Life Line Timeline Guide in Palmistry

Life Line Timeline To Predict Events

In palmistry, the life line is the crease that wraps around the thumb ball. It is one of the main lines to look at for timing past, present or future events. If you want to learn how to read palms, you must understand the life line timeline. Measuring events through palmistry is not exactly easy to do. However, timing on the lines, particularly the life line, is an important part of interpreting the markings.

Knowing whether an event has passed or is yet to come can prevent unnecessary worry. Many marks relate to what we go through and our character rather than specific events. We can see what has been happening through the lines that help to make assumptions about the future. Remember that these lines and marks can change over time, making predictions unreliable.

lifespan in palmistry

Types of timing methods

Palmists’ methods are not exact, but the following examples are relatively close, give or take a few years. The best way to find an age on the line is to look at past events, such as a significant move or change, and see if the occurrence has left a mark on the line. With practice, you get to understand the knowledge of these experiences and achieve a more accurate reading.

The beginning of the line starts at the top, and many hand readers agree that is where to begin the timing. I have observed that when estimating timing on the life line, approximately halfway along shows the age of forty. A straight line drawn from the centre of the index finger to the life line is around the age of fifteen. A line straight down from the gap between the index and middle finger is the approximate age of twenty-one, and from the middle of the Saturn finger (middle finger) is the age of thirty-five. Read more below, or see the video here.

Timing using the measuring method

If you really want to try to be more exact in the timing technique, you can use the metric or imperial method. The imperial measures each year as 1/16th of an inch. The metric system is 1mm per year. They give a slightly different result, so it’s up to personal preference.

What if the Life line timeline is broken?

If a line is broken, has a broad curve, is close to the thumb or reaches out towards the Mount of the moon, it can be difficult to estimate timing. As a rule, to simplify it all, the first quarter length from the beginning of the line represents the age 1-20, the second quarter 20-40, the third 40-60 and the last 60-80.

how to see age on life line

Life line timeline age:

Many people live past the age of eighty, so the timing method can be derived from the fate line instead of the life line. Occasionally, the life line reaches well around the thumb or into the rascettes on the wrist; this might represent the years beyond eighty and someone with deep-seated family roots. If the line appears short, transfer the gauge to the fate or subsequent life line and resume the timing progression similarly.

Learn to estimate events from the life and fate lines in detail. See about Palmistry Lessons by Sari here.

For all the secrets found in the shape of your fingers, get the Destiny Palmistry book1 here.

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