
Life and Destiny Palmistry the Complete Guide eBook version

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The Complete Guide to hand analysis to learn about palmistry. From the basics about fingernails, the shape of the fingers and phalanges, to all the lines. Included is some traditional palmistry, like the fish sign and markings. Fingerprint reading, dermatoglyphics and more! What show’s a gentle person or a potentially violent personality? Or what about someone who can make money? The signs of a risk-taker or an addict. Discover what all those lines on your palm mean. Start from the basics of hand analysis by learning about skin texture, fingernails and even the shape of the fingers. This book is the revised copy of the first two editions, plus more interesting new content. PDF

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Life and Destiny Palmistry eBook version.

Life and Destiny Palmistry is a complete book of hand analysis. It has been nine years in the making, and I have even included my artwork (of hand pictures). This book is a revised and improved version of the first two books of Destiny Palmistry, plus a lot more interesting content. If you prefer many colour images, you might like books 1 and 2.

Learn the exciting art of hand analysis. Whether you are a beginner or have experience, there is always something new to learn. There are various opinions about hand analysis, as well as different cultures. I hope to give you enough diversity so that you can also form your own opinion.

Palmistry is more than merely looking at the lines on the hands. The art of analysing hands is about seeing the character and discovering your potential and purpose in life. If you are interested in examining the hands for personal reasons or if you are a therapist, counsellor, or healer, studying the hands can allow you to add additional means to your range of work. You can give your clients more insight and clarity in attaining their maximum power to achieve goals.

What’s in it?

From the basics about fingernails, the shape of the fingers and phalanges, to all the lines. Included is some traditional palmistry, like the fish sign and markings. Fingerprint reading, dermatoglyphics and more!

I have included some example readings from which you will learn about personality profiling. You can even discover your life purpose. What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses?

What show’s a gentle person or a potentially violent personality? Or what about someone who can make money? The signs of a risk-taker or suffering from addiction. What about money signs? The fish sign? The Simian line? You will learn about each of these and more. You can shake someone’s hand and immediately understand their basic personality. How fantastic is that?

Discover what all those lines on your palm mean. Start from the basics of hand analysis by learning about skin texture, fingernails and even the shape of the fingers. We use all these features when doing a palm reading, and you can learn it all in this one book.

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