Travel Lines Abroad on Your Palm

Travel lines (Trips, journeys and abroad)

If you are interested in the lines on the palm, you might be curious to know whether it’s possible to see signs of travel? If you think about it, travel is the change or movement from one place to another. The signs of travel can also be signs of restlessness and wanting to get away. These indications can be psychological and instead represent wanting to remove oneself from a situation.

Travel lines can be in various areas of the hand. The obvious thing to look for is a change in the normal flow of the line. The main lines to see these changes are in the life and fate lines. If someone travels abroad as a permanent relocation, the change will be evident in both of these. If the line ‘shifts’ or changes course, it suggests a change of course in life. The line might also show as a broken line.

Travel lines can be branches, like offshoots from the life line and transverse lines on the ulnar edge. In other words, they are horizontal lines on the edge of the palm on the pinkie side. These do not always denote a permanent move aboard, especially if there are several lines present. Note that the uppermost lines are marriage lines and the start of the heart line.

travel lines on the palm, move abroad signs

Lines that can point to travel

Lines branching or emanating from the line of life towards the Mount of Moon are signs of trips, but not a guaranteed symbol of permanent relocation. They can also depict a restless person or would love to travel, even if they haven’t. Many offshoots from the life line often depict a person who travels often. A short life line is also a mark of someone restless. These people are not happy to stay in one place forever.

Permanent relocation signs

For a mark of a permanent move abroad, usually, there will be a broken life line, and a connecting line to the fate line or a new section of life line (if the change is lasting). The long-distance travel line is a longer line than the short distance.

permanent relocation

Look also at the shape of the hand, fingers, and mounts for a desire for travel. If a person is a committed traveller through work or pleasure, they will typically have an air or fire type hand due to the adventurous and social nature. The line of life on a venturesome character arch towards the Mount of Moon (mount opposite the thumb), instead of curving around the Venus mount (ball of thumb). (See example here).

The image below is that of a man who permanently relocated abroad at the age of thirty. His life line is very faint, so I have highlighted the break. Note that the life line connects to the fate line around his age fifty. During that time, he had other significant changes in his life.

travel abroad

If there are many fine travel lines from the life line, they will suggest regular journeys. Even a person who regularly goes offshore fishing (for example) might have these lines. Be careful though, if the end of the life line has many fine lines branching out, (like tassels) it might mean something else. (Healthwise) it might be a sign of too much acidity in the body, stomach issues, diabetes or arthritis etc. If you are concerned about your health, please seek medical advice.

tasseled lines at the end of the life line
These tassels at the bottom of a life line are not usually representing travel lines; instead, they relate to health.

The fingers can also show if a person is likely to travel

The finger shapes also come into consideration especially if one has spatulate fingertips, signifying the love of the new and unusual. With square fingertips, the destinations may be somewhere that is more well-known to them. A long pinkie (Mercury finger) would give excellent communication skills so learning another language would not be a problem. The long pinkie is also a sign of someone who doesn’t mind being away from home.

I made a quick video about the travel lines, learn about the ‘areas or countries’ of travel from each line. Also about the timing of the travel, like what age the trip is likely to be. check it out here.

If you are interested in learning more about palm lines and hand analysis, you might like the new book “Life and Destiny Palmistry”, the complete guide to hand analysis. It is available in paperback (over 300 pages), which includes a detailed index at the back so you can find anything you like. There is also the Kindle book version, which is a little cheaper and also very easy to use. The table of contents allows you to quickly get to a section in the book. You can check it out below. 🙂

Note, all images on this website are subject to copyright.

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