mercury mount, pinkie palmistry, signs of dishonesty palmistry, mercury mount

Mercury Mount Shows More Than Wit and Intelligence

In palmistry, the padded areas of the palm located under the fingers have the same name as the finger, except the thumb. The mercury mount is the one under the little finger. Apollo is the ring finger; Saturn is the middle, and Jupiter is the index. These mounts help us analyse the character in a palm reading.

If any of these mounts appear flat, it can indicate that the person does not put much energy into that area of life. A large, well-developed mount would suggest the opposite, where much focus directs to the area. However, as a standard rule, if the hand has large mounts all over, the person has high energy levels with enthusiasm for life.

The Mercury mount sits under the base of the little finger. This mount mainly relates to the mind and the ability for communication, whether in personal relationships or business. It shows how well you connect with others as well as the amount of mental capacity and ideas. Positive aspects show quick wit and intelligence.

Take note of the skins consistency

It is essential to take into consideration if the hand is soft or hard. Soft full mounts depict less energy than firm ones. If the palm mainly consists of flat mounts, there is less zest for life. If the mount has loose skin, the mount would have been puffier in the past (now deflated), so the subject has lost energy. To judge whether the mount is full or underdeveloped, compare it to the other areas on the hand. If they all appear the same, gently cup your hand, and then you should be able to determine which mount looks dominant.

Negative aspects of the Mercury mount

Negative aspects of the Mercury mount point to deceitfulness or nervousness, especially if the head line is weak or poorly marked. If the mount of Mercury is significant and is partially under the ring finger, the communication style is creative, such as a writer. This displacement usually happens when there is a high Apollo line that rises to the ring finger.

The pinkie (Mercury) plays a significant role in the overall balance of character; if well-developed, it lessens the struggles to succeed in all areas of life.

The Mercury mount tends to be full when a person is dealing with communications; such as doing business, teaching, healing, writing. Entrepreneurs often have a full Mercury mount. With positive aspects, it depicts someone warm, social, outgoing and optimistic. They like to believe they are honest and usually know how to make money. With negative aspects, the Mercurian (especially on a woman), is a law unto herself, putting herself before others.

If the mount is overly developed and marked, it shows much passion but can also depict a shrewd, shifty and dishonest character. When flat, there is a lack of interest in business and relationships.

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Healthwise, the Mercurian might have issues with the nervous system and indigestion caused by nervous worry or anxiety. They have vivid dreams, and so many also have insomnia. They are even inclined to have trouble with the nose and eyes. Living in an unhappy home can quickly ruin their health. Nature and peaceful surroundings are their best medicine.


STAR – Success in business ventures and mental challenges.
CROSS – Dishonesty, cheating.
SQUARE – Protection against mental strain and financial risks.
TRIANGLE – Ability for business, writing and influencing others.
GRID – Overworking, at risk of failing. Shrewdness.
VERTICAL LINES – Healing or communication lines.

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Destiny Palmistry Character Awareness Book 1 here

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