Skin Texture Can Reveal Your Personality

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THE SKIN TEXTURE OF YOUR PALMS SHOWS YOUR PERSONALITY When reading hands, it is essential to take in as many factors as possible to understand the individual’s makeup fully. Taking note of the skin texture and consistency of the flesh should be one of the first to receive your attention. These factors can alter or … Read more

Learn Hand Analysis for Better Relationships

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Why Learn Hand Analysis?

Anyone can learn hand analysis, but you might wonder why? Because you can tell the character from the hands. Honesty, responsibility, leadership skills and sex drive (lovemaking style) are just a few of the visible traits. It shows the development of the mounts (padded areas) and the size and shape of your fingers – especially the thumb ball and base phalanges.

You and your potential lover have a greater chance of success when you discover their relationship behaviour and if it matches yours. It is exciting to have this knowledge and to be able to understand people and improve their relationships with them!

Whether for business, relationships or personal reasons, your knowledge of hand reading benefits you in countless situations. Discover how a mere handshake can tell you who you are dealing with in your life!

See how the areas of the hand show what type of “mind” they have. Learn how the hand depicts intuitiveness, sensitivity, practicality or thinking types. The eleven areas of the palm illustrate which part of their life receives the most energy (love, work, dreams, instincts, nature, music).

Example of what you can see from the hands:

Visible hairs on the top of the fingers or back of the hand show masculinity and are usually only found in a man. Very hairy hands depict a high level of energy from testosterone and libido.

You can find out how easy it is to see personality traits from the setting of the fingers. The individual length of the fingers depicts the most essential character traits they cannot hide!

  • Recognise a charmer who might be a compulsive liar!
  • Know when you have come across a stubborn and controlling bully.
  • An instant clue to his style of lovemaking and more.
  • Is your potential lover going to match your libido?
  • Poor health warnings at a quick glimpse of the fingernails.
  • Career options that suit your hand shape.

Destiny Palmistry by professional palm reader Sari Anitta Puhakka, who has studied hands for over 36 years. Workshops and lessons are available. You can visit here for more information.

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WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.

Predict the Future Using Palmistry?

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Predicting the future using the lines on your palms may be possible.

Is it possible to predict future events from the palms? Some of us, somewhat sceptical, can find it difficult to be convinced without systematic evidence and wonder why we continue believing in the predictive side of palmistry. My answer is that the studies of this subject, explored for centuries as a form of divination, have continued to develop in modern times.

Furthermore, there is clear support for scientific research that the hands connect to the activity of the brain, reflecting the character and well-being of the person. To predict the future using this evidence means it can be done to a degree, but the future can also be altered by having this information.

Many respectable doctors examine the hands, palms, and nails for signs of illness or health warnings. From these cautionary indications, we can potentially predict an outcome and make changes in our life if necessary.

The Major Lines

The major lines are what people tend to look at first when examining the palms because they are usually the longest and deepest. For a more accurate reading, you must predict the future through the major lines. The minor lines change too often.

These major lines can also subtly change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now, does not imply a fixed quality or event. When using the lines for prediction, the information gathered in the past events that have led the person to be where they are now. Any lines or markings that represent the future are just an assumption, whether negative or positive.

Our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade. The lines that are most likely to change quickly are the minor lines. Keep in mind that any person can take control of their destiny. Palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows an attribute, it is important to look for other indications for confirmation, as one feature can offset another.

For example, a line that shows success for a person may indicate this as a likely conclusion. However, if other signs are against it, such as a lack of willpower, attaining that success may be difficult; (but not impossible). However, finding adverse signs should not be negative but an incentive for making positive changes for better future outcomes.

Predict the future from the Career line (fate line, Saturn line).

Most major lines on the palm are present on nearly every hand, but what if they are not? The Career line, or Saturn line (fate line), which travels from the base of the palm towards the middle finger, is not always present in young children and not even in some adults.

If the line stops and starts, it suggests there are changes in life or career. If the fate line stops at the head line, the subject might have made a conscious decision about their work. A line that stops at the heart line suggests an emotional decision.

Unestablished career goals often lead to a missing career line. However, what if you are an adult with a job? This line, in general, indicates the success of a career, whether they are settled or varying and changeable. It is not often absent in adults, but it does not mean anything negative when this happens.

During my career, I have met some businesspeople whose hands the line were absent. They all were happy to say that they were ‘self-made’ men. No fate would decide the course of their career.

So, the missing fate line (see an image of fate lines below) is just an indicator of a free spirit. They do what they want, create their path and are not bound by any regiment. (You can watch a video about the career line here.)

(Get Destiny Palmistry ‘All the Lines‘)

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The fate line

A fate line that starts at the life line (1) depicts a career through study. One which starts inside the life line (2) might be a career in a family business. From the base of the hand, the fate line can show a protege from an early age. This type will have boundaries in their choice and are often motivated to succeed early in life. From the (4) position, the career involves the public or the public eye. Learn more about the (career) fate line here.

Learn to read hands through Destiny Palmistry Downloadable modules and e-mail lessons. Click here for information.

~ Sari Puhakka

The Palmistry Shop has new and used books, ebooks, and many reduced prices.

(Palm reader in Brisbane, palm reader online, master palmist, female professional palm reader, palm reading party Brisbane.)

WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.

Reading Palms and How It Can Help You

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Reading Palms (Your own palm) and how it can help you.

Palmistry undertaken as an art, to interpret the character, should be done so with an open mind and variable analysis. It is the art of analysing hands. It has been practised for centuries to examine your character, personality, motivations, desires, and how you see the world and live your life. Reading palms can guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential future.

If you are interested in reading palms for personal reasons or if you are a professional coach, a therapist, counsellor, or healer, hand analysis allows you to add additional means to your range of work. You can give your clients more insight and clarity for finding their way and attaining their maximum capacity to achieve their goals.

When reading palms, It is possible to see if a person is open-minded and easygoing.

if they have the drive, and leadership qualities required for their job; can they be trusted? My personal approach to palm readings uses the knowledge-based information gathered through the hand features as well as the lines on the palms.

It is important to remember that one sign alone cannot confirm an event or outcome. In fact, in most cases, not even several indicators confirm a future issue. The combination of elaborate explanations for the many markings on the palms depends on an individual’s life. For example, stress lines on a business person are not the same meaning as those found in an artist. Hence, we need to see other features on the hand to determine personality type and how they might handle stress in their situations.

Through a peek at someone’s hands, you can get a general idea about their constitution. For instance, if their hands are soft, refined or dainty, the same applies to their character. With these qualities, they prefer the use of their intellect or creativity before physical work. On the other hand, rough, coarse and rugged hands might lack sensitivity, but they show strength. A person who is happiest working with their hands.

Reading palms and fingers

The fingers are a tremendous part of reading palms. They can show how we express ourselves and how we have developed in the past. We all have distinctive looks and the same goes for our psychological makeup. Because we are unique, reading hands can become very involved and complicated. It is this personal disposition that reflects in our hands from birth.

People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, but we are all unique. The basic shape of the hand is especially an important part of reading the palms because it helps us determine the first and most fundamental character of the person.

The character from the shape of the hand.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by using the old astrological elements of fire, water, earth and air to compare four typical hand shapes. (You can read more about the astrological elements here.) It is likely however that your hand does not match one of these, but using your judgment, you should be able to come up with one that is close or a mix of another.

In some cases, the person’s hand shape corresponds to their real sun sign element. It obviously helps to know a little about the astrological elements. Once you have determined some character traits from the four categories, the lines can help to suggest possible outcomes and help support other findings.

What you can get from reading palms:

  • Discover how a mere handshake can tell you just whom you are dealing with in your life!
  • Learn how the hand as a whole depicts intuitiveness, sensitivity, practicality or thinking types.
  • The eleven areas of the palm illustrate what you focus on (love, work, dreams, instincts, nature, music etc).
  • Find out how easy it is to see negative traits from the setting of the fingers.
  • The particular length of the fingers depicts the most important character traits that they cannot hide!
  • Recognise a charmer who just might be a compulsive liar!
  • Know when you have come across a stubborn and controlling bully.
  • Is your potential lover going to match your libido?
  • Poor health warnings at a quick glimpse of the fingernails.
  • Career options that suit your hand shape.

~copyright Sari A Puhakka

Destiny Palmistry is available here

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