Fingerprints to Tell Life Purpose or Mission

fingerprints for life purpose

Fingerprints to Tell Life Purpose You might be surprised to learn that you can use your fingerprints to tell life purpose. We all have a particular calling or purpose in life; it is our passion to pursue our dream and what it is we want to attain. In Palmistry, you can use fingerprints to tell life … Read more

True Purpose In Life – Do We Need One?

True Purpose – Do we need a mission in life?

Why is having a life purpose essential? We all have a particular calling or true purpose in life; our passion is to pursue a dream. Your life mission reveals the power that will propel you towards that goal.

Scientifically based information from the fingerprints will help you get a clear direction in your life from your strengths and explain your life lessons, your weaknesses that are holding you back and why you keep struggling in some areas of your life. This method of palm reading combines your hand shape, palm lines and the fingerprint system Richard Unger teaches.

Do you feel utterly dominant and confident about your life path?

Your true purpose is unique to you. Through fingerprints and hand analysis, your character can decipher your soul’s purpose for being your true self.

Why do you need to know about your life mission? To be aware of why you are here, living the life you are meant to live, your values, your worth, and your goals from a soul perspective. Get to understand your motives and make clear life decisions to claim your power and live your best life possible.

Some of us live our real purpose yet are unaware, unfortunately still making mistakes and ignoring the signs. A palm reading by an expert analyst can help confirm your direction through fingerprint analysis.

Do you feel you could be doing something else?

Your life mission is not about what you ‘do’ but more about your attitude and how you experience life. It continues to form as we mature. It is about feeling powerful and active in your way, not hiding in a corner or feeling guilty but being passionate about your life. Knowing ‘who’ you are. However, for any life purpose to work, we must also understand and deal with ‘life lessons.’

Can I prevent these life lessons?

We all will inevitably experience life lessons before we succeed in our mission. However, these experiences can assist us in realising our true purpose in life. Lessons and experiences such as:

  • Financial problems
  • Feeling powerless
  • Lack of decision-making skills
  • Fear of making mistakes and much more.

What are the signs of success in palmistry? What are some of the positive qualities a life purpose reading can reveal? Through a palm reading and using Richard Unger’s method, you can discover what your full potential and natural character traits are, such as:

  • A business person
  • An artist
  • A Healer
  • The leader, and much more.

So, what has this mission got to do with fingerprints?

We are all aware that our fingerprints never change. In hand analysis, these prints are our real character, which will never change, unlike other features and lines of the hands.

Is it possible to read my child’s hands? Yes, we are born with the same fingerprints we have now. When doing a regular palm reading, I rarely read the hands of a child the same way as I read an adult’s hand. That is because the child is yet to go through many stages of development.

Anything can bring change to their life, and the lines form and continue to change as our lives grow; the fingers and nails, too, can change. Does your hand resemble the hand of an infant? I doubt it, and if it did, the meaning of this, through hand diagnosis, would be immaturity or lack of development.

We can decipher our real purpose from the day a person is born. This life purpose naturally will come with the life lessons or ‘karmic debt’ that the child (or adult) will at one stage face in their life. As a parent, I feel it would benefit from knowing how we can help our children grow and succeed. We all would love to see our loved ones happy and want happiness as well, no matter what part of our life we attain.

Watch a video about finding your passion through your hands. Click here.

Success in palms – This reading can give you these answers and more! It is done by using the fingerprints only and is included in the Premium Hand Analysis (recommended)

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Life and Destiny Palmistry Book is available in Kindle, paperback and hardcover.

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