Fingernail Shape In Health and Character

The fingernail shape can help to determine the character and health of people. In most cases, the form of the nail depends on the type of fingertip. In some circumstances, the fingernail shape changes over time; for instance, a fan shape can develop from long-term nervousness, stress or anger. Once the problems have gone, the nail can gradually return to its former way. A small nail can grow more prominent over time, such as when someone changes their habits, becomes healthier, gains confidence and finds stability or security in their life.

Fingernail shape from the width and the length

A reasonable length of a nail is one that starts at the halfway point of the top phalange. To identify a short nail, it is when it is higher than the halfway mark. Ideally, fingernails are neither overly long nor short. The long nail, if also narrow, suggests emotional instability. A full nail shows good health, caution, and sensibility; these people tend to be kind, sympathetic and practical. If broad and long, they think things through carefully.

short fingernail


A thin nail, recognized by much flesh showing either side of it, is standard on the pinkie. If all the fingernails are narrow, it can suggest a lack of strength or a sensitive nervous system. These people are often materialistic and afraid to take risks. If also short, emotionally immature and selfish, narrow-minded nature.

narrow fingernail meaning


The fuller the nail is, the healthier, more robust, open-minded and patient they are. Physiologically they would be considered to have the stamina, the resilient type. A large one, which covers the entire fingertip, however, may show a lack of common sense. If the full nail is also very short, with a gap between the nail and fingertip, it displays a person who is quite critical of others with strong opinions and a quick temper. If broad and long, they are very straightforward but open and honest.

wide fingernail meaning


The oval nail is the most general shape, portraying a balanced, well-rounded character, someone who rarely becomes angry or spiteful. If it is long or pointed at the tip, physical health may not be as robust as it could be. A large, round nail suggests someone very adaptable with a gentle and kind personality; often creative. If round and small, the person may lack physical or psychological strength.


A small nail is one that begins closer to the tip of the finger instead of halfway along the first phalange; they are narrow, with a lot of flesh on either side of it. People with small nails have a curious or enquiring nature; they have a sharp mind and are often witty. A tiny fingernail, however, can depict emotional immaturity and low resistance to illness. They have a delicate constitution.

short fingernal, fan shaped nail


In most cases, the nail becomes overly short from years of nail-biting. If it’s is very short, (so short that it looks like only a half of a fingernail) shows a critical, uneven tempered and argumentative person. This characteristic applies whether it is narrow or broad. They often get bored and are tough to please. If the nail is slightly short, it merely shows a quizzical or investigating disposition.


The fan-shaped nail is narrower at its base compared to the tip of the nail. It can suggest one of two things, on a soft hand, it indicates a lack of vitality, long-term nervousness, stress or illness. On the firm hand, it means a highly determined, but perhaps sensitive, neurotic or bad-tempered individual. If the fan-shaped nail is on the index finger, it shows stress over goals or the self. On the middle finger, worry over money or business. On the ring finger, frustration over something creative, such as an artist who can’t express their work. The pinkie, marketing, communication or intimacy.

rectangle nail


A rectangle nail, if it is relatively wide, shows someone a little more cautious, they put much thought into decisions. They are a deep thinker, tolerant, sympathetic and easygoing. If the nail is long, they can lack diplomacy. If the rectangle nail is narrow, it shows frail health, impatience, narrow-mindedness and someone afraid to take risks. These type of nails are often on someone with long fingers.

long oval fingernail


The square nail depicts the most robust type, with general good health and an even temper (unless it is tiny). These people are somewhat serious-minded, practical, reliable, honest and upfront. It depicts someone who is down to earth, usually kind natured and intelligent.

square shaped nail, round nail

Learn about health from the colour of the fingernails here.

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