Free Palm Reading Lessons for Beginners

Free Palm Reading Lessons for Beginners and the more Advanced

Are you looking for a free palm reading? The best way to guide your life is to know yourself instead of asking someone for answers. When was the last time you had a question about your future? Did you feel some uncertainty about your next decision in life? What if the answers were in your hands and that you could find them.

If you knew how to read your palms, you could potentially keep track of what is happening all the time. The lines, your skin, and even your fingernails give clues to how you travel in life. You can find about health, career, relationships and a general understanding of your nature from your hands.

To fully understand how palm reading works, starting with the very basics is essential. The basics are what gives you a clear vision of who you are. Your fingerprints are always the same, so it’s one of the first things you should learn. If you can’t wait, you can get your life purpose reading from your fingerprints here.

The lines can and do change over time.

I have never seen a hand and thought that what I see is a set destiny. The lines can come and go, which is why they help see what’s happening now. If you don’t like where they are taking you, then you have the choice to make changes.

I have free lessons because thousands of people come to me for free advice, all the time. I realised that if I could teach people the basic skills and knowledge of palm reading, they wouldn’t have to consult others.

Free palm reading lessons are available right now. This website has over 200 expert articles about palmistry, and I have hundreds of video lessons for you to start learning: Subscribe here to the YouTube channel.

A lesson about the fingers in palmistry: Click here to check it out.

Introduction to Palmistry excerpt from Life and Destiny Palmistry

Palmistry is the art of analysing the hands, palm lines, ridges and fingerprints. These days, contemporary palmistry steers away from the predictive side of reading hands. The art is used in Western culture mainly to depict character, career and health. Other cultures do things a little differently. Palm readers in the East tend to prefer the predictive reading of things like accidents and disasters, and some even tell people when they might die. It is impossible to know those things through the hands, and readers should avoid even attempting to look for them.

Is palmistry fortune-telling?

Most modern-day hand readers do not see palmistry as fortune-telling. Palmistry is hand analysis. People still want to know their future from their hands, but the problem is that the hands show what is going on right now, not what might happen in the future.

Realistically the lines cannot predict the future. People make their own decisions in life. They can tell you that whatever you have done up until now can show as a kind of consequence of what may come. For instance, if you are not taking care of yourself, or if you are addicted to food or substances, your health may suffer down the track. Some indicators on the hands can tell of poor health. Or, if you have the qualities of someone motivated and driven to succeed, then you are more likely to have the result of becoming successful.

If you have features that depict weakness in the character, a hand analyst could tell you what weaknesses to work on to bring a more desired outcome. Nothing is for sure, especially from one feature alone. When reading hands, consider all aspects before making assumptions because some elements balance out or cancel out others. As a rule of thumb, always look at the thumb. It is a critical factor in good reading.

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Palm reading lesson 1 here.

Palmistry lesson about the thumb here.

See other readings here.

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