Ambition and Leadership Signs in Palmistry

A palm reading can help identify areas of your leadership

It is possible to see the areas of your strengths using modern hand analysis methods. Knowing about these qualities, you can help improve many areas of your life. People often come to me for a palm reading, asking questions about their career, business, or job. Before I can give a proper answer, I look for ambition and leadership signs from all the features of the hand, not just the palm lines.

Managerial and executive qualities can be found mainly in the air shaped hand, with a squarish palm and long fingers. Those qualities are also in the fire shaped hand, with a rectangular palm and shorter fingers. The fire shape is enthusiastic and energetic while the air hand has many great ideas along with attention to detail and patience. The earth shaped hand with a square palm and average fingers are the most practical, as long as the hand is not soft.

Other ambition and leadership signs to look for are from the fingers and the thumb. Ideally, it would be best if you had a strong thumb that is a good length. A large thumb shows someone driven but also authoritative. A bulbous thumb tip is a sign of boldness but also aggressiveness. An average, thick or long thumb displays confidence, leadership and assertiveness. If the thumb is flexible, the person is likely to be someone eager to please others. A stiff thumb shows more reliability and determination.

Ambition and leadership signs from the fingers

The index and middle fingers should both be well developed in thickness and length. A long index finger suggests leadership and a long straight middle finger points to trustworthiness and responsibility. A gap at the base of the two shows organizational skill. The padded area beneath the index finger should be prominent.

An extended little finger depicts natural communication ability. The middle phalange of the pinkie should be even or slightly longer than the rest. The fingertips of a diligent worker, who is also practical, are round or squarish. Pointed fingertips do not qualify for a pragmatic nature. Most of the fingernails should also be square or rectangle.

The squarish fingertips tells of a practical, reliable and sensible nature. The fingertips should also show some firmness, which depicts a good amount of energy. They often also have slight redness, indicating the mind is active. The length of all the fingertips is longer than average which also depicts his dynamic, inspirational and visceral aptitude.

More ambition and leadership signs

The skin is to be firm and the mounts are springy. The hand should feel a bit tough, not completely rough but like leather. The opposite, which is soft, delicate and loose skin shows sensitivity or laziness. As far as the fingerprints go, there is often at least one whorl (circle or bullseye) shaped fingerprint; mainly on the thumb, but also on the index, middle or ring finger.

Ambition signs from the lines

From the lines, the head and life line separated from each other shows a self-assured nature. A rising line from the life line to the index finger shows ambition. The head line needs to be fairly straight with no breaks, bends or islands. The heart line should not be the most prominent line on the hand, because it shows an emotional mind.

Achievement lines

The achievement line is a rising branch, often very faint and can be found on any of the major lines. But it is mostly on the life line It represents a time of success like completion of study or goals. It is also known as a study line. A parallel line to the career line is also a study line because it can represent a time when someone has more than one goal or job to do.

ambition line, achievement line, study line

The line of business is a rising line from the heart line to the base of the pinkie. It can also be quite long and a part of the line of Mercury (health line). The line of business doesn’t on its own represent money, but it shows a keen interest in the want of making money.

ambition line, dedication line, line of loss, support line, inheritance line

If you are concerned about the little lines, there’s no need to worry too much about the minor lines because they can change as we progress through life. Most of the fine lines relate to outside influences, nervousness or stress. However, a visible success line is a bonus. A success line is also called an Apollo line or sun line. It is a vertical line that rises towards the ring finger. In business people, there are often multiple success lines, which indicate multitasking or many interests. (See the image below) Or Read more about the success line here. I have also done a reading on the billionaire Richard Branson. His hand shows many signs of ambition, leadership and passion! See the article here.

multiple success lines

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