Palmistry Books
Palmistry books that are easy to understand. They are loaded with images and diagrams that explain the details in layman’s language.
- Learn about all the types of life lines – foresee potential, health, warnings and more.
- Discover the kinds of the head line- to understand the way you think
- Various heart lines – how your emotions affect your relationships
- All the minor lines, including rare and unusual indicators
- All the markings and what they mean…plus much more, including an extensive section on the Simian Line.
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Destiny Palmistry
Hand Analysis and More
Learn the exciting art of hand analysis. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience, there is always something new to learn. Palmistry is more than merely looking at the lines on the hands.
The art of analysing hands is about seeing the character and discovering your potential and purpose in life. If you are interested in palmistry for personal reasons or are a therapist, counsellor, or healer, studying the hands can allow you to add additional means to your range of work. You can give your clients more insight and clarity in attaining their maximum power to achieve goals. I have included some example readings from which you will learn some personality profiling. You can even discover your life purpose. What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses?
Example readings included
What might depict a gentle person or a potentially violent personality? Or what about someone who can make money? The signs of a risk-taker or an addict. You can shake someone’s hand and immediately understand their basic personality; how fantastic is that? Discover what all those lines on your palm mean. Start from the basics of hand analysis by learning about skin texture, fingernails and even the shape of the fingers. We use all these hand features when reading palms; you can understand it all in this book.
OUT NOW! The Palmistry Books by Sari Puhakka.
Palmistry for relationships?
There are many incredible ways palmistry can improve our lives, not only in discovering ourselves but also for others. When you discover your potential lover’s relationship behaviour, you and your potential lover have a greater chance of success. It is exciting to have this knowledge and to be able to understand people and improve their relationships.
A few very simple clues on the hands can help us see the underlying personality and whether or not there is compatibility. If not, knowing about it can prevent future issues.
- If someone is a natural, genuine person, the fingers tell all.
- Learn to tell if a person has a flawed character, such as a petty thief or a perpetual liar.
- Imagine meeting someone for the first time. It is nice to know if they might have past issues that could affect the way they treat other people. It makes it easier to understand them and possibly be more forgiving.
- Some qualities might be offensive, and knowing what to look for can help decide whether or not to know them better.
Money-making skills?
From Destiny palmistry books, you can understand the character from various parts of the hand and fingers. Here is a list of just a few topics:
- Elements are in the shape of the hand, specific areas of the hand, and what they mean.
- The mounts on the hand and their development.
- Fingertip shapes and what they mean.
- Skin texture and fingernails.
- Crooked or leaning fingers and specific finger length and size.
- Temperaments and abilities judged by hand shape.
- Occupations and the elements.
- The faithful one.
- The unfaithful one.
- The romantic one.
- Ambition and leadership.
- Honesty.
- What does the thumb alone say about you?
More traits are recognised from the hands.
The strengths and weaknesses of our nature affect the shape of our hands, and when it comes to relationships, I think this knowledge is crucial. Hand reading at a glance can tell you about many personality traits:
- Honesty / dishonesty
- Jealousy and insecurity
- Responsibility / leadership skills
- Loving nature/warmth
- Cold nature / unresponsive
- Ego and self-esteem/depression
- Intelligence
- Daydreamer / go-getter
- Stubbornness / submissiveness
- Weakness/Strength
- Communication skills
- Secretiveness / openness
- Shrewdness and more.
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- Finding your life purpose.