Career Choices from Hand Analysis

career choices, career from the palm

Career Choices from Hand Analysis

If you have not yet settled happily into your career, you may be wondering what kind of career choices would actually suit you? The basic features of the hand and fingers can give clues about temperament and natural talents.

People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, and we are all unique. The basic shape of the hand is an important part of reading the palms. It helps us determine the most fundamental character of the person.

The fingers are a tremendous part of palmistry because they can show how we express ourselves and how we have developed in the past. We all have distinctive looks and the same goes for our psychological makeup, and that is why reading hands can become very involved and complicated. It is this personal disposition that reflects in our hands from birth.

If you have ever wondered why some of your fingers curve in their shape or your hands are otherwise dissimilar to others, Destiny Palmistry gives you some insight into these features.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by using the old astrological elements of fire, water, earth and air to compare four typical hand shapes. (Listed below) What shape is your hand?

It is likely that your hand does not match one of these, but using your judgment, you can come up with one that is close or a mix of another. In some cases, the person’s hand shape corresponds to their real sun sign element. It helps to know a little about the astrological elements. Once you have determined some character traits from the four categories, the lines can help to suggest possible outcomes to support other findings.

Career Choices:

Here is a shortlist to check your hand. NOTE- The fingers are classed as long if they appear to be longer than the length of the palm on the back of the palm.

Click on the heading links for more description.

fire shaped hand in palmistry, long palm, short fingers, handanalysis from hand shape, career choices

If you have a longish (oval or rectangle) looking palm with short fingers: You are energetic and enthusiastic, you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

water type hand

Narrow palm, with long fingers: You are imaginative, creative and compassionate. You are at best in a quiet environment.

  • Artist
  • Writer
  • Poet
  • Musician / Singer
  • Dancer
  • Photographer
  • Psychic
  • Social worker
  • Nurse/GPDoctor
  • Healer
  • Nutritionist
  • Model
  • Beautician
  • Clerical worker
  • Actor
short fingers

Square palm, short fingers. You are down to earth and practical. You love using your hands and can be very versatile.

  • Business owner
  • Labourer
  • Driver
  • Machine operator
  • Military service
  • Agriculture
  • Construction worker
  • Dentist
  • Fisherman
  • Carpenter
  • Mechanic
  • Locksmith
  • Engineer
  • Doctor/psychologist
  • Police officer
air hand shape,

Square palm, Long fingers. You love to do anything that uses your intellect to its fullest. You have a good memory and love to communicate.

  • Writer
  • Media worker
  • Journalist
  • Translator
  • Publisher
  • Actor
  • Musician / Singer
  • IT
  • Digital producer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Engineer
  • Teacher
  • Politician
  • Public speaker
  • Financial advisor
  • Talk show host

Excerpt from Destiny Palmistry Character Awareness (copyright) Sari A Puhakka.

Hand Analysis is Complete Palmistry

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The use of the term hand analysis is often preferred over the word palmistry to try to steer away from the reputation of fortune tellers (which, by the way, still exists in most eastern worlds). I use the word palmistry because it is an art that completely studies the hands and palm lines.

Today I would like to talk a little about how palm readers, over the years, have struggled to get respect from the population in general. I was particularly concerned when I realised that many people making it even more challenging are other so-called ‘new age’ hand-reading experts.

There is also a new wave of hand analysts mocking the word “palmistry” as something that should no longer exist and is just fortune-telling. However, palmistry is hand analysis because it is the art of studying the hand and all its features, such as the lines. 

I am going to make this point by taking some excerpts from timeworn palmistry books that explicitly use the art for hand analysis, not fortune telling, whether it concerns the quality of the lines on the palms or the shape of the hand and fingers.

Many old books describe how to tell character from the hands and how to use that information to better your life.

Here is one from the original (pre-1960s) “Complete Guide to Palmistry – The Standard Work”:

The human hand has been described as the creator’s masterpiece of a mechanism. It’s a wonderful adaptation to the requirements of life. Few realise that the hand is a direct servant of the brain. Its markings reveal the workings of the brain and the general characteristics and physical ailments. It cannot be denied that there is much opposition to the practice of Palmistry based on ignorance and bigotry.

In this examination, it is necessary to note both hands. The first point to be noted is the texture and consistency of the skin; this will be best ascertained by feeling the back of the hand and noting its softness or otherwise.

The appearance of the hand as a whole will show whether it is evenly balanced or is heavier or lighter in some parts than in others.

guide to palmistry

Below is another excerpt about hand analysis from the famous “Cheiro”.

He uses the term palmistry in studying the character from the hands.

“Palmistry for all” by Cheiro – PUBLISHED IN 1916

There is no country in the world where the “study of character” is more indulged in than In the USA. During my many visits there, I could not help remarking how even the “hardest headed” businessmen used any form of this study they could get hold of to help them in their business dealings with other men and endeavouring to ascertain the character of their clerks and employees.

In looking over the records of my career, I find that in the course of my visits to America. I gave private lessons to the heads of two hundred and seventy business establishments in New York. One hundred thirty-five in Boston, and three hundred and forty-two in Chicago.

Study of the character

All these men were large employers of labour. What they principally wanted was to have some help beyond that of their judgment. In dealing with those, they came in contact within the regular course of their business careers. In no other country did I find the same interest in studying character from a practical standpoint.

This is why I am writing a special Preface for this Edition. Believing as I do, my American readers will appreciate the added information. I may be able to give regarding the obtaining by glancing at a hand. A quick grasp of the leading characteristics of the persons they are thrown into contact with. Or, for whatever reason, they choose to use this study.

cheiro book

He explains all aspects of the hand and how they relate to the character:

Venus = Love, sensuality, and passion.

Mars = Vitality, courage, fighting, etc.

Mercury = Mentality, commerce, science.

Moon = Imagination, romance, changeability.

Sun = Brilliance, fruitfulness, success.

Jupiter = Ambition, power, domination.

Saturn = Reserve, melancholy, seriousness.

My latest book is available in pdf or through amazon in paperback, hardcover or Kindle.

WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.

Teaching Ability Signs in Palmistry

teaching ability signs

Teaching Ability Signs in Palmistry Teaching ability is something that comes naturally to some people. I sometimes get asked questions regarding career choices. Not everyone knows what they want to do or what they are good at. Therefore, I need to try to find their talent through what I see on their hands. Many factors … Read more