A life purpose reading – Discovering your life mission.
A life purpose reading from your fingerprints and features from your hands will reveal a key theme of your life, your strengths and what you need to know to use your full potential. We can all have a particular calling or purpose in life; it might be our passion or pursuit of a dream. Your life mission reveals the power that can propel you towards that goal.

Do you wonder why some things hold you back in life?
Hand analysis uses scientifically-based information from fingerprints to help you get a more precise direction. I can also look for your life lessons and weaknesses that might be holding you back. Why do you need to know about your life mission? To be aware of why you are here, living the life you are meant to live, your values, your worth, and your goals from a soul perspective. Understand your motives and make clear life decisions to claim your power and live your best life possible. Some of us live our lives with real purpose yet are entirely unaware, unfortunately still making mistakes or ignoring the signs.
Life purpose reading: What does this mission have to do with fingerprints?
We are all aware that our fingerprints never change. So in hand analysis, these prints are our real character, which will never change, unlike other features and lines of the hands. Anything can bring change to our life, and the lines form and continue to change as our lives grow; the fingers and nails too, can change. This reading can help you find success from your palms, hand shape and fingerprints. Premium Hand Analysis Reading (recommended)
- Please provide clear photos (in an e-mail) of your palms (whole hand) and fingerprints indicating your left and right hands.
- Fingerprints are required (clear photo or ink print). Talcum powder on the fingertips might make the fingerprint lines more visible in a photo. Please note the complete fingerprint needs to be visible from the top crease to the sides.
- Please let me know if you are male or female
- Right or left-handed?
- Your DATE OF BIRTH (Exact time and place for a more accurate reading).
- CLICK HERE to send images to me.
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Why learn about your purpose?
Anyone who seems to have it all is undoubtedly doing what they love. Finding a purpose in life involves getting in touch with your true self and doing what you love. Think about what is essential in your life, what makes you happy, and why you do what you do. We all know what we like. Just ask yourself honestly what you want.
When you know your purpose, you know what you must do. It can be a gut feeling or a knowing that gives you enthusiasm for your life. Not knowing your purpose and doing whatever comes along daily can drain your energy and motivation. If you want to know what your purpose in life is, then look at the things you love:
- Look around you; what’s in your house, your shelves, and your room?
- Do you enjoy the indoors and outdoors, and what do you do every day?
- More importantly, what do you think about all day?
- What did you want to be or do when you left school?
- Do you still love to do what you did as a child?
- What hobbies do you have?
- Do you like to make others happy?
Your skill is not necessarily your purpose. You may have some ability or natural talent for something, but that does not mean you enjoy doing those things.
Feedback from happy customers
Hello Sari,
Wow, that’s great reading. How can you tell me so much about the situation that I’m facing now? That’s really amazing. Thank you so much. Andria.
After many interviews, I finally got an excellent job offer as a contractor. Your prediction was 100% accurate and thanks to you many times. Great wishes to you and your family. Again, many thanks for your replies & your support. Have a great day, Sincerely, R.R—Trial Reading.
Thanks, that was very accurate. Many thanks for taking the time to do this reading for me. J.D.C E-mail
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