Long fingers What Do They Mean in Palmistry?
Long fingers, whether long compared to the palm or with an extended palm, reveal the personality. It’s essential to see the character when doing a palm reading because the lines alone won’t make sense. The fingers and the handshape help hand readers to know what to make out of all the other signs.
The long fingers show someone who tends to be more mentally than physically active. Technical, slow-moving and slow-talking, their mind is the driving force for their life purpose; carefully seeing every option with their suspicious mind.
If together with a square palm (noticeably shorter palm than fingers):
- With an eye and mind for detail, they cautiously and deliberately ensure a well-done job; although they may get preoccupied with their ideas or beliefs.
- With the combination of patience, fussiness and the ability to communicate, these people make good teachers, business people, musicians, writers, accountants, and bookkeepers; They excel in any field that requires precise accuracy.
- Almost everything they do is deliberate and thoughtful.
- Due to their observational skills, they are watchful and careful.
- Their slow style makes them patient and easy-going.
- They can have a long memory.
- They can be cowardly, uncompassionate or cold.
- Their feelings are easily hurt, mainly in a water hand, (a thin, elongated hand).

More about the long fingers and square palm
This shape is also called the thinking hand. The air hand has a square palm with noticeably long fingers. The lines are clear but more delicate than the ones on the earth hand. The square shape of the palm gives practical, realistic and down-to-earth qualities and the long fingers show the thinking person.
The long fingers depict someone who is mentally active, logical, intelligent, and patient with a love of detail. They like to think things through themselves and tend to be very inquisitive and eager to learn. Hence, make good students. They prefer to keep busy mentally with thoughts and ideas with constant variety and change.
Communication and technology are of interest to them, and they are often up to date with the latest technology. Alternatively, they might have talent in vocal or literary fields. A suitable career for them would be in journalism, teaching or something that involves intellectual activities because they may become restless or bored without mental stimulation. The emotional side of their life may be challenging to experience; they might feel more comfortable talking about their feelings rather than showing them.
The air hand types should avoid mental exhaustion from taking on too many things. Flexible routines and activities that stimulate the mind are recommended.
Long Fingers with a Long and Narrow Palm

The narrow, long palm with long fingers is a Water hand. It is also referred to as the feeling hand. The water type has extended palms and long fingers; the hand regularly appears very narrow overall. The fingers are lean with conic or pointed tips. The hands feel soft and kind of damp. There are frequently many fine lines all over the palm, showing someone who is sensitive, intuitive and dreamy.
The more lines there are, the more it suggests poor concentration and a highly strung nature. Mental instability and depression are common issues with the hand full of lines. They are, however, often incredibly imaginative, creative and compassionate, attracted to the arts (modelling, fashion, singing, acting etc). Also healing professions or counselling. The long fingers show their patience and eye for detail, but they can be unworldly or impractical. Especially so if with pointed fingertips.
More about Long fingers.
The long fingers depict someone who is introspectively active, logical, intelligent, and patient with a love of detail. They like to think things through themselves and tend to be very inquisitive and eager to please, making good students. Most prefer to keep busy with thoughts and ideas and to have constant variety and change.
Communication and technology interest them, and are often updated with the latest technology. Many have talent in vocal or literary fields. I see this type of hand with actors and musicians. Other suitable careers for them would be journalism, teaching or something involving intellectual activities because they may become restless or bored without mental stimulation. The emotional side of their life may be difficult to experience; they feel more comfortable talking about their feelings rather than showing them. The long fingers with long, narrow palm is a bit different, read about it here.
Health and the Water-type hand
Healthwise, they are vulnerable and can lack energy; they may suffer stress-related issues. Some form of spiritual beliefs is helpful in their day-to-day motivation. Individuals with slender and long palms are mostly introverted, prefer peace, move slower, and dislike rowdy crowds and competition.
Because of their intuition and connection to emotions, their feelings are hurt easily; they can pick up other people’s moods without even realising it. The longer the hand and fingers are, the slower their thinking and the more unstable their personality. Very long fingers can depict a suspicious or cruel nature with a lack of sympathy.
The water types should avoid stress and mood swings and avoid repressing their emotions. Drugs and alcohol do not mix well with these sensitive types and should also be avoided.
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