Grounded Energy Brings You Balance

Grounded Energy Brings You Balance and Harmony

The image you chose represents ‘Grounded Energy’ and brings balance, harmony, patience, and moderation into your life. You are being asked to balance and ground your energy and allow life to flow without force. It means it’s time to get your life back into order, harmony and balance. Read on for the rest of the message below.

psychic tarot one card reading, grounded energy

The focus might be on all the issues or things you thought you had completed, resurfacing for the sole purpose, it seems, of ‘testing’ you. But you will be surprised at your ability to turn a negative situation into an extremely positive one simply by redirecting your energies.

Grounded energy calls on you to remain calm, even if things feel stressful. You have an abundant source of patience from within. You can maintain an even temperament and can manage your emotions easily. This is not the time to be highly opinionated or controversial. Look at all the perspectives. Be the peacekeeper and take a balanced and moderate approach. Also, avoid any extremes. Include others by working together and creating harmony and cooperation.

Grounded energy is about having a clear, long-term vision of your goal. So, you are not rushing things along; you are taking your time to ensure that you do the best job possible. You are at peace with what you are doing; it is all coming together very well. Your inner voice guides you gently to the right outcome, and you patiently listen and follow.

Grounded Energy Special Guidance

Your best success will come through your ability to maintain control over volatile conditions and utilize ideas to achieve the desired results.

What you’re experiencing is a clash between the old and the new, a chemical reaction in mind, body, and affairs caused by a reaction to a new action. There is nothing to fear; it’s part of the process. Without it, a change could not occur.

Remember, too, to honour the cycles of your body, the energy levels and emotions. All life is cyclical: the stars, the moon and the universe. Sometimes, you might feel energized and, at other times, down. Your body goes through cycles and changes, and you should celebrate these rhythms and embrace them as the essence of your life. Take care of your body and seek help in an emotional crisis.

Love and light <3

Thank you for participating in the psychic tarot one card reading today. I hope you get some benefit from your message and look forward to a bright future. You’re welcome to try again if you do not have clarity from your reading. Remember, asking a question the second time means you may not have been clear the first time. Try simplifying your question or asking, ‘What do I need right now?’.

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Do you procrastinate? Or struggle with mental blocks? Do you wish you had magical powers or that you were psychic? What part of your life (or yourself) do you want to change? What is stopping you from being and doing what you love? Alternatively, do you know what it is you want? We all have the power to succeed in what we want, and it can be much easier than you think. Start with only one minute each day to make you happier in all areas of your life. This book is about discovering your full potential and tapping into the power of your mind to bring about positive changes to succeed in all the things you do and want.

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