Call of Destiny Today is The Star

Call of Destiny is the Name of the Image You Chose

The image you are drawn to gives you this message: the star is your call of destiny. You have four messages today. I have split this message into four parts. Depending on your question, you might only want to read one: general, relationship, work, or special guidance.

(1) General

The star tells you to focus on faith, the future, and what could be. This is the hope for the future, a good omen. It is time for optimism and belief in yourself and what you can achieve. You want to find (or regain) a sense of meaning, inspiration, or purpose in your life and hope your future will be better than your past.

(2) Relationship question

In romance, you may feel the lack of love or fulfilment in your life and will dream of, or hope to meet, someone special, and something will inspire you or encourage that wish.

(3) Work and Finances

Are you unhappy with your work status and want things to improve? You will discover a new method, talent, or ability that you can bring to your work or the work you’ll be doing in the future. You will make great strides in your long-term professional goals and be showered with gifts, assistance, and business calls; also, good news will arrive, offering new hope and the promise of future success and fulfilment. Don’t worry about your finances. you’ll make money in the long run, and your prospects for the future look even better.

(4) Special Guidance for your call of destiny

The call of destiny motivates you or compels you to go on. Your desire is not in vain, and that which you are yearning for will ultimately find fulfilment. Follow what you know to be true with deep sincerity and a firm resolve. In due time, your star shall shine.

Thank you for participating in the psychic tarot one card reading today. I hope you get some benefit from your message and look forward to a bright future.

You’re welcome to try again if you do not have clarity from your reading. Remember, asking a question the second time means you may not have been clear the first time. Try simplifying your question or asking, ‘What do I need right now?’


Your dreams say a lot about what is going on in your life and possibly someone else’s. Pay attention to them, especially the vivid, loud dreams. They are the easiest way to tune into your intuition because you are asleep. Some dreams represent our repressed unconscious needs from our conscious awareness. If we can understand what they mean, our subconscious may help us deal with our day-to-day life.

  • Your dreams can provide insight into your relationships or situations; they can bring healing and help you resolve problems.
  • Recurring dreams are trying to draw your attention to a long-standing issue that needs addressing.
  • Nightmares are shocking you into recognizing your stress and what may be causing it.
  • Often, your dreams warn of your issues, whether health, your job or a dangerous situation ahead of you or someone close to you.
  • Think about what you are dreaming about and try to analyse the thoughts to match what is happening in your life.
  • If a colour is recognizable, use the shade guide in this book to see what it might signify.
  • People and animals in dreams symbolize our behaviour and attitude, so it is essential to acknowledge their actions and behaviour and relate them to your situation.

Claim Your Power

Do you procrastinate? Or struggle with mental blocks? Do you wish you had magical powers or that you were psychic? What part of your life (or yourself) do you want to change? What is stopping you from being and doing what you love?

Alternatively, do you know what it is you want? We all have the power to succeed in what we want, which can be much easier than you think. You can start with only one minute each day to become happier in all areas of your life. This book is about discovering your full potential and tapping into the power of your mind to bring about positive changes to succeed in all the things you do and want. Surprising results turn your life around sometimes instantly. See below for more about paperback and Kindle books.

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