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Crooked Fingers Meaning in Palmistry

crooked fingers, bent fingers, curved finger meaning

When reading hands, palm readers often look at the fingers to help understand the nature of someone. It’s not unusual to have slightly bent fingers. Crooked fingers or a bent finger shows variance to the qualities that the digit represents. Sometimes it is naturally held so that it leans towards or away from another finger (but is straight); it describes what is current now rather than a long-term matter.

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The crooked finger shows that it is giving up some of its strength to the other. When the entire length displays a curve, it gains power from the other finger. Sometimes the finger curls inward or leans backward. Inwardly, it accentuates the qualities of the finger. Outwards, the meaning is weakened. It’s important to know the meanings of the fingers.

The finger that has another leaning or bent towards it depicts the most notable attributes. So as an example, if the ring finger (creativity, social life) leans towards the little finger, it is giving it more strength. It is showing that the business side of life has a creative aspect. However, if the ring finger is bent (rather than leaning) towards the middle, it is gaining strength to itself. The serious qualities of Saturn apply to creative matters, such as being a writer or artist.

Crooked index finger

If the index finger curves towards the middle, it can depict a variety of things. It can show a history of uncertainty in one’s direction in life. It can also suggest that the person has a need for security. As an example, a woman who was always been a stay at home mum with no income would have a need for the financial security of her husband. It could also mean the person is insecure in other ways, like a jealous personality. She might not speak about her feelings much or that she keeps them a secret. If this finger leans backward, it depicts a lack of interest in the self.

curved jupiter finger

When all the fingers bend inwards naturally, it shows a timid or even insecure person. But, it can also denote a selfish and shrewd character. The reason for that is that the bend inwards brings all the fingers together, suggesting a lack of openness or willingness. They may have a distortion of reality in their life, which may lead to corruption or unlawfulness, especially if the middle finger is short.

How to know if there are crooked fingers?

Sometimes it is easier to see crooked fingers if you look at the back of the hand. Even the slightest curve can make a difference. The fingers curved laterally, (such as the index and ring fingers bent towards the middle finger) it increases the perceptiveness of the qualities of the mounts beneath it.

If the mount beneath the finger is not even and is set lower than the regular line, it reduces the aspects of the mount. Any finger set higher than the others increases the qualities of the mount.

If only the very tip of the finger is crooked, it will have a more significant implication to its meaning. Usually just found on the Jupiter or Mercury finger. It indicates that there has been an altered mindset through circumstances. There may have been mental confusion that affected decision making, thoughts, and intuitive faculties (the way things are perceived). A sharp kink on the tip of the little finger can show the early history of family problems.

When all the fingers lean away from the thumb, their energy is in the direction of the inactive subconscious, indicating introversion. It may denote a reluctance to lead or demonstrate authority. However, not all the fingers will tend to lean or bend the same way. If the fingers are held close together, it shows caution, reservation, suspicion or secretiveness.

The crooked ring finger

crooked fingers, bent fingers, curved finger meaning

The ring finger in palmistry is called the Apollo finger. Apollo represents creativity and expression. A curve on this finger is an indicator of extra shrewdness. It is gaining qualities and strength from the other finger. It is a typical feature of writers and artists.

When the Apollo finger bends toward the Saturn finger, it shows that seriousness and a responsible nature is active, and there is high creativity present. An artist might like to ‘cheat’ by finding ways to work easier or quicker.
If the Saturn finger also curves towards Apollo, creative expression was limited in the past despite talent being present; possibly due to responsibilities of family or commitments of duty. These people prefer to be creative or in a professional field since menial jobs such as domestic chores do not interest them; the work gets done, but reluctantly so.

When the Apollo finger leans away from Saturn, it implies the opposite of creativity. It reveals someone with a quiet style and limited or unusual expression. These people might prefer to live alone rather than deal with other individuals or their way of life. They are relatively fussy and pedantic about things of importance to them, often to the point of being compulsive, but other things don’t matter, such as whether they are wearing matching socks.

If it leans backwards, it weakens the meaning and reveals someone overly flexible in social situations.

More about crooked fingers here: Bent middle finger?

Bent index finger meanings here

About the bent little finger here

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