How to Use Crystals For Healing

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Stop Procrastinating and Get Motivated

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Stop Procrastinating and Get Motivated

I used to believe I was the queen of procrastinators, ‘stop procrastinating’ I would say to myself. I have learned about procrastinating and that the things I put off are the things I least like to do!

What I do now, to stop myself from putting everything off until tomorrow, is to plan each day by writing myself a list of stuff to do.

Planning puts you in control of your time, and you will be less likely to daydream and waste time. You can even do a timetable for the whole week.

If you do not do anything, you never get anything done.

If there are some things left unfinished, put them on your timetable for the next week. Tick what you have completed, and when they are all done, your reward is a good feeling about yourself. You might find yourself amazed at how much you get done and just how much more time there is left to do the things you want to do. The key to stopping procrastinating and getting things done is deciding to give it a go.

Decide to spend just a few minutes doing the thing that you keep putting off. You feel when you get the job started. The next time you do a little more and maybe even finish the job.

Sounds very basic, doesn’t it? It can begin with just a few minutes a day. When a job is overwhelming, and you think it is going to take too long, simply decide to get a start on it. Then do it for only five minutes. Spreading your time out over a few weeks gets it done eventually.

Are you putting things off because it is not what you want to do?

I procrastinated about completing something I had put off for many years. Then I finally realised that it was something that I did not want to do. I changed my plan, looked at other options and found the answer to my problem. You too can learn from your situation and decide whether you are enjoying what you are doing or whether is it so dull that you never get around to it.

Sometimes it is good for us to do things we do not like doing. However, when it comes to completing projects that lead us to success, we need to look at the circumstances and see if there is another option. It is no use putting in wasted effort if you are not enthusiastic or excited about what you are doing.

Are you procrastinating because you do not have the right things around to make the job easier?

Do you not sort the bills and paperwork because you do not have a desk or a designated area? Alternatively, do you not fold away the washing because the closets and drawers are full?

Do you not write because you do not have a computer?

Make do with what you have.

I received my first computer (many years ago), as a gift from a friend. It was very basic, with not enough RAM for an internet connection, in fact, a little 250MB in total! However, for writing purposes, it worked well as a word processor. So you can imagine I procrastinated a fair amount because of its lack of connection. Eventually, I bought a new computer and that meant that there were no excuses left for me to procrastinate.

The point of that little story is that whatever it is that you need to make the job easier, do it. Find a desk, a filing cabinet, more space, whatever it takes to organise and remove your trouble areas to help you get on with it and stop procrastinating.

Are the things you put off just too dreary? Stop procrastinating tips:

Some tips to reduce the boredom of some jobs:

  • Try playing music or listening to the radio while you work.
  • If at home, watch television while you work and use commercial breaks for the tasks that are most difficult.
  • Call a friend on the phone while you work on jobs such as the dishes or folding washing.
  • See if you can get a family member to help do a job and set yourself a time limit. My children are willing to help if I say something like, ‘Let’s see how quickly we can do a ten-second tidy.’ We all start tidying and counting while we do it or use a stopwatch to time ourselves, and they have more fun doing it if I help.
  • Do the boring jobs first? Get them out of the way quickly so that you have more time to do the things you love.
  • Is it an important job? Does it have to be done, or can you leave it and put up with it?

Some things can be put off until another time. It does not matter if everything is not perfect, after all, it is only you that is going to complain, isn’t it?

Do you find yourself doing meaningless tasks around the house or at work and using them as an excuse for, not doing something else?

Are you looking for the dust to clean? If you want to stop procrastinating, maybe you are taking on too much unnecessary work. Does your home need to be impeccable before you allow yourself to do what you want to? Are you happily helping everyone else finish their tasks and going out of your way, just to be nice?

Do you stop and ask yourself first, ‘Do I want to do this?’ If the answer is no, then say no, you need to finish a major task of your own first. It is not easy to say no when you want everyone to think you are a superwoman/man. However, you know that when you do, you have taken control of your life, and that feels good!

Do you procrastinate because you are afraid to make the ‘wrong’ decision?

When deciding, and you feel stuck, you might put it off altogether because you fear making the ‘wrong’ decision. Don’t worry too much about it when this happens to you because most choices are reversible. However, if you keep in your mind that you have the option to change it later, you get over procrastinating.

~Sari Puhakka


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Improve Your Intuition How To Guide

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How to Improve Your Intuition

What is intuition?

Intuition is your voice that comes from what you already know deep down inside. Imagine if you were psychic, and every problem you ever had was resolved by asking yourself what would happen next. This inherent power is just that, knowing what to do, feel and say. It’s important to improve your intuition to make better choices in life.

When you improve your intuition, you are developing your psychic power.

If you are not using your intuition, you may begin to dwell on problems. You might also continue living in the past and have difficulties reaching goals. To develop or improve your intuition to a level you can rely on and trust, you first need to be open to receiving guidance from yourself.  The first three steps you need to do:

  1. Become involved in life, and spend time in nature.
  2. Be as normal and natural as possible.
  3. Spend time by yourself.

What is intuition

Intuition is when you ask a question or problem you want to solve, and the answer pops into your head. It happens when you are not trying to force out the answer but when you least expect it. Often it is a constant thought that won’t leave your mind. Intuition is knowing that the response is right, not necessarily knowing how or why, but just knowing calmly.

Don’t be desperate for an answer.

If you are desperate about the situation, then this is more likely to be your fears and hopes coming out. You should try not to make a momentous decision without first having a good think about it and then meditating or doing something else relaxing so that your mind can ‘put it on the decision shelf.’ Taking too long to decide may make you miss an opportunity, so once you have the idea, go ahead and do it. You can always make a mistake, but you find out sooner by taking a risk.

Play a game of toss the coin

When you play heads or tails with a coin, you give yourself two choices as your answer. The thing that’s so good about this method is that if the answer is not what you wanted, you suddenly realize what your intuition has told you all along. It’s not a magic coin that ‘knows’ the answer; it’s the coin that helps you realise the answer.

The coin helps you ‘hear’ what you want or want to think, do or say. Think about how you feel when you get your answer. Are you pleased or disappointed? Disappointment is a sign that the other answer is the right one. Let me know if that makes sense to you.

More Tips to improve your intuition

  • Use all things in moderation, eat lightly and naturally and try to get enough sleep.
  • Don’t worry about the outcome of every little thing.
  • Meditate and use positive affirmations about your future as if it is already true.
  • Listen to your feelings and accept your mood without blaming yourself or resenting others and if you feel like crying, do it.

Meditation is the first step in this development.

If your intuition feels entirely blocked and meditating difficult, you may need to go to a peaceful, quiet place in nature. You can meditate at night; the moon is very calming and has been known to help people get in touch with their inner selves. If you love the warmth of the sun and the sunlight shimmering on the water or brightly coloured flowers and gardens, choose a sunny day to visit your place of peace. Once you have absorbed all that peaceful energy, it is easier to return to it in your memory the next time you meditate.

Find your sanctuary within your home.

If going out is too difficult, you can find your sanctuary. You can set your garden or patio so you feel like you are getting away from it all. You could even adopt a part of your home indoors for your personal space. It does not have to be a whole room, just a small corner space for meditation.

Meditation space. Follow these simple steps:

  • First, remove any clutter and make the area free from dust and open the window if there is one. Have as much nature around you as possible.
  • You need a comfortable place to sit. If you do not have a table and chair, create a space on the floor with a cloth, pillows or blankets.
  • Turn off unnecessary noise, and cover up the computer or television.
  • If you are outside and have pets (dogs mainly), make sure they are busy (chewing a bone or something). Pets are usually like children, and you may find it difficult to meditate with them trying to get your attention.
  • Assume a comfortable but alert upright position.
  • Gently bring your attention to the breath, and note each inhalation and exhalation.
  • When your mind begins to wander, calmly bring your attention back to breathing and start again.
  • Feel your body relax.
  • Visualize something peaceful or an image of the future you want.

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copyright Sari A Puhakka.

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