Double Simian or One Simian Line on the Palm

About the Simian Line

Do you have a double Simian line? Or just one on either hand? The Simian line is a single crease that crosses the entire palm. On a small proportion of hands, the heart line, and head line appear to be a single line across the palm, known as the Simian line or crease. With the qualities of the head line (rational) and the (emotional) heart line seemingly combined or missing, it makes sense to regard this line as a sign of single-mindedness, someone who puts their heart and mind into what they do.

The association of this line was once thought only to be with chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome. However, now it is mostly normal and recognised as a minor physical anomaly (MPA). In most cases, it is inherited. The name Simian, as a noun, means monkey. As an adjective, it means the characteristic of apes or monkeys. The Simian line is present in primates and named when found on the human hand. Because of the name’s origin, many palm readers now prefer to call it the single transverse crease. However, I do not think about or refer to any monkeys when I use Simian!

How rare is the Double Simian Line?

The Simian line is more common in males and usually runs in families; not all have it on both hands. Worldwide it is found only on around 1.5% on the one hand. It is also more common in Asians and Native Americans.

Pierre Paul Broca, a physician and anthropologist in 1877, presented the traditional view of palm lines in anthropology. He noted that simian lines appear only around 1-2% of Europeans or Caucasians but possibly more than 10% of Asian people. In 1906 R.L. Down labelled the Simian line as a diagnostic indicator.

What does having a Simian line mean?

Having a Simian line mainly determines a personality type. The Simian does not give you bad or good luck. It also doesn’t automatically make someone gifted or special. All sorts of people can be talented in their unique way, and the Simian line has its uniqueness in how the character presents itself.

A survey has shown that many are sensitive, intelligent, determined, passionate, emotional, creative, and in some ways, compulsive. In another recent study, it is believed to show forms of neuroticism, hyperactivity and introversion. If the Simian line is connected to the life line, it shows someone more reserved. If it’s not joined to the life line, the personality is more independent and outgoing.

In the Filipino language, they call the Simian line the ‘Rapas’ and are known to show someone intense and dedicated. It shows a lot of energy when it’s available. The person doesn’t stop easily once they begin to move. But once they do stop, they stay unmoved longer than usual. The Simian line people seem to have a switch, either on or off, with little in between.

Quality of the Simian Line

Like in all analyses of the lines, we look at the quality of the line. A smooth line shows a smoother life (or clearer thoughts and feelings). A messy-looking line can denote feelings or thoughts that are confused or scattered. When there’s a full chained-looking Simian line, it reveals a lack of clarity in thinking and feeling. It shows uncertainty in decision-making (and maybe even laziness).

Double Simian personality

The double simian type signifies a somewhat different, quite intense character, not necessarily a negative attribute as it would seem. I have noted that Simian lines give qualities of either a lot of empathy or none. Some tend towards less emotion and more rational thought. Others might tend to struggle with rational thought and follow their emotions. My survey indicates many double Simians as sensitive, emotional, and empathetic. But even more of them agree (from their perspective) that they are intellectual.

The owner of a Simian line can possess great potential for strong will and focus, many of whom are ambitious and driven, primarily if they have found their niche and had opportunities in their life regarding education and family support.

Simian and relationships

It is difficult for most double Simian liners to focus on a career and relationship simultaneously. If in a full-time career, they put their heart and mind into their work and often find that they’re too busy for relationships. Or it might be that the mind gets priority over the heart. They may find it hard to form deep connections with others because they are emotionally closed, socially awkward or shy.

Another reason they might struggle to find or keep relationships is because they find it challenging to see things from another’s point of view. Their partner may feel smothered by all the devotion and feel overwhelmed by the intensity, so they need to be relatively passive and understanding. On the other hand, if they do not feel an intense connection, the partner might feel unloved or unwanted, even if they are not.

If the Simian individual strongly focuses on his career, his/her partner must support their work. The Simian character can be egotistical and might expect (or continually look for) compliments or praise from their spouse. If you have Simian lines and want a deep connection, try to prioritise your emotional aspects and understand what your partner wants from you. You might have to put aside your ego and feelings of supremacy. Once you see a link with someone, however, you rarely let go, being devoted, caring and loyal, and expecting the same loyalty in return.

More about the Simian personality

The Double Simian type character tends to follow their heart, so they choose a career that gratifies that emotion. Mostly, they are either fully into what they do or fully not into it.  It is nearly always ideal for them to engage in their passion. Doing so is taking full advantage of the single-minded and determined nature. Typically, the owners of a Simian line follow their minds; in other words, they do not easily follow orders from others, hence coming across as stubborn.

However, to properly hypothesise about this crease and how it affects the personality, look at other hand features, such as hand shape, finger length, thumbs, and lines, including fingerprint and palm patterns. For example, a narrow hand will make a much quieter personality, someone who leans towards introversion. A person with long fingers will have a thirst for knowledge and likely be preoccupied with theoretical and/or spiritual matters.

Double Simian Line Personality Traits

You know you have come across a double Simian personality when you see obsessive behaviour, one of the most common traits of Simians. If used positively, this compulsion can be of great benefit to them. For instance, at work, always make sure everything is done on time, the right weight, perfect portions or whatever the job requires. The preoccupation with having everything a certain way is great if it aligns with others. It is most difficult for those who do not have Simian lines to understand some of the behaviours of a Simian owner because some things that the double Simian sees as common sense is not always so for others.

Some are very energetic, and the energy varies for each person. This energy comes in bouts; some find it difficult to relax to some extent. However, the energy is not as high on a soft water hand. While these people are intense, at the same time, they can be very empathic. Usually very open-minded, yet cynical; nonetheless, what you see is what you get. They are either fully on or fully off (extremely kind, loving and attentive) or overly argumentative and cold. Is Simian a curse? Is Simian good or bad? The Simian is not a sign that the person is cursed (a cursed Simian line) doesn’t exist.

Single Simian Line

If your dominant hand has the Simian line, then your distinct personality is more obvious to those who do not have it. The intensity and obstinacy of the personality are not so hidden. On the inside, the individual might feel normal emotions and reasoning. However, everything might be much more complicated in their day-to-day life. Of course, as with all palm reading, the shape of the hand, fingers and other features can offset these qualities.

A right-hand Simian on a fire-type hand (thick, long palm, short fingers), certainly enhances the qualities due to the already passionate and impulsive nature. This type of character might feel the need to go into whatever they are interested in deeply. They are not satisfied with skimming the surface and letting things go. They will overanalyse almost everything; they will give all they have, which is perfect in certain situations like research or the sciences. This type of determination and drive helps to get things done completely, not in halves. It might frustrate them when others do not.

In the words of a right-hand Simian person, “I like to think about everything in detail, such as when commenting or filling out forms, because I want everything perfect! My friends and people I know say that I have an attitude. However, I think it is my strength, I do not easily give up, and I am always curious.”

A narrow water hand with the qualities of introversion lessens these traits. While there might still be passionate nature, they will not be as assertive with it. The water hand gives more sensitivity and compassion, but it might also not handle stress.

The extra line above the Simian line

It is common to have an extra line above the Simian, like a floating heart line or a long Girdle of Venus. The floating heart line is usually much thinner than the Simian line and gives more sensitivity to the character. These people might be empathetic and kind-natured.

Double Simian line Variations

The Simian line can sometimes confuse the heart line that joins the head line. In some cases, the lines look like a Simian, and so can be a Simian Variant. There might be a branch from the line downward, acting as a head line. Or, there might be a branch rising upward, similar to the heart line. These Simian line variations are common and indicate the person has an outlet for their emotional or logical side which lessens the obsessive or singlemindedness.

The Suwon crease and Sydney line are variations of the Simian line; at least, they give similar meanings. The difference is that a heart line is present with the Sydney line. In the case of the Suwon crease, a head line is present. Both types can suggest someone highly intelligent, sometimes overly sensitive. To learn more about the Suwon and Sydney lines, you can get the ebook, or see this article.

Latest Survey Results

The latest results of my survey of the double Simian found that of the people who did the questionnaire, 48% had a double Simian, the rest had just one, either on the left or right hand.

Out of all the people, whether double Simian or only one, the results so far are: Sensitive – 90.9%.  Also, out of the same group, 70% believe they are intellectual. 28.5% of them also believe they are creative and athletic. It shows that in the combination of heart and mind, they find their strength in their intellect yet are very sensitive. You can do the survey here.

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You can do the survey here.

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