Career Fate Line Success Prediction From Your Palm

career fate line

What is your career / fate line?

The career/fate line is the rising vertical line in the middle of the palm (if you have one). (Also called the money line). It can start almost at any point, even from other lines. It can have more than one ending point, with offshoots like branches coming off the line and reaching other areas like the mount under the ring finger or index finger mounts. When this occurs, it can have very positive connotations regarding the success of a career or occupation. Other times, the line ends on another line or is not present.

Where the line ends / fate line career change

The career/fate line ending at the head line can show a lack of satisfaction and change in the career or goals at around the age of thirty to forty. The person may have chosen at that point to live each day as it comes without restrictions. It could also be due to a calculated decision to change their life path. These people try to stay where they are to make it work, but rarely it does because they feel dead-ended and want to break away from their old situation.

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  1. Ending on the head line, the person has made a conscious decision about their career. Other lines need to be checked for clues: Is there a success line present? Are there marks on the line prior to its ending?
  2. A line that ends beneath the heart line is standard when the career stops upon retirement and no further interests, or career goals are taken up. Success is no longer what drives them, instead, taking life easy, which could signify early retirement.
  3. Ending directly under the middle finger shows that the person is active and deeply involved in their career or interests for most of their life. Without a success line present, this type of fate line can come with a few struggles or obstacles along the way. However, overall, they will have a successful career. Retirement, it seems, is not an option.
  4. Ending under the index finger. This shows that the person is very ambitious and do anything to make their goals a reality. The determination and motivation ensure eventual success or even fame in their chosen field.

More about the fate line

The fate/career line is also referred to as the Saturn line. It rises towards the middle finger and is associated with the same qualities as the Saturn mount. The fate line is the best line to see a change in the life of its bearer. Therefore, if it doesn’t show changes, such as breaks and branches, it shows a steady life path.

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  1. Starting at the life line is a traditional start to a career, which originated from the individual’s background, education or personal merit. It represents a competent person who is determined to apply their energy and talent to succeed in life.
  2. Starting from inside the life line would show someone who has had less choice and was probably ruled by the family in the type of work expected of them or obligated to follow the same profession as their parents.
  3. A perfect and straight fate line that runs directly from the base of the palm to below the middle finger is rare. However, it can denote a decided career or direction in life. The person with this type knows who they are; they are self-motivated, serious and in control of their chosen path in life from an early age. Look for lines to Apollo which can denote success, like the money line which rises from the heart line to the pinkie.
  4. A fate line starting at the Mount of Moon shows people (or public) based profession of their choosing. They achieve success due to their appealing and essential qualities, someone who can be in the public eye. Often found on entertainers and actors.


A gently curving fate line indicates a gradual change in career or life. The sharper the curve, the more drastic is the change. If it veers from side to side, it predicts that the ambitions are not well directed and there is a waste of energy in efforts throughout their life.


It is common to have more than one fate line. A double line, depending on how tight they run to each other, can refer to two similar occupations, hobbies or study alongside a career at the same time. If the lines are close, it can depict a successful business partnership and may even represent a husband or wife who is considered very supportive. Whatever the case, the second line suggests a duality of some aspect and acts as a support line, strengthening the main line. Sometimes, the second formation shows up as a small fork leading into two clear directions.


A fractured fate line, but one that overlaps alongside the second part of the line, presents a planned change in career or lifestyle. If the breaks do not overlap, and there is a space before it continues, it is an unexpected change, a time when progress regarding career or goals has come to a standstill. The motivation and purpose are no longer justifiable. Look for clues on the other lines for reasons such as health or family.


A fate line with horizontal lines (crossbars) show obstacles that may slow down the progress of goals and finances. These bars can be interruptions caused by life changes such as starting a family, money issues, poor choices or stress in general. If the line continues after the mark, it is a temporary hitch.


Will I become rich? Not during the period where there is an island mark. An island on the line weakens the flow and often denotes worry over financial difficulties from taking on too much credit or borrowing money; bankruptcy is a possibility depending on other indicators. Look for interference lines rising from the Mount of Venus and across the life line. Many small islands that form a chain are when numerous issues affect the smooth flow of career and life in general.

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Career Choices from Hand Analysis

career choices, career from the palm

Career Choices from Hand Analysis

If you have not yet settled happily into your career, you may be wondering what kind of career choices would actually suit you? The basic features of the hand and fingers can give clues about temperament and natural talents.

People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, and we are all unique. The basic shape of the hand is an important part of reading the palms. It helps us determine the most fundamental character of the person.

The fingers are a tremendous part of palmistry because they can show how we express ourselves and how we have developed in the past. We all have distinctive looks and the same goes for our psychological makeup, and that is why reading hands can become very involved and complicated. It is this personal disposition that reflects in our hands from birth.

If you have ever wondered why some of your fingers curve in their shape or your hands are otherwise dissimilar to others, Destiny Palmistry gives you some insight into these features.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by using the old astrological elements of fire, water, earth and air to compare four typical hand shapes. (Listed below) What shape is your hand?

It is likely that your hand does not match one of these, but using your judgment, you can come up with one that is close or a mix of another. In some cases, the person’s hand shape corresponds to their real sun sign element. It helps to know a little about the astrological elements. Once you have determined some character traits from the four categories, the lines can help to suggest possible outcomes to support other findings.

Career Choices:

Here is a shortlist to check your hand. NOTE- The fingers are classed as long if they appear to be longer than the length of the palm on the back of the palm.

Click on the heading links for more description.

fire shaped hand in palmistry, long palm, short fingers, handanalysis from hand shape, career choices

If you have a longish (oval or rectangle) looking palm with short fingers: You are energetic and enthusiastic, you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

water type hand

Narrow palm, with long fingers: You are imaginative, creative and compassionate. You are at best in a quiet environment.

  • Artist
  • Writer
  • Poet
  • Musician / Singer
  • Dancer
  • Photographer
  • Psychic
  • Social worker
  • Nurse/GPDoctor
  • Healer
  • Nutritionist
  • Model
  • Beautician
  • Clerical worker
  • Actor
short fingers

Square palm, short fingers. You are down to earth and practical. You love using your hands and can be very versatile.

  • Business owner
  • Labourer
  • Driver
  • Machine operator
  • Military service
  • Agriculture
  • Construction worker
  • Dentist
  • Fisherman
  • Carpenter
  • Mechanic
  • Locksmith
  • Engineer
  • Doctor/psychologist
  • Police officer
air hand shape,

Square palm, Long fingers. You love to do anything that uses your intellect to its fullest. You have a good memory and love to communicate.

  • Writer
  • Media worker
  • Journalist
  • Translator
  • Publisher
  • Actor
  • Musician / Singer
  • IT
  • Digital producer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Engineer
  • Teacher
  • Politician
  • Public speaker
  • Financial advisor
  • Talk show host

Excerpt from Destiny Palmistry Character Awareness (copyright) Sari A Puhakka.