Romantic Personality From the Palms

mistakes by palm readers, honesty signs, romantic personality from the palms, romance from palms, palm line to show romantic

Learn how to spot a passionate or romantic personality from the palms. To see a romantic personality from the palms, you will not need a lot of palmistry knowledge, only the basics of hand reading: People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, but we are all unique, and our hands show … Read more

Saturn Mount of Wisdom & Solitude in Palmistry

saturn mount

In palmistry, the Saturn mount is the name given to the padded area under the middle finger. The middle finger and mount represent your boundaries; it is the balancing force of the psyche aiding rational thought. This area is associated with limitations, the elderly, grandparents and wise men. In astrology, it is seen as the … Read more

Broken Fate Line Meaning in Palmistry

broken fate line, fate line timing

Broken fate line or (career line) meanings The fate line is a crease on the palm which vertically runs towards the middle finger. This line is not typically one line, so the broken fate line is not necessarily serious. The fate line is also referred to as the Saturn line or career line. We look … Read more

Fingerprint Meanings Including Loops and Whorls

fingerprint meanings, whorl fingerprint, loop fingerprint

Fingerprint meanings about the character through palmistry This article will teach you about the fingerprint meanings of the loop, arch, and whorl prints. The fingerprints can help us understand the character because they do not change. Therefore, represent the unchangeable aspects of our personalities. While we can try to modify these traits, we can’t altogether … Read more

Which Hand to Read in Palmistry?

which hand to read for female in palmistry for marriage

Which hand should you read in palmistry, and how do you know the difference? The hand that a person writes with is usually their dominant hand, and the lines and hand shape can show which is the non-dominant. Which hand to read in palmistry is sometimes tricky to answer; it can depend on whether you … Read more

Type of Heart Line on the Palm, Which Do You Have?

forked heart line

Which is Your Type of Heart Line?

The type of heart line that you have on your palm can help you understand the personality’s emotional aspect. The heart line is the uppermost horizontal line on the palm; it represents how people express their feelings and attitudes towards relationships. The basics of reading this line are the same as the head and life lines by looking at its length, depth, and quality. Below I have chosen a type of heart line for four various shapes. Choose one that matches closest to your type of heart line.

If you have one of the types of heart line below, click on the image that matches the closest to learn what it means for you.

Curved type of heart line.

curved heart line

The curved heart line shows a passionate nature. These people know what they want and they don’t hesitate to go after it. If it is the most prominent line on the hand, they are ruled by their heart. See here for more.

Straight type of heart line

straight crease on palm

A straight heart line that does not reach into the padded area beneath the index finger is a short line. These people tend to suppress their feelings or they simply love their freedom. See here for more.

Forked heart line

fork on palm crease

The meaning of a fork in the heart line depends on what type of fork it is. For instance, if the lower branch of the fork touches the head line below, it shows a tendency to think emotional thoughts logically. These people might hold back their feelings. If the branch reaches the start of the life line, there may be some issues from their early family life. A fork where both ends land on the Mount of Jupiter beneath the index finger, depicts a warm and romantic nature. They have a wide range of expressions emotionally. They are open-minded and level-headed. See here for more.

Heart line joins head line or dips downward

heart line joins head line, heart line dips to the head line

The dipping heart line can denote some insecurity or caution in the realm of emotions. This insecurity can manifest as a fear of loss, jealousy or inability to show compassion or emotional vulnerability. See here for more.

Other types of Heart Line

Chained looking line

chained heart line

A string of small islands throughout shows a moody, changeable and hypersensitive nature. Imagine a smooth line as showing even emotions, then a messy chained line is uneven emotions. Sometimes the chained look is brought about by mineral deficiencies in the diet. It can also show depression; look at the head line for breaks, islands or one that dips all the way down to the Mount of Moon. Either way, the subject should try to calm down if they are overly nervous.

If the chained appearance is only on the part of the line, it can represent a period of indecisiveness about their feelings. Some see the chained line as a sign of a fickle flirtatious or unfaithful lover. A heavily chained line can suggest actual heart or development problems.

A very long heart line

A very long heart line that crosses the entire palm is called a Suwon crease. It is a variation of the Simian line. Sometimes there is a second line that seems to be fused to the heart line. This type of line might depict a person who is quite demanding in matters of love and expect a lot from their partner. It depicts an obsessive and intelligent nature. Money is usually a significant factor in their purpose; hence they are liable to put work before relationships. It may also be the other way around where relationships come before work matters.

Broken heart line

broken heart line

A broken heart line is when the line stops and starts again. It can overlap or have a clean break. The main thing about the fractured heart line is that it can manifest in difficulties expressing feelings. The subject might have issues with mood swings or emotional stress. (Check type of head line). There may be a period in their life when there is a significant change, such as a broken relationship. (Check life and fate lines). These people might often feel like they are not emotionally connected and feel phases of unattachment.

None of these match? Click here to watch a video about unusual lines

More about the heart line

The heart line is the uppermost horizontal line on the palm; it represents how a person expresses their feelings and their attitudes towards relationships. The basics of reading this line are the same as the head and life lines; that is by looking at its length, depth, and quality.  

Most heart lines are not flawless and regularly exhibit branches and markings. I imagine if there were a perfect one, it would show that the emotional experiences of the person’s life would not affect them much, possibly having an insensitive and unsympathetic nature. Where the heart line sits on the palm can add to the meaning of this line.

When the line sits high (closer to the base of the fingers) it suggests the person is open-minded, but experiences regarding the emotions can be somewhat unrealistic. This type may require constant support from his/her partner.

A heart line that sits closer to the head line, suggests an introspective personality showing caution about love but with the aid of reason and a realistic (but sometimes intolerant) approach to relationships. The emotions may lie more buried under the surface.

Marks on the line.

A star mark would suggest an emotional upset or shock. Barlines depict obstacles in unions or restlessness. A cross is also an obstacle but for a more extended period than the bar line.

Missing heart line?

The missing heart line suggests a rational and emotionally detached nature. In all matters, these people are objective, rational and almost ‘mechanical’ regarding emotions. Relationships might be difficult to sustain unless they can tap into those feelings without overthinking them. On the dominant hand, with strong Jupiter and thumb, they can be aggressive, judgemental and bad-tempered. A good heart line on the non-dominant hand helps to offset some of the cold characteristics.

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Stress Lines and Trauma Lines on the Palms

stress lines, palmistry lines

Stress Lines on the Palms

Stress lines and trauma lines are very similar and can appear in many areas of the palm. The other names for these lines are interference or worry lines. They are not always a negative marking and are often suggest regular domestic worry or family influences (primarily early responsibility or difficulty).

When the lines originate from the mount of Venus and cross the line of life, their meaning becomes more significant. The various stress implications of a worry line crossing the life line can vary. They can be things like life events such as having a child, struggling with finances or emotional issues. All of these things might affect the career or another part of life.

If a worry line is long, originating from inside the mount of Venus, crossing the life line and reaching the head line, it can denote worry over finances. The same markings on the heart line would indicate an emotional matter. A line reaching the fate line can imply career influence, financial concern or both. If there is an island on the fate line and the worry line crosses the island, it can suggest bankruptcy.

trauma lines on the palm

A hand covered in many lines

A hand full of lines shows an emotional person who often worries about too many things. Most of these extra lines are stress lines. The subject might have their energy all over the place and their mind doesn’t ever really switch off. The habit of fretting and absorbing other people’s energies is common. I always recommend meditation or other relaxing activities.

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Trauma LInes and stress lines

If these worry lines rise from the beginning section of the life line, all the way to the Saturn finger (middle finger) it would suggest a childhood disturbance or trauma. Trauma lines almost always end beneath the Saturn finger; they depict events that had a profound effect on the psyche. The trauma line is almost always fragmented, blurry or faint in its appearance. If this is the case, it may not be a permanent mark.

When I mention this trauma line to someone, many deny ever having anything happen that caused it. However, it is not always something that a person remembers because they might have had the issue during the developing years—such as weaning from the mother, abandonment issues or any other psychological distress as an infant.

Sympathy Lines look like stress lines

Mistaking the sympathy line for a trauma line or ring of Solomon is easy to do. The trauma line reaches the base of the Saturn finger. The sympathy line looks more like a partial ring of Solomon. It shows a compassionate and understanding nature.

sympathy lines, trauma lines, worry lines
copyright Sari A Puhakka

The fingernails can also show signs of stress

When looking for clues to stress or the health from the nails, we apply the same principles as for the hands, which is to find something unusual. We also look at the quality. A delicate textured hand should have matching smooth looking nails. If the nails are coarse on a smooth hand, the healthy balance is out of proportion. The coarse nail is usually short dry and dense, more commonly seen on a big hand with rough skin.

A nail usually takes six months to grow from the root to the tip, so some markings can be timed based on where it is on the nail. As an example, a horizontal ridge halfway along the nail would suggest a change or loss of vitality around three months ago. A typical healthy nail is pliable; it has a smooth texture; an average thickness and the colour of the nail is typically light pink. The moons should be milky white, and usually only visible on the thumb.


A bluish tinge within the nail bed can be due to circulatory or respiratory problems. Please note, sometimes this is temporary due to cold weather or cold hands. Also, it is normal for a woman to have bluish nails during the early teens and again at menopause when there are changes in the body hormones. A faint blue tinge covering the nail shows nervousness and possibly some heart weakness. If there is a deep blue colour under the tiny and narrow nails, (most pronounced at the base), heart weakness is almost inevitable.


A white-looking nail bed can suggest iron deficiency, low vitality or more severe liver dysfunction. A pale, white or greyish tinge under the nails can indicate selfish leanings or lack of warmth. Depending on the quality of the nail, if it appears to be lifting off the quick, clouded, brittle and dry, it could indicate a fungal disease.


Yellow colour in the nail beds or a brownish discolouration, splotches or stains in the skin directly under the nail, can indicate jaundice, liver or gallbladder conditions. These marks can also occur when there is a high level of bilirubin in the blood due to the body producing too much or not getting rid of it fast enough.

When the nail itself is white and clouded on the top section and yellow at its base, it can signify kidney disease. Other conditions can also cause yellowing, such as fungal infection or regular contact with heavy-duty chemicals on the nails.


The redness of the nailbed mainly points to someone with intense passion or extra strength. Very red nails can be due to high blood pressure, bad temper or cardiovascular disease. Look at the colour of the palms to see if they too are red. If so, the subject may be doing everything in excess, mentally or physically stressed.


White flecks or spots can show a vulnerable nervous system or a weak constitution. They are usually the first sign of delicate nerves and can appear during times of stress or when the body lacks a mineral such as calcium, zinc or magnesium. White lines across the nail can indicate acute fever or coronary disease.


Several long, thin black specks or lines underneath the nail, is associated with a bacterial infection of the heart valves. If the line or speck is very close to the tip, it may be just a splinter or injury. Red lines or specks can be due to long-term high blood pressure, or if at the tip, also injury.

Read about the short life line here

Career from the palms article here

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