Signs of Depression and Anxiety in Palmistry

Signs of depression and anxiety from the palm and fingers.

In this article, the signs from the hands that I am referring to can be abandonment anxiety or abandonment depression. Someone with these indicators might suffer severe anguish whenever experiencing a forced separation from a close person. Often, a relationship for these people feels insecure, even if it isn’t. Even the thought of someone leaving them is enough to trigger an emotional reaction. If a breakdown in the union happens for real, the feelings of anxiety and depression will, in most cases, require the intervention of a therapist.

science behind palm reading

The main sign of depression from abandonment

The abandonment anxieties mainly refer to relationships in marriage or romantic liaisons. The distinguishing characteristic of this formation in personality is the middle phalange of the little finger, which appears thicker, heavier than usual, and somewhat swollen. Even the mildest of swelling can predispose to signs of depression or anxiety. [as per Arnold Holtzman]. The thick middle phalange has other meanings, including having an active mind. You can see more information in this book.

Other indicators (note more than one indicator needs to be present)

  • A short nail on the middle finger is another sign that points to a predisposition to depression or a history of a stressful early life.
  • If the palm has more than the usual number of lines, the mind is overly active, and the possibility of depression is higher.
  • A flat area under the index finger indicates a lack of motivation and can be one of the indicators.
  • A bent middle finger shows a history of complex or uneasy emotional states. Milton Seligman’s idea of ‘learned helplessness’ teaches us that when unresolved anxieties exist, a state of depression will likely follow.
  • A very short middle finger, equal to the index and ring fingers, relates to a condition called ‘the undefined self’. This feature can signify a troubled childhood or a ruptured home life that can contribute to depression. Please note that the index and ring fingers are sometimes long, not short, middle fingers. If the index finger is overly short, it is a sign of peer group rejection.
  • Pointed fingertips are more likely to belong to those predisposed to depression. However, on their own, they do not represent depression. A flat ball of the thumb can represent a lack of sexual drive and disinterest in people in general.

Looking at the head line

The head line (lower transverse crease) should be relatively equal in length and weight on each hand. If the dominant hand has a weaker, shorter head line, it suggests changes in the person’s mental side, which can signify the first signs of depression. An example of head line types in the above image, no.4 is a weak head line.

In many cases, a long deep, curved head line can depict an emotional person, (no.3) hence potentially falling under the predisposition to depression. However, it also represents empathy, so it’s not a good or reliable indicator. All factors must be considered, including the shape and size of the fingers and thumbs.

Considering the Hand Shape

The shape of the hand that belongs to those susceptible to bouts of depression is the water-shaped hand. This type of hand is narrow with pretty long fingers. Please note that they are long even if the fingers are the same length as the palm. The water hand reveals introverts and the reason they are susceptible to depression is that these people are sensitive and easily absorb other people’s negative energy and emotions.

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