Cross on the Heart Line and Other Marks

cross on the heart line, marks on the heart line

Crosses on the Heart Line and Other Marks and Meanings Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, has been used for centuries to help people understand their lives. By studying the lines on the hands, like the cross on the heart line, a palm reader can interpret traits and maybe even predict the future. … Read more

Love or Arranged Marriage Signs in Palm Reading

love or arranged marriage, palmistry lines

A modern view of the possible signs of love or arranged marriage from the hands Some people are still curious whether they will have a love or arranged marriage. An arranged marriage is a union where the couple is chosen by someone else, mainly by the parents. The groom or bride has no say in … Read more

Romantic Personality From the Palms

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Learn how to spot a passionate or romantic personality from the palms. To see a romantic personality from the palms, you will not need a lot of palmistry knowledge, only the basics of hand reading: People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, but we are all unique, and our hands show … Read more

Heart Line Types That Reveal Your Emotions

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The heart line is the uppermost horizontal line beneath the fingers. But it doesn’t look the same for everyone. What do the various heart line types mean? Which type of line shows if you are emotional, passionate or a bit cold-hearted? This knowledge helps people to understand each other in relationships. If the heart line … Read more

Curved Pinkie Meaning in Palmistry

curved pinkie

In this article, I talk about the relevance of the curved pinkie because of its significance in palmistry. Much like the thumb, it gives away clues to the persons confidence and how they communicate. However, not all pinkies are curved from birth, and some develop the shape during the growing years.

If the pinkie is curved from birth, it relates to the character type. A pinkie that has gradually formed a curve tells us about the history of the person. It’s important to know what the pinkie stands for to understand its curvature.

Even the slightest curve can make a difference. Sometimes it is easier to identify a bend in a finger if you look at the back of the hand. Often the pinkie is only slightly bent towards the ring finger. Even more commonly, it is only curved at the very tip.

bent pinkie meaning

The pinkie gets its qualities from the astrological house of Mercury.

To understand the curved pinkie, it’s important to know what the finger represents in palmistry. The other term for the pinkie is the Mercury finger. In astrology, Mercury has certain qualities which we also use in palmistry.

The Mercurian qualities we see from the pinkie are:

  • Communication and confidence.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Intellectual capacity and thought processes.
  • Mind and Learning ability.
  • The nerves.
  • Honesty, sarcasm, wit.
  • Sexuality.
  • Healing and health.

The Bent or Curved Pinkie Meanings

A curved pinkie, or any finger, in general, demonstrate a moderate amount of variance to the qualities that the finger represents. What that means is that if the finger is different in its weight, size or shape, the qualities follow suit.

Sometimes the finger is naturally held in a way that it leans towards or away from another finger (but is straight); it describes what is current now rather than a long-term matter. So if the pinkie juts out, away from the others, it shows someone independent, or that they are a bit eccentric. The meaning is not the same for the curved pinkie.

If the pinkie was not always bent (from birth).

If the pinkie wasn’t curved from birth and gradually took its shape over the past years, it tells of the person’s history. This history is usually not ideal. There may have been insecurity and nervousness, but mainly family problems, such as an abusive or absent father or mother. During their developing years, they may have experienced anger, arguments, yelling or generally upsetting circumstances at home. In many cases throughout my study, the person with the gradually curved pinkie had a separated family.

The characteristics that come with a curved pinkie

The pinkie (Mercury) finger tells how we communicate, so when it gently curves towards the Apollo finger, it is gaining strength from it. It indicates a higher level of shrewdness, alertness, and tact. These people often have an awareness of others and a natural ability to communicate diplomatically.

These people also make persuasive salespeople, probably due to their charm and ability to convince people to their side. This persuasiveness can sometimes mean bending the truth. However, I would not go so far as to suggest the person is a liar, but they certainly have such skill in diplomacy that if they did lie, they could do it quite well.

If someone was born with the curved pinkie, the characteristics above are more pronounced.

When the finger leans backwards, it shows a lack of interest in things such as learning and study. Curling inward is a sign of a need to hang to things, like ideas, attitudes. However, it can also be one of the signs of issues such as alcoholism.

A curved pinkie together with a short middle finger

With a short middle (Saturn) finger, decision making is not their best trait, so there may be a tendency not to take responsibility. Sometimes it signifies the pilferer, and they will take something (steal it) if an opportunity arises.

tip of the pinkie bent

More meanings about the curved pinkie

  • With only a slightly curved tip on an adult, can indicate difficulties in feelings of sexual (satisfaction) or intimacy that come from past experiences. If all three phalanges appear to kink in opposite directions, like an s shape, it is recognised as mild (or pockets) of autism.
  • A sharp kink at the tip and a curve of this finger can imply some history of emotional abuse or trauma. For instance, when there has been a separation between the parents and the child suffered loss or sadness.
  • If the pinkie bends or leans away from Apollo finger, it reveals a hint of eccentricity. Another meaning is one who does not like to follow trends. They are assertive and independent.
  • If the finger naturally held away from Apollo, they could have some current issues or worry about emotional or sexual matters.

More meanings about the pinkie size and shape


A long pinkie shows someone who can easily express themselves. These people’s ability to communicate is one of their best attributes. They often have a good vocabulary, and they are social, influential and very organised. It also means that they are naturally good with money and do well in business and politics, science, education, television, or radio broadcasting. Writing, entertaining, and music often come naturally. Any subject that requires being able to convey their knowledge or express themselves using words.


The small pinkie suggests the opposite qualities of a long one. These people tend to be shy and find it difficult to express what they want to say. It might be something like regularly becoming tongue-tied, and then only to realise after the fact what things they could have said. However, shyness does not affect their ego, and they often have a high opinion of themselves. Getting easily embarrassed can be their downfall, so speaking eloquently in public does not come naturally to them. Usually, they avoid these types of situations altogether.


A thick pinkie is rare. However, if it appears thicker compared to a regular one, or just abnormally large, it shows someone who may be rather talkative with a keen interest in business or money. These people are perfectionists and potentially very shrewd. It may also be a sign of a workaholic.


The pinkie is typically slightly smaller, but if there is abnormal thinness, it suggests repression of the mental or emotional growth of the individual. Often, this manifests as learning disabilities, mental disorders, compulsive behaviour, phobias, and extreme shyness. In some cases, there is a history of feelings of guilt, anger, shame and unworthiness. With these qualities, often the thumb is also short and thin.

With a combination of a small, slim pinkie and thumb, it is a sure mark of a lack of tenacity. These traits may have come from trauma, mistreatment, or neglect at a young age. In the worst-case scenario, unwanted sexual advances or molestation.

See about the curved middle finger here

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Hand Features of a Difficult Child in Palmistry

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Hand features of a problematic child, from a palmist’s point of view.

We also consider other marks or signs for a difficult child’s hand features. People inherit many physical characteristics and character traits from their parents, and we are all unique. Keep in mind that a child’s hand is still developing. Not only do the lines change, but so does the shape of the hand. Also, some of the signs can be temporary.

The basic shape of the hand is especially an essential part of reading the palms because it helps us to determine the person’s first and most fundamental character—an example of a fire hand.

I recall looking at a young boy’s hands when he was just a toddler, and I could see that he had a pretty down-to-earth nature based on his hand shape. However, as he matured (he is now an adult), I saw a difference in his hands, quite unlike how they were long ago.

Take note of the features over a long period.

While I don’t read a child’s hand like an adult, I still think looking and learning are exemplary. If you find something that might point to problems, keep it in mind and monitor the signs over time. You get an idea of the potential and help avoid some things that might be negative.

It’s much easier to see the signs of a problematic adult than a child. Before I tell you the possible hand features of a difficult child, I’d like to point out that some may consider it questionable, and others may not.

If you look at the hands of people, including your family, you might see the difference in the hands of a hyperactive or bad-tempered person compared to a quiet, shy one.

What is meant by a difficult child?

What might be an issue with children is not listening or obeying rules, arguing back, losing their temper, hyperactivity, lying or being sneaky. Sometimes, even being overly dependent or lazy can be a problem.

broken head line, meaning of broken air line,

Possible hand features of a difficult child:

  1. Pointed fingertips (noticeably thinner than the base of the fingers). Remember that pointed fingertips are very common in newborns, considering they depend entirely on the parent. The pointed fingertips of a teenager might suggest over-dependency.
  2. Short fingers (compared to the length of the palm). The short fingers can be an indicator of impatience and a short temper.
  3. A waisted thumb with a pointed tip. The person can be pretty shrewd when the thumb is narrow in the middle. The pointy tip shows some passive-aggressiveness.
  4. A thumb that is inflexible and stiff. A stiff thumb depicts a rigid nature. While the person can be determined, they might also be overly stubborn. Most children have a flexible thumb.
  5. Wide spaces at the base of the fingers, especially between the ring and middle finger. The wide gaps depict someone who doesn’t like being told what to do, and they tend to break the rules. They love their freedom and enjoy spontaneity.
  6. A short middle finger (which is usually the longest), when short, can indicate a rule breaker or a bit of a rebel.
  7. Ring finger longer than the index finger. It is usual for boys to have a longer ring finger, but an extended ring finger that is also thick can be a sign of a risk-taker.
  8. Red looking bed of fingernails can depict a hot temper. Also, red patches of skin on the palms show impatience and potential anger issues.
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Simian Line

Signs of a difficult child from the palm lines

  • The simian line is one single transverse line across the palm (rather than two). The Simian line shows an intense nature. These people are sensitive and passionate but can also be the opposite. They are usually either full-on or full-off. You can read more about the Simian line here.
  • A wavy or broken head line. The line of the head shows how a person thinks, so a broken line can suggest the mind is not always thinking straight. There might be times of indecisiveness.
  • The short, straight, or broken heart line (horizontally under the pinky and ring finger). A fractured heart line shows the emotions are not even. There might be bouts of uncertainty or coldness.
  • A full Girdle of Venus lines gives more intensity and sensitivity to the character. They may be overly emotional.
  • The skin ridges form a Rajah loop. It is a loop formation between the index and middle fingers. It can depict a charismatic nature but also a naturally aggressive personality.
  • A Via Lascivia is like an allergy line. However, it is often seen in those easily addicted to substances. In some people, it is one of the signs of depression or ADHD.
  • A long and deeply sloping head line can be one of the signs of a depressive or moody nature.
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