Palm

Lottery Win Signs and Marks on the Palm A few people have asked me to write about lottery win signs in palmistry. I have already got several articles about money signs, such as my millionaire hands article. But some people like the article to be more specific regarding the lottery. So here we go; let’s … Read more

Success Line Marks and Meanings in Palmistry

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Success Line (Apollo line) Marks and What They Mean The Success line marks that can appear need careful analysis because sometimes they are not what they seem. The success line, also known as the line of Apollo, the line of sun or creativity, is a vertical line that rises towards the ring finger. It is … Read more

Hands of a Millionaire in Palmistry

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Do You Have Signs of the Hands of a Millionaire? After looking at the many hands of wealthy people (especially the self-made ones), I’ve noticed many things in common in the hands of a millionaire. The five main character traits that need strength are drive, determination, passion, energy and intelligence. But what are the signs … Read more

Apollo Line that Shows a Gifted Person

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The Apollo Line on the Palm Can Show Talent The Apollo line in palmistry is also known as the line of the Sun. Traditionally it suggests success and public acclaim, hence why it’s also known as the success line. The Apollo line can start near the base of the wrist or anywhere near the hand’s … Read more

Success Line and Timing Your Potential Fame

free palm reading, Success line, fate line, destiny

What is the Success Line

The success line, in palmistry, is also known as the line of Apollo, line of sun or creativity is a vertical line which usually rises from the upper areas of the Mount of Moon. It is not a complete line on all hands and is more typically found only in segments. When someone has the success line on the palm, it signifies the sense of achievement and satisfaction that a person feels in their life. It is not a guaranteed mark of success in general.

The reason why it was originally named the line of Apollo, is that in legend, Apollo was the name granted to the sun god who ruled over creativity, music, and the arts; that is why the line is more prominent on those who are using their creative talent positively. (So, don’t be disheartened if you do not have this line).

Keep in mind that the lines on your palm can change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now, does not imply a fixed quality or event. When using the lines for prediction, gather information from the past trials that have led the person to be where they are now. Any lines or markings that represent the future are just assumptions. They show what is potential for the subject based on past actions, whether negative or positive.

The Length of the Success Line

The longer this line, the more it shows talent to express creativity, personal fulfilment or merely the capacity to enjoy life. It is not a guarantee of fame and fortune, but it does bring a certain amount of luck into the individual’s life. It shows that there is potential for accomplishing a great deal. In some cases, this line rises from inside the life line; it is then referred to as an inheritance line, suggesting money or property acquired from the family’s estate.

Success line, fate line, destiny
  1. A line that begins from the line of life shows family influence or help in achieving success. Rising from the head line depicts achievement around the age of 35.
  2. Crossbars along the success line below the heart line show obstacles around the age of 35-40. However, if the line continues, then the obstacle is temporary, most likely financial.
  3. A success line that begins at the heart line points to a gain, victory, happiness or even fame around age 50.
  4. When the line changes its angle or direction, it shows a change in the career or life goals. In this case, around age 55.
  5. A line that reaches the ring finger shows a continuation of the achievement into old age.
  6. The fate line shows a change in career or goals around the age of 50.
  7. The fate line forks, depicting the potential for two income sources by around the age of 60.

More than one line?

Having more than one line is not uncommon, especially when an individual has many interests, each line can represent a different area of activity. A secondary line rising from the success line would indicate that achievement branched from one endeavour to another, as an example, a successful artist who writes a book about his art and the writing also becomes a success.

multiple success lines
  1. The success line begins around the age of 35 as a single line.
  2. A second line forms parallel to the original line, which can depict a supporting business partner.
  3. A third line towards the end of the line might suggest another enterprise or project in the later years.

Sometimes parallel lines along the line can refer to another person, particularly family relationships, such as a partner, one or both parents, son or daughter. I have found this to be true when the two parallel lines are very high on the mount reaching the finger of Apollo (ring finger) or between the finger of Saturn (middle finger) and Apollo. In such a case, it refers to living with a family member at old age. If joined lines, they represent a married couple. Markings on the line relate to obstacles or difficulties in achieving success.

Marks on the success line.

A clear star can be a mark of fame (good or bad fame). It can denote social attainment and wealth. But, the person may have to work hard and take risks to get there. Staying grounded is advised or else, general happiness might be affected. A square mark is a protective sign, usually from reputation or social influence. A cross, however, might be a risk of losing reputation. Be careful with judging crossing lines as many times it is simply parts of the girdle of Venus.

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Apollo Mount and Sun lines Meaning on the Palm

apollo mount, areas of the hand, palm reading guide, e-book palmistry

Apollo Mount and Sun lines (also named the line of Apollo or success line)

The Apollo mount is a palmistry term referring to the padded area under the ring finger. The sun line is the vertical crease that often appears in this area. These features have a significant meaning in hand analysis because they help us determine the character and potential future life.

Positive aspects of the Apollo mount is when it is neither too bulky nor too flat. An average development without too many criss-cross lines shows a versatile and adaptable person. Negative aspects are overdeveloped or overly lined and can point to gambling or paying too much attention to appearances. (See more below about the features and marks).

If the mount of Apollo is displaced towards the mount of Saturn (partially under the middle finger) or between the two fingers, the creative side of the personality is expressive; often, these people have a loop of seriousness. If the mount is flat and the ring finger is thin or short, it displays introvert qualities. The Apollo mount and Apollo finger (ring finger) represent:

  • Self-expression.
  • Outward appearances.
  • The sense of style.
  • Social life.
  • Warmth.
  • Loyalty.
  • Happiness.
Image copyrights belong to Sari Puhakka

Development of the Apollo mount:

  • A large and full Apollo mount depicts someone more flamboyant and extroverted; they enjoy being in the centre of attention. If they are not, the expression will come out in other ways, such as through forms of art. The sense of style is not always in their clothing, cars or furniture, but in what they do. Generally, they tend to do things in excess.
  • When it is noticeably flat, the sense of style and social aspects of the character are introverted. They are not one to have an interest in appearances or show off their possessions. They might be a minimalist at heart.

The positive indicators are:

  1. If the mount is not overly large, nor too flat.
  2. The Apollo mount has rising lines on it (sun lines), shows the potential of success.
  3. If the mount has a star, shows potential for fame.

Negative indicators are:

  • Many crisscrossed lines on the mount, shows that the person is overdoing things, working too hard or failing in some other way.
  • An overly large mount can show greed or overindulge in food or drink.
  • A crossbar or cross on the sun line can depict problems with the reputation.

Where is the sun line?

The sun line is a vertical line that rises from the upper areas of the Mount of Moon or anywhere on the Apollo mount. It is not present as a complete line on all hands and is more typically found only in segments. When one has the success line on the palm, it signifies the sense of achievement and satisfaction that a person feels in their life.

In legend, Apollo was the name granted to the sun god who ruled over creativity, music, and the arts; that is why the line is more prominent on those who are using their creative talent positively.

The longer this line, the more it shows talent to express creativity, personal fulfilment or merely the capacity to enjoy life. It is not a guarantee of fame and fortune, but it does bring a certain amount of luck into the individual’s life. It shows that there is potential for accomplishing a great deal. In some cases, this line rises from inside the life line; it is then referred to as an inheritance line, suggesting money or property acquired from the family’s estate.

Details about the Apollo line here

Videos about the mounts here.

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Paperback copies of Destiny Palmistry are available here.