Hand features of a problematic child, from a palmist’s point of view.
We also consider other marks or signs for a difficult child’s hand features. People inherit many physical characteristics and character traits from their parents, and we are all unique. Keep in mind that a child’s hand is still developing. Not only do the lines change, but so does the shape of the hand. Also, some of the signs can be temporary.
The basic shape of the hand is especially an essential part of reading the palms because it helps us to determine the person’s first and most fundamental character—an example of a fire hand.
I recall looking at a young boy’s hands when he was just a toddler, and I could see that he had a pretty down-to-earth nature based on his hand shape. However, as he matured (he is now an adult), I saw a difference in his hands, quite unlike how they were long ago.
Take note of the features over a long period.
While I don’t read a child’s hand like an adult, I still think looking and learning are exemplary. If you find something that might point to problems, keep it in mind and monitor the signs over time. You get an idea of the potential and help avoid some things that might be negative.
It’s much easier to see the signs of a problematic adult than a child. Before I tell you the possible hand features of a difficult child, I’d like to point out that some may consider it questionable, and others may not.
If you look at the hands of people, including your family, you might see the difference in the hands of a hyperactive or bad-tempered person compared to a quiet, shy one.
What is meant by a difficult child?
What might be an issue with children is not listening or obeying rules, arguing back, losing their temper, hyperactivity, lying or being sneaky. Sometimes, even being overly dependent or lazy can be a problem.

Possible hand features of a difficult child:
- Pointed fingertips (noticeably thinner than the base of the fingers). Remember that pointed fingertips are very common in newborns, considering they depend entirely on the parent. The pointed fingertips of a teenager might suggest over-dependency.
- Short fingers (compared to the length of the palm). The short fingers can be an indicator of impatience and a short temper.
- A waisted thumb with a pointed tip. The person can be pretty shrewd when the thumb is narrow in the middle. The pointy tip shows some passive-aggressiveness.
- A thumb that is inflexible and stiff. A stiff thumb depicts a rigid nature. While the person can be determined, they might also be overly stubborn. Most children have a flexible thumb.
- Wide spaces at the base of the fingers, especially between the ring and middle finger. The wide gaps depict someone who doesn’t like being told what to do, and they tend to break the rules. They love their freedom and enjoy spontaneity.
- A short middle finger (which is usually the longest), when short, can indicate a rule breaker or a bit of a rebel.
- Ring finger longer than the index finger. It is usual for boys to have a longer ring finger, but an extended ring finger that is also thick can be a sign of a risk-taker.
- Red looking bed of fingernails can depict a hot temper. Also, red patches of skin on the palms show impatience and potential anger issues.

Signs of a difficult child from the palm lines
- The simian line is one single transverse line across the palm (rather than two). The Simian line shows an intense nature. These people are sensitive and passionate but can also be the opposite. They are usually either full-on or full-off. You can read more about the Simian line here.
- A wavy or broken head line. The line of the head shows how a person thinks, so a broken line can suggest the mind is not always thinking straight. There might be times of indecisiveness.
- The short, straight, or broken heart line (horizontally under the pinky and ring finger). A fractured heart line shows the emotions are not even. There might be bouts of uncertainty or coldness.
- A full Girdle of Venus lines gives more intensity and sensitivity to the character. They may be overly emotional.
- The skin ridges form a Rajah loop. It is a loop formation between the index and middle fingers. It can depict a charismatic nature but also a naturally aggressive personality.
- A Via Lascivia is like an allergy line. However, it is often seen in those easily addicted to substances. In some people, it is one of the signs of depression or ADHD.
- A long and deeply sloping head line can be one of the signs of a depressive or moody nature.

Learning to read hands can begin an incredible journey of discovering more about yourself and others. Your true potential and hidden character traits can prepare you for success in achieving future goals, career, relationships, family, health and more! Check out my latest book below, available in paperback or Kindle.
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