Weekly Tarot-scope reading
Tarot-scope reading is a fun form of divination that uses the horoscope and a deck of tarot cards to help provide guidance and insight into the past, present, and future. The cards can reveal profound truths about our lives and our paths forward. By combining the star sign and Tarot cards, we can produce a reading that can help us better understand ourselves, our relationships, our goals, and our life path.
Tarot-scope reading for the week:
11th Feb – 18th Feb 2025
The list of star signs below includes your birth month to help you determine which sign you belong to. You can return to this page for weekly updates on your star sign, Tarotscope. I would love for you to let me know in the comments if you liked your mini-reading. Also, check out my new horoscope design merchandise shop. I’ll be adding new designs as often as I can. Some sections of the readings may have been sourced using guidance from Nancy Garen’s Tarot Made Easy and Mythic Tarot.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

King of Cups: The focus is on activities centered around the home or a business that you can do out of your home, financial independence, and daydreaming about love and romance. Some ventures may swing upward, and new projects will begin. Unfortunately, your work insulates or alienates you from social involvement. However, you can rise above your emotional limitations by remembering to open your mind to the possibility of a new beginning.
You can have a personalised reading by Sari. See this page.
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 21)

Ace of Swords: A change will occur because you are at a crisis point. There may be pressure or anxiety related to correspondence or other communications. However, a shift will happen out of this conflict, and your mental powers will awaken. Have faith in yourself and know your work is good and stands on its own. Determine to let nothing divert you from having what you want. Once tensions ease, you will have a sense of clarity about yourself and the world around you.
Gemini (May 22 – Jun 21)

Six of Pentacles: This card is about receiving and giving help, financial and otherwise. You may have some career opportunities, investment potentials or promising enterprises on the horizon. New elements will come to the fore in your work, but you might still be unsettled because you have not yet established yourself or landed in the position you want to be. However, you will move into a happier atmosphere. Keep your attention on the now and act as if it were the first and last moment you would have.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Knight of Swords: Be careful of hasty decisions or arguments. Focus on business, finances or enterprises. Work-wise, it can be a prosperous and influential time, and someone could enter your life who could manage your career or move you into a much more prominent position. This is an excellent time to embark on new projects. And you’ll attract whatever you need in the way of help or assistance.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Ten of Pentacles: Keywords for this period are security, home, family, wealth, ongoing contentment and cyclical rebeginning. Your (security) family, money and property will be your primary concern. Attend to day-to-day living or household affairs that need maintenance or attention, and stick close to those who support you or how you want to feel about yourself. A chain of events will end, detaching you from your problems and eliminating apprehension.
You can order a psychic tarot reading on this page if you want a personalised reading.
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Four of Cups: The focus is on the material aspects of life, such as physical well-being, wants, desires, purpose and application. You want or need a job or a new source of income, or maybe you are just bored. You will handle matters that have been put off or need attention. Luck will be with you through your resourcefulness, and you will find that your needs are being answered. You will get yourself together, clean up your act, and handle all matters that have been put off or need attention.
How to use crystals here.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The World: At home, you might feel troubled due to problems and feel like leaving everything behind. But you will succeed in dealing with others and realise a new method of operation that could make your work a lot easier. Your preoccupation with the past hinders your ability to see what is happening. However, you can still break free no matter how you feel. Facts can change. Eventually, you’ll surmount limitations and come out on top. Look out for new opportunities; travel and change are on the horizon.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Tarot-Scope Reading

Temperance: All the things you thought you had completed or had a handle on are resurfacing for the sole purpose, it seems, of testing you. You might be under much pressure trying to understand or rise above the events happening to you. Your best success will come through your ability to control the conditions and utilise ideas to achieve the desired results. Work on yourself; don’t fear airing your fears or letting your demons surface. The right thoughts or actions will be provided, but using them to your advantage will take extraordinary effort.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Two of Wands: Your career or working environment receives the most energy now. You might even work toward changing or improving yourself or your image or status. You will be in a position of power, expansion, and surprising success, and because of this, your attitude will be improved and your determination renewed. An offer may be presented, but if you don’t feel right about it, don’t sell yourself short or settle for less. There is something better on the horizon.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

The Tower: There may be unexpected events, problems, conflicts, separations, and a loss of faith in oneself or the world. You feel like you’re past hope, but pray that the worst is over and conditions will begin to improve. Remember that you’re not seeing the whole picture, and what looks hopeless is still being determined. You’ll consider yourself fortunate because you’ve overcome the problems plaguing you and were given a fresh start or because you’ve suddenly come into some money or love.
Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19)

The Devil: You may go through a negative cycle where problems multiply, and nothing goes right. Your perception will be clouded, and you will be unable to see clearly or perceive the whole picture. You want to shake off the adversity and end the adverse condition. It’s not a time to make a rash decision because it could result in loss. Don’t forge ahead unthinkingly. Slow down, plan and proceed with caution. Realise that there is a season and a reason for everything. Despite everything, you will have learned something from the experience and will be grateful.
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Queen of Swords: You may want to break into a new area, change, or change your thinking. The past is gone, and the future looks uncertain, but you don’t want to be faithless or fearful. You want to be at peace with yourself or your predicament. A feeling of emptiness is sometimes necessary. A cup that’s already full has no room for more. The best course of action is to judge without emotion, wait for new ideas to develop and, in the meantime, do something pleasurable.

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You can get your Star Sign Merch here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/saage/shop?asc=u
For your free angel guidance, Tarot-Scope Reading by Sari
Choose an image from this page: https://destinypalmistry.com/angel-guidance-message-for-you/
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