Thumb Reading to Analyse the Character for willpower and drive
The thumb has a great significance in palmistry; you can glance at a person’s hand and quickly get a general idea of their energy, drive, and basic temperament. So, thumb reading is a crucial part of character awareness, particularly in situations where one is meeting someone for the first time. In most business or personal situations, people shake hands to introduce themselves, so, what a perfect opportunity to glance at the thumb!
As with most features, finding balance in proportion to itself and how it appears to look on the hand is ideal. Nothing too crude and nothing too small. In general, a small thumb belongs to the day-dreamer; one set at the base of the hand belongs to the hands of a worker; an extended thumb indicates the strength of character and intelligence. The thumb is an excellent aspect in which to attain clues confirming other characteristics found on the hands.
When doing a thumb reading, (1) the first phalange (tip of the thumb) is compared with (2) the second phalange. They should be relatively equal in length and thickness.

The tip of the thumb is the amount of willpower, energy and self-control. The second phalange is about logic, thoughtfulness and organising skills.
If either of the phalanges appear to be shorter or thinner, then it suggests weakened qualities of that aspect of the character. Therefore, a small tip shows the willpower needs work. A small or thin second phalange suggests that logic needs improvement.
The Angle of the Thumb
The angle of the thumb measures from the space between the inside of the thumb and the edge of the palm. When the thumb angle is average, it is approximately between 45 and a 70-degree angle to the palm. A low set thumb usually has a wide angle, and a high set thumb has a narrow one.
When the angle of the thumb is narrow, 30 degrees or less and close to the palm rather than opening away from it, it suggests someone much quieter, untrusting or guarded. When the thumb opens to a wide-angle, it is mostly found on the low set one and suggests a more open and giving nature.

Thumb Setting
A typical location of the thumb is when the inside of the thumb is halfway down the hand, indicating a reasonable amount of generosity, ego, intellect and wariness. These people are practical and giving, being neither a miser nor a pushover.
An unusually high-set thumb is when the inside of the thumb is greater than halfway up the palm (rare). It shows a lack of character and intellect, although they can be quite shrewd, and so not very trustworthy. They are less adaptable than those with a medium or low set thumb. The thumb in this position usually has a narrow-angle and so depicts a very cautious, secretive nature. As they are typically very selfish, for them to be in a generous mood, they must have a valid reason or worthy cause.

A low-set thumb is when the inside of the thumb is below halfway on the hand, closer to the wrist. It portrays a sensible and open-minded person with a down to earth outlook on life. They may not always be very imaginative, but they are certainly self-confident, determined, independent and very adaptable. They are generous with a love of adventure and often have many interests. The low-set thumb is usually long, depicting appropriate will and reasoning powers. If the thumb is set very low, it can imply weakness of self-control, or a lack of concern regarding intellectual matters, belonging to the extroverts, adventurers, and manual workers.
The large thumb shows strength, force, realism, and determination; they use their head but may lack sentimentality. The small thumb (if also thin) with its weakness has insufficient force, and the heart guides them; their life is ruled by sentiment. A mentor is a great help for those with a small thumb.
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