Split Life Line Real Meaning in Palmistry

The Split Life line and other types of line.

The life line types on the palm vary. Most lines, however, arc around the thumb ball and end at the wrist. The length and quality of this line tell certain character traits and constitution. It is a line that is the most interesting one on the palm in palmistry. People like to think that the line refers to one’s actual life. In a way, it does. The line should, ideally, be extended, deeply etched and unmarked. However, it is unlikely that many people in this modern age have a line like that. Sometimes there is a split life line.

The life line types, including the split life line:

  • A long, deeply etched line that reaches the wrist (if unmarked) shows vitality, routine, stability, and motivation.
  • A short line, if also weak or thin in its appearance, reveals a lack of stability or energy levels. Often it is a mark of unstable early family life or a change in the middle of life.
  • A life line that appears faint depicts a delicate or sensitive constitution, common in those who are not physically active.
  • A line that curves outward towards the Mount of Moon describes someone who loves to travel or is very outgoing.
  • A line that runs closer to the thumb is someone who lacks interest in physical activities and may be cold or selfish. They prefer to stay close to home.

A split life line

Any break in a line indicates change. The normal flow and direction of life take on a new course. Countless reasons can bring this change, so it’s nothing to worry about. You can use this timing method to estimate when the change will occur.

  • When a life line appears to have a split or break, look for sister lines on one or both sides of the line, these lines support an otherwise uncertain period.
  • A line on the inside of the life line would show family support, and on the outside from a non-related source. If the break overlaps another part of the life line, it often indicates a planned change.
  • If the split has no parallel lines or overlap, it shows an uncertain period, and care should be taken in every way. The health may be affected due to illness, accident or mental trauma. Look for other indicators on other lines. A square over the split will give protection.

Prediction from the lines

When using the lines for prediction, gather information from past trials that have led the person to be where they are now. Any lines or markings that represent the future are just assumptions. They show what is potential for the subject based on past actions, whether negative or positive. The prediction is only an assumption because our hands connect to our brains, and mental activity is recorded on our palms. As our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade.

The lines can change on the palm.

Some lines change more quickly than others. The lines that are most likely to change quickly are the minor lines. But most lines depict what is happening now and what has led to the current circumstances. Remembering that any person can take control of their destiny, palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows an attribute, looking for other indications for confirmation is essential, as one feature can offset another.

For example, a line that shows success for a person may indicate this as a likely conclusion. However, if other signs are against it, such as a lack of willpower, attaining that success may be difficult; (but not impossible). Finding adverse marks should not be bad, but instead, an incentive for making positive changes for better future outcomes.

If you are reading for someone else

Remember, if you are doing a reading, use care and tact, and never alarm a potentially nervous or sensitive subject. It is not our job as hand analysts to humiliate or discourage anyone. If you happen to fail to verify something, it is because you might not have judged the whole hand correctly.

Which hand to read?

The hand that a person writes with is usually their dominant hand, and the lines and hand shape can show which is the non-dominant. The dominant hand is less flexible, demonstrated by a thumb with a smaller angle. The non-dominant hand tends to be more relaxed and has more lines because it shows our thoughts and what is happening.

The dominant hand

The dominant hand describes what is happening in their material or the outer world (the conscious). It shows what we are experiencing and whether we have developed and grown from our past. The right and left hands are usually different, so I always look at both.

The non-dominant hand

The non-dominant hand defines what is mostly happening on an inner level (subconscious) or what is potential. It shows what we feel we could be doing or should be doing. I read the history from the non-dominant hand, but both sides can depict past events due to timing on the lines.

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