This earth hand shape is a term used in palmistry to describe certain characteristics of the hand. Another term meaning a similar thing is the practical or square hand.
If this earth hand shape is of average weight (not too plump), it is the most balanced shape of all the types in palmistry. If you aren’t sure about your hand shape, look at it from the back because the mounts do not interfere with what you see.
Why does the hand shape matter in palmistry?
The shape of the hand mainly tells us how much balance there is, according to introversion/extroversion and general physical shape. While many palm readers consider the handshape, it’s not a complete personality picture.
Four Basic Hand Shapes
The hands can change when we have physical changes, such as weight loss or gain. However, according to traditional palmistry, the hands come in four basic shapes, each revealing a character type. Other popular classifications can describe the shapes, but in this article, I want to explain using the four astrological elements, starting with the earth hand.
Note: There is a thick version of the earth shape, commonly described as an elementary hand. However, both represent the ‘practical’ hand.
What does the earth hand shape look like?
Earth hand shape: In astrology, the elements of earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Earth hand has a square palm and short fingers. The fingers are usually stiff and thick with rounded tips. There are typically only a few thick lines and rarely any minor lines. The earth-shaped hand can be plump or it can be slim. The plump hand shows less patience than a slim one, but it depicts pride. These types are nature-loving, hands-on plodders. The slim, earth type is more energetic, patient, active and practical.
Example of an elementary earth hand shape
The image below belonged to a dear friend, a typical earth hand personality of the elementary type. He was a dedicated father and husband. Before retirement, he was a plasterer by trade but was also a fisherman and an artist. He had many skills, including oil painting, pottery and woodwork. I remember his great sense of humour and wit; he always seemed happy. He loved life, his family, animals and his pets (a dog, a cat and some chickens).
Typical characteristics:
- An earth hand depicts common sense; they are very level-headed individuals. If you need a good organiser to get things done, look no further than someone with an earth-shaped hand.
- They are capable, reliable, helpful, honest and not afraid of hard work.
- Mostly realistic and practical, yet they can be very creative and often good with their hands.
- Emotionally, they are relatively straightforward but do not habitually reveal their feelings.
- On a mental level, someone with this square palm is stable and sensible, so usually, what you see is what you get.
- They have a love of tradition and being outdoors.
- They also have an affinity for nature and a concern for animals.
A mix of earth and fire-type hands
Some hands on the palm side might appear to be a fire type, especially if the hand is held with the fingers together. Try seeing the hand in an upright position with the fingers held open, and the shape of the hand looks different. The fire type might suddenly look like an earth type. To confirm, turn around and look at the top of the palm. Always ensure the hand is held upright with the fingers pointing towards the sky.
You can click the links below to learn about the other three types of hands.
Square palm but long fingers? (Air hand, thinking types)
Long and Narrow looking hand? (Water hand, sensitive types)
Thick palm and short fingers? (Fire hand, energetic types)
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