How to tell which career from the fate line

fate line

The fate line is the palmistry term used for the vertical crease in the centre of the palm. How to tell which career suits you from the fate line? In palmistry, it is possible to look at the lines to help predict or assess the progress and type of career. It’s not possible to know … Read more

Fish Symbol Meaning in Indian Palm Reading

fish sign

Fish symbol in Indian palm reading A fish symbol on the palm is not easy to detect. Often this mark is mistaken or confused with other connecting lines. It is a rare sign that has a deep meaning in Indian palmistry. A modern palmist does not use the fish symbol when reading hands, but it … Read more

What Does a Short Life Line Mean?

short line of life, short life line

Does the life line show the length of life? Many times I have had someone ask me what does a short life line mean?  Often, they believe that it represents a short life. You might not believe it, but I have seen people with ‘no life line’ still have a long, healthy life. Even someone … Read more

Passion Line and Camera’s Eye Meaning in Palmistry

passion line, camera's eye, camera eye line, artist hand in palmistry

Where to find the passion line on the palm The passion line is a slanted line running from around the middle of the upper horizontal crease (heart line) to the base of the little finger. It can also end between the ring (Apollo) and little finger (Mercury). Often the line joins the girdle of Venus. … Read more

Broken Fate Line Meaning in Palmistry

broken fate line, fate line timing

Broken fate line or (career line) meanings The fate line is a crease on the palm which vertically runs towards the middle finger. This line is not typically one line, so the broken fate line is not necessarily serious. The fate line is also referred to as the Saturn line or career line. We look … Read more

Square Mark on the Palm Mounts Palmistry

Square Mark on the Palm Lines and Meanings Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is an ancient practice used for centuries to help people gain insight into their lives. By studying the lines, like the square mark on the palm, you can interpret traits and maybe even predict the future. By understanding what … Read more