Thumb Crease Types in a Palmistry Study

Learn about the middle crease on the thumb and its relevance in a palm reading

Every so often, hand analysts consider the lines on the thumb. However, it is not practised much in modern palmistry. The thumb crease is adequately named the ‘distal interphalangeal crease’.

The line between the distal and middle segments of the thumb (top phalange crease) can change over time. Some believe this line depicts how much the person cares or takes care of their family. It can also show how much involvement the person has in their family. It depends on the depth and strength of the line. (Please note that this is only a study, not scientific evidence).

The thumb crease can also show the health of the individual. It usually has an island formation, much the size of a grain of rice. It is said to show a healthy, happy and robust family life if present in the perfect form. If broken, split or missing, the family life might change or have past disruptions. Sometimes the owner of a missing island on the thumb is disconnected somehow from the family or union.

Which Hand Thumb Crease to See?

Compare both thumbs to see if they’re different. The non-dominant hand may have a different meaning. It may show more about the person’s financial status, like if they are earning a steady income. Therefore, a split or broken-up island would represent poor financial stability. A perfect island can suggest stability.

thumb lines, thumb crease, palmistry lines
The possible meanings of the above types of lines.
  1. A small island on the end of the crease on the dominant hand can represent a family with grown children. It might suggest the family is smaller, or some children have become adults and are independent of the family. It could also mean a family or marriage later in life.
  2. A broken top line of the island shows there may be problems in the family, either financial, personal or both. If the island’s top and bottom lines are broken, it might mean the family or marriage has split.
  3. Two small islands can depict a time of change, uncertainty or even two families coming together.
  4. A large island shows good health and possibly a large family. If the bottom line on the island has a break, it might depict a broken marriage or family, but only partially.
  5. A perfect island depicts good health and a close or strong family with stable finances.

You, too, can study your thumb lines.

Everyone is different and has unique situations, so the above meanings might not be right for you. (Why this is a study).

  1. Check your lines now and remember your life situation. (Take photos or draw your lines now).
  2. Check your thumb lines again in a few months or more.
  3. Did anything change in your life?
  4. Did any line on your thumb change at the same time?
  5. Ensure you keep images or drawings of your thumb lines (especially the middle line) to see changes.

Another article about the thumb lines in Indian thumb reading here.

I have several videos about the thumb shape etc. If you want to subscribe to my YouTube channel, you can find the videos here.

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