Which hand should you read in palmistry, and how do you know the difference?
The hand that a person writes with is usually their dominant hand, and the lines and hand shape can show which is the non-dominant. Which hand to read in palmistry is sometimes tricky to answer; it can depend on whether you are from the East or the West. Indian palmistry can have strict rules on which hand to read for a female and which hand to read for a male. Also, it depends on the question; for example, a marriage query might require seeing only one hand.
How do you tell left from right hand in palmistry?
How can you tell whether your hand is dominant or non-dominant in a palm reading? The dominant hand is less flexible, demonstrated by a thumb with a smaller angle. The non-dominant hand tends to be more relaxed and has more lines because it shows our thoughts and what is happening now. Therefore, reading the non-dominant hand to see inner thoughts or subconscious actions is essential.
The dominant hand might describe what is happening in their material or the outer world (the conscious). It shows what we are experiencing and whether we have developed and grown from our past. The right and left hands are usually different, so I always look at both.
Which hand is dominant if you are ambidextrous?
Some right-handed people believe they were pushed to use their right hand in their early years, even though they wanted to use their left. Many of these people are ambidextrous and wonder which hand should be read in a palm reading. A person asked what my thoughts were, and here’s my reply:
It’s interesting to hear that your left hand is dominant, but you were forced to be right-handed. I hear this a lot from some people because it was an old belief that the right hand should always be dominant and that the left-handed people had something wrong with them.
Those beliefs are outdated, and parents now allow their children to choose which hand feels best for writing, eating, etc. I always ask ambidextrous people which hand they feel comfortable writing with and which hand they write with. Their answer tells me they are dominant hands because writing is more intricate than other menial jobs with hands. I’m right-handed, yet I do many things with my left hand better. When you think about it, we are all ambidextrous in a way. As far as palm reading goes, it’s a personal thing, and I would need to learn the person’s past and see which hand shows the possible events or feelings, etc. The situations that appear on the dominant hand will be different from those of the non-dominant based on an inner level of consciousness.
Which hand should be read for females in marriage?
In my study of modern Western palmistry, the dominant hand predicts the result of a marriage or union for a female. If there is a divorce, it can be visible on the dominant hand. I always look at both hands, no matter what the question is and whether male or female. The hands make up a story, and each individual has a different story.
Which hand to read for a female in palmistry regarding marriage depends on where you are from. I have found that the left hand is preferred for a marriage reading if you are a female in India. So, for an Indian female, we read the left hand for marriage. Many traditional Indian palm readers like to only read the left hand for any subject for a female.
Which hand to read for a male in palmistry
When I first studied hands, I was told to read the left hand for a male and the right hand for a female. The idea was that the male uses more of his right brain, so the left-hand shows more information. However, it is still more about which hand is dominant in relation to predictions.
Which hand to read the life line on the palm?
The dominant hand will show likely future changes. Always check if both hands have similar lines or if they differ. The non-dominant, often the left hand, can show more about the feelings. For example, if a person has been through some emotional or chaotic events, it is likely to show more on the left-hand life line. (or non-dominant). The dominant or right-hand shows what’s going on at a conscious level.
Which hand should you read for prediction in palmistry?
The non-dominant hand defines what mostly happens on an inner level (subconscious) or potential. It shows what we feel we could be doing or should be doing. I read the history from the non-dominant hand, but both sides can depict past events due to timing on the lines. Remember that the lines on both hands only tell about what has happened until now, so they can change as circumstances change.
Health in the hands
As always, it’s essential to see both hands. However, I look at the non-dominant hand for current health issues and the dominant hand for changes in health, whether for better or worse.
Which hand should you read the fate line in palm reading?
The fate line is an excellent example of using the past and future in a palm reading for predictions. If the left or non-dominant hand has a weak fate line, but the dominant has a well-formed one, it can show that the subject has made life decisions or become more motivated. However, it can also mean that the person is not clear about their goals on an inner level.
If the lines are more evident on the non-dominant hand, the person will likely know what they want from life. The dominant hand will display confusion through the less clear lines.
Which hand should you read the heart line and head line?
Different heart and head lines can help in a palm reading, especially if they vary between the left and right hands. An example is the chained heart line on the non-dominant hand. If the dominant hand has a clean (flawless) one, it shows that the person is no longer as sensitive or nervous as in the past. The dominant hand will show if there have been emotional changes in the past.
The head line shows how we think. So, if there are breaks on the line on the non-dominant hand, the person might feel like they can’t focus. It might also suggest an indecisive nature. If the dominant hand has a regular line without breaks, the issues were in the past, and it doesn’t affect the person much.
Which hand should you read when looking for changes?
It is a good idea to keep a record of the palms by taking a clear digital photo, a photocopy or ink print of both palms. This way, you can look them up later to see if there have been any changes and which hand shows the most change. Please remember that the lines are a reflection of our mind, hence they can and do change.
Variations in left and right-hand fingers; left or right hand in palm reading?
The fingers can also show characteristics that depict a different personality at home compared to the public eye. For instance, a short middle finger on the non-dominant hand indicates that the subject is carefree and tolerant at home. Still, if the middle finger is regular length (or long) on the right, they are more serious and firmer at work or in front of the public eye.
Another example that represents our responsibilities, boundaries and the law, is when the middle finger is short on the dominant hand, but not on the non-dominant, the subject may struggle to be responsible with the finances or be inclined to break the rules at work or outside of the home. But, at home (represented by the non-dominant hand) or in their mind, they are very responsible and law-abiding. This is not to say that it is general because other factors come into play in the analysis, but finger length is considered as a foundation of the reading.
How to do a hand reading? Watch the video here.
Learn more about the fingers in palmistry here.
The article above is an excerpt from Life and Destiny Palmistry, copyright Sari A Puhakka.