Easy Palm Reading Guide for Beginners

How you can quickly know something about yourself from your hands

Palm reading, or chiromancy, has been around for thousands of years and is all about interpreting the lines and mounts on your hands. Getting started as a beginner helps not to overthink the complexity of it all. Palm reading doesn’t have to be complex. In this easy palm reading guide, I will explain five simple rules to follow to understand what all the lines mean.

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  1. Look at the whole hand.
  2. See and feel the skin texture.
  3. Analyse the shape of the hand.
  4. Look for mounts that stand out.
  5. The lines on the palm.

(1) The first rule of easy palm reading

We see our energy, character and how we approach life on the palms of our hands. Therefore, the first rule of reading a palm is to look at the whole hand, the skin, shape and number of lines. By number of lines, I don’t mean you count how many lines there are, but in general, does the palm look like it’s covered in lines, or is there only a few?
Skin texture and consistency tell us about our mental and emotional strength and resilience. The shape of the hand gives it an overall character, whether practical, sensitive, or energetic. Knowing these few things is the foundation of easy palm reading. Let us look at what it all means.

(2) Skin Texture

Analysing the skin in a palm reading is easy. If the skin is tough, so is the nature of the individual. They are resilient and hardy. These types will have only a few deep lines on their palms. If the skin is soft and silky, they are more sensual, introverted and receptive. They will have more fine lines as well as the deeper lines. Suppose it is shiny and thin to look at, almost transparent. In that case, it shows sensitivity and a quiet demeanour, and the palms will be covered with lines.

air hand shape

(3) Elemental Hand Shapes

Earth Hands: Square palms and short fingers. – Practical and grounded. People with Earth hands are often reliable and realistic.

The Major Lines on the Palm

easy palm reading

(4) Major Lines on the Palm.

Heart Line: Runs horizontally across the top of your palm. – Long heart lines: More emotional and nurturing. – Shorter lines: More focused on oneself.

Easy Palm Reading – the Mounts

uranus mount


(5) The Areas of the Palm (Mounts)

Mount of Venus: The padded area at the base of the thumb represents love and beauty. If the mount of Venus is bulbous, it shows someone with a lot of love to give. If flat, there may be a lack of energy.

Mount of Jupiter: Beneath the index finger relates to ambition and self-esteem. The more developed it is, the more ambition they have.

Mount of Saturn: Under the middle finger, associated with wisdom. The Saturn mount is often displaced toward under the index finger.

Mount of Apollo: Below the ring finger, the Mount of Apollo represents creativity. If well-developed, it also means someone social and charismatic.

Mount of Mercury: At the base of the pinky, represents communication skills. A large mount under the pinky can belong to a business-minded person.

Easy Palm Reading Books

If you want to learn more, check out my books, which are available in paperback or as a download here.

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