How to recognize health indicators from the hands
Science has proven that some people are prone to certain types of illness, regardless of environmental influences. For many centuries, doctors have looked at the hands of patients to diagnose various conditions. To back up any health from the palm, or conditions using palmistry, you should always see a qualified medical practitioner. Also, be aware that many lines and marks appear and disappear according to your circumstances.

Where to see the signs of health from the palm?
When looking for health from the palm of your hand, we look at the lines, skin ridges, texture, and physical feel of the hand. The fingernails and skin discolourations are also analyzed. It is possible to pick up early clues to help you see potential conditions within the body. Monitoring your health and keeping a check on your hands helps. In this article, I have listed ten areas of the hand where signs of poor health can show up.
http://Smart Watch Fitness and Health TrackerThe first place to see the health from the palm is the skin colour, texture and consistency. The thicker the surface, the better it protects the body from toxins. Therefore, thick-skinned people do not get sick nearly as often as thin-skinned folk.
A firm but flexible feel to the hand shows proper muscular development, hence strength and vitality. Firm skin can be in various skin types. On the rough skin surface, it is almost always firm. The firm tone balances the sensitivity with tenacity and hardiness on smooth skin.
Loose or Flabby Skin on the Hands
Soft and flabby is when the skin is floppy or loose, and there is a distinct lack of spring when pressed. It is okay to have flabby skin in old age, but soft and flabby skin can indicate long-term tiredness or laziness. They lack muscular development, which mainly denotes an absence of physical activity. The loose-looking skin can be a sign of ill health, and soft skin shows sensitivity or nervousness.
The 10 Areas of Health Signs from the Lines on the Palm
- Lines running down along the fingers can signify tiredness or dehydration.
- The multiple lines in a curved formation (Girdle of Venus) under the fingers can point to nervousness or emotional sensitivity.
- Grill lines, patches of dried skin or a sore on the edge of the hand under the little finger can point to infertility or gynaecological problems. (relating to the diseases specifically in women, especially those affecting the reproductive system.)
- Island marks on the heart line can be problems with the ear or ears (earache). On the head line is a lack of concentration (memory loss), headaches or head injury. (Ear problems can also be seen here).
- Island marks or dots at the start of the life line or head line can point to bronchitis or migraine headaches. A single dot on the life line can be a sudden shock (emotional or mental).
- A patch of fine or fuzzy lines running on an angle through the centre of the palm can denote stomach or intestinal upsets. Often this area looks like dotted, scratchy fine lines.
10 Areas of Health Signs Continued
7. A patch of criss-cross or horizontal lines in the middle of the ball of thumb (Mount of Venus) can denote extremely heightened emotions, stress or kidney problems.
8. Many lines disturbing the life line can indicate fatigue or any ailment preventing normal energy flow.
9. Tasseled branch lines at the end of the life line can denote a change of life, and reduced energy levels.
10. A patch of fine horizontal lines on the edge of the palm denotes a high level of uric acid. (Your Health in Your Hands, by Lori Reid)
Health Signs from the Life Line
Breaks in the life line generally depict uncertain change and transition. A crossbar will represent an obstacle of some kind. A star may be a shock to the system. A chained-looking life line denotes low vitality. Many branch lines show scattered energy. An island in the middle of the life line can denote knee, back or spinal weakness. Towards the lower end of the life line, the island shows lowered energy levels. Keeping track of your health can be easy with a watch My Top Picks of Checking Your Future and Fortune