Which line on the palm shows a long life? What shows a long life from the palms? The first line…
Category: Fate Line and Career Prediction
The fate line and career.
The fate line and career are connected in palmistry. It is also used to see other changes in life like getting married. The fate line is a rising line in the middle of the palm (if you have one). It can start almost at any point, even from other lines.
Click here to read the article about the fate line and success prediction.
It can have more than one ending point, with offshoots like branches coming off the line and reaching to other areas such as the mount under the ring finger, or index finger mounts. When this occurs, it can have very positive connotations regarding the success of a career or occupation. Other times the line ends on another line, or not be present at all.
Where the line ends
The career fate line ending at the head line can show a lack of satisfaction and change in the career or goals at around the age of thirty to forty.
The person may have chosen at that point to live each day as it comes without restrictions. It could also be due to a calculated decision to change their life path.
These people try to stay where they are an attempt to make it work, but rarely it does because they feel dead-ended and want to break away from the old situation.
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