Markings on the Palms in Hand Analysis

markings on the palm

Markings on the palms, like slashes, stars and grilles

The markings on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any line category are still significant in that they can indicate a warning, such as from stress, or point to a sign of talent or area of focus.

Some marks can depict emotional or mental issues or even health problems. These marks can be recognised from ones like the grille, cross, star or slashes. If your hand is covered in a whole web of fine lines, it is likely that you don’t have any specific marks but are sensitive to your environment. (See this article about too many lines).

Markings on the palm mounts

In most cases, markings on the mounts accentuate the meaning of the mount either in a favourable or an undesirable way. A star is one marking that can be seen as good or bad.

But even these positive markings need to be viewed as a warning since sudden fame or success can affect personal life – An effect like keeping one’s head together and feet on the ground will ensure a more secure and happily ever after scenario. Also, it’s possible to have unfavourable fame, like some criminals.

Some of these markings will take a careful eye when analysing what they mean due to the difficulty in interpreting whether it is a mix of other lines overlapping or one that stands on its own.


star on apollo mount, star on palm, star on jupiter, star lines, markings on the palm

A star will have at least three lines crossing at the same point and not be made up by other minor or major lines. It is also found independently on the palm. While most star markings on the mounts are welcome signs, they have a complex connotation. The reason could be due to the challenges usually involved in attaining high-level success or recognition.

Star on the Apollo line or Mount

The star is an unwelcome find on a line and can denote a sudden shock. A star on a line can be most favourable only when it’s on the Apollo line, Jupiter, or Apollo Mount. On these mounts, it reveals extraordinary talent, financial windfalls or even fame as a reward for consistent effort.

Star mark on the mounts

  • A star on the Mercury Mount can suggest a sudden rise in a business venture or denote dishonest behaviour.
  • The star is a mark of fame on the Mount of Apollo under the ring finger. However, it can also be the wrong fame, so be careful.
  • Star on Saturn might be problems with legal matters, restrictions or confines.
  • The star on the Jupiter mount can signify a sudden rise in fortune, achievement or honour.
  • On the Mount of the Moon, the star depicts possible celebrity status in a literary career. Some say it marks someone afraid of the sea or travelling on the water.
  • A star on the Venus Mount shows energy and passion, but it might come at the expense of another matter.
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Image copyrights Sari Puhakka


A grille marking appears on a hand when there is a group of many lines in a patch. Typically, vertical and horizontal lines overlap in one area, forming what may look like a lattice. But usually, the lines are not visible but an area that appears to be a blur of lines or skin ridges.

The grille mark, in most cases, is unfavourable. It mostly shows stress and overuse of mental faculties, depending on which part of the hand it is. For example, beneath the pinkie, the individual might focus too much on their business and communications, showing too much stress.

grill lines, grille marks on the palm, grille meaning in palmistry, grille lines meaning


A dot on a line can depict many things. The thing to remember about dots is that they are not the same as moles. A mole is just a part of the skin, whereas a dot forms on the lines. The dot can be grey, brown, black, pink or red. The darker the colour, the deeper the meaning. In general, the dot depicts something suddenly happening. It can depict a shock to the mental or emotional aspects.

Slashes are like short crossing lines on top of one another and usually mean an obstacle. However, these obstacles are temporary because they do not break the line. If the slash is at the end of a line, it is like a dead-end road depicting a change in direction. A slash line on top of the marriage line is a deletion line, which often denotes a relationship that didn’t work out.

timing marriage lines, union lines

Prediction from the lines

Using markings on the palms for prediction, gather information from the past trials that have led them to be where they are now. Remember, any lines or markings that represent the future are just assumptions. Palm reading is not an exact science. What’s on the palms can show potential for the subject based on past actions, whether negative or positive. The reason prediction is only an assumption is that our hands have such a connection to our brain that mental activity is recorded on our palms. As our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade.

More In book 2 Destiny Palmistry All the Lines

copyright: Sari A Puhakka

Major and Minor lines – Excerpt from Destiny Palmistry

Most palms have the major lines: a heart line, a line of the head (or Simian line) and the life line. Some hand readers also refer to the Saturn and Apollo lines as major ones. I do not because they are not always in everyone’s hands, along with the fact that they are most likely to change along with the person’s circumstances. The major lines are what people tend to look at first when examining the palms because they are usually the longest and deepest. These lines can also subtly change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now does not imply a fixed quality or event.

Some lines change quicker than others

The lines that are most likely to change quickly are the minor lines. But most lines depict what has led to the current circumstances and what is happening now. Remembering that any person can take control of their destiny, palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows an attribute, looking for other indications for confirmation is essential, as one feature can offset another.

For example, a line that shows success for a person may indicate this as a likely conclusion. However, if other signs are against it, such as a lack of willpower, attaining that success may be difficult (but not impossible). Finding adverse marks should not be bad but instead an incentive for making positive changes for better future outcomes.

About Sari

Sari Puhakka, expert hand analyst, writer, and artist. She has studied hands for over 35 years and initially wrote a motivational book called “Claim Your Power and Succeed in Everything You Do”. This book was written for her clients as a self-help book to improve every area of their lives.

Reading palms and cards was merely a hobby for her until she was 28. It was her mission in life to be an expert in her field and to have the power to help people see their potential to succeed in whatever they desire.

Sari is originally from Toijala, Finland. Born in 1967. She emigrated to Sydney, Australia, in 1977 with her parents and three sisters. In 1996, she became a mother of four children in Queensland, Australia. Presently, she is coaching hand analysis through workshops and private tuition. As well as providing readings and continuing the series of Destiny Palmistry books.

Island on Life Line Meaning in Palmistry

island on life line

The Island on the life line

My curiosity about the lines on the palm, including the island on the life line, started when I was eleven. I attended my uncle’s fortieth birthday party with my family. He had hired a palm reader to entertain his guests, and as a curious little girl, I had to know about it. The palm reader quickly read my hands, and I have never forgotten what she said to me because they came true.

By the time I left high school, my interest had grown to the extent that I had spent many hours in the library searching for suitable books to read. It was not long before I was practising with my friends and taking notes for my study. My hands were the most significant asset as I continued my learning over the following years to come. It has been a long journey that continues as I live my passion for hand analysis.

The main reason I originally got interested in reading palms was personal. I discovered that some negative markings had appeared on my palms (based on what I had read in books). One mark was the look of my life line (the line which wraps around the ball of the thumb).

The island on the life line was like a split in the line and then it formed back into one.

island mark, islands on lines

Some palmists say that an island on life line is a negative mark, even to say it shows a disease like cancer. So, you can imagine my horror and fear when I found this island in my palm. This marking is not, however, a reliable indication of cancer, nor is it a forecast that cancer or any other disease is present. It is, at most, a sign that something causes the energies to split in two directions.

The energy levels might be depleted during the period indicated on the line. Mostly, the island on a line shows a temporary state, lasting only for its duration. In some people, of course, (depending on other factors) it can mean a predisposition to a particular disease, such as alcoholism, PTSD or depression.

Depending on what part of the line the island lies, has a different meaning.

Island marks on the life line

The island mark primarily indicates uncertainty or interruptions to life. These disruptions do not have to be negative. They can and often are positive changes or life events, such as having children or getting married. Starting a new kind of life at any age can interrupt a career, hobbies, friends, family and even the general outlook on life. These changes, in turn, can make their mark on the palm of your hand, especially on the life line.

island at the start of the life line

At the beginning

When the island appears at the very beginning of the life line, it depicts the early years from 1-7 (or so). It is fairly common to have this mark and sometimes it is just a connecting line. The line of life regularly connects to the head line, showing the security of a family and a cautious personality. However, if the mark is clear-cut, it can suggest illness during that period.

The island directly under the index finger depicts the age timeframe of around 15-21. Considering that at this age many young men and women go through hormonal change, it can represent the change into adulthood. I have also seen this type of line when the subject changed their country of origin. Check the other lines for clues of travel or other marks which might point to ill health.

island in the middle of the life line

When the island is at the halfway mark of the life line, it points to the approximate age of 35-40. Most people are well into their career or family life by this age, so it can be stress-related. There might be family issues like divorce or uncertainty about the career. If it’s stress-related, often there will be worry lines around the mark. Look for marks on the fate line about money and job. And the heart line and marriage lines about relationships.

island past halfway mark on the life line

Past halfway mark

The island past the halfway mark points to the age around 50-55. For women, it can depict the hormonal changes like menopause. For a man, it can be a time of uncertainty in life as well because he might also be having hormonal changes.

island at the base of the life line

At the very base of the life line, the island is the most unfavourable because it’s more likely to point toward ill health. Remember to check the consistency of the flesh, the texture of the skin and other indicators of resilience. Around the age of 60+ years, many people start to slow down as they near retirement age. It is a mark also common when someone who lives alone or becomes a grandparent, especially if they are very involved in the role.


To back up any possible health issues acquired from palmistry, you should always consult a qualified medical practitioner. Please don’t make the mistake of diagnosing from the nails, palms or lines alone. Many of these indicators frequently change according to the individuals’ state of affairs.

If you are reading for someone else, remember, use care and tact, and never alarm a potentially nervous or sensitive subject. It is not our job as a hand analysts to humiliate or discourage anyone. If you happen to fail to verify something, you might not have judged the whole hand correctly.

The lines do change over time

Keep In Mind, that the lines can change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now, does not imply a fixed quality or event. When using the lines for prediction, gather information from the past trials that have led the person to be where they are now. Any lines or markings that represent the future are just assumptions. They show what is potential for the subject based on past actions.

I hope you enjoy reading all my articles. Please share with your friends 🙂

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Read about the split life line here.

See the types of life line and what they mean here.

Signs of Success in Your Hands and Palm Lines

palmistry, signs of success

When looking for signs of success in your hands, the first thing to analyse is the shape of the hand. Ideally, it is a ‘practical’ hand, the working hand with a square or squarish palm. Somewhat rectangle is common but not too narrow. A long, narrow palm belongs to the daydreamer, and whilst they can still become successful, it might not be in the way that the practical type is. The square palm gives the organisation abilities. 

The second thing to look at is the texture and firmness of the hand. A successful person needs energy and determination to get the work done. Therefore, the hand should look firm and the skin not too soft. (Read about skin texture below this article). The fingers, if straight, are the best kind.

The rising line to Apollo Finger

Someone successful in their field, especially if it involves being in the public eye (singing, dancing, acting, lion taming?), has one thing in common: a rising line to Apollo (to the ring finger). The Apollo line is one of the signs of success in palmistry.

Apollo, on the hand is the area of the ring finger and the mount just beneath it. A vertical line that begins low on the palm and rises clearly and distinctly into the mount of Apollo beneath the ring finger represents the arts, including fame and fortune. For this Apollo line (success line) to show the achievement of fame, there must be a reasonably clear-cut and continuous line with a sharp definition. If there are two lines of Apollo, the chances of success are greater. A line of Saturn alongside the line of Apollo is a helpful mark because it shows the individual is trying to reach goals and is motivated to do so.

What if you do not have a Success/Apollo line?

If you have a talent and are good at what you do in the arts, a lack of Apollo line doesn’t mean you cannot be successful and famous. It may be that you have no expectations from your work, or in some cases, you don’t fully appreciate your gift. Of course, as with all indicators on the palms, you need to compare the factors before concluding. In this instance, one right thing to look for is the length of the pinkie finger (Mercury).

Watch the video lesson about the success line here.

Signs of Success from the Fingers.

A long pinkie finger shows someone who can easily express themselves. The ability to communicate is one of the best attributes; with a good vocabulary and raw eloquence, they are social, influential and very organised. It also means they are naturally good with money and do well in business, politics, science, education, television or radio broadcasting. Writing, entertaining, and music often come naturally. Any subject that requires conveying knowledge or expressing themselves using words.

You have a long thumb if your thumb length reaches at least halfway to the second crease on the index finger. Long thumbs show determination and a will to get things done. A small thumb proves a little more effort is required in most things. A mentor should be a requirement if you have a small thumb and want to be a success. The tip of the thumb will have a slight kink backwards and might be somewhat flat but square-ish front on. An overly bulbous tip will give more aggressive traits. The thumb is ideally medium to low-set on the hand.

The spaces between the fingers (at the base) should not be overly wide. The bigger the gaps, the more likely money slips through the fingers.

wide gaps between the fingers meaning in palmistry
Overly wide spaces on all fingers can show frivolousness with money
finger spacing in palmistry
The gap between the ring and middle fingers should be the smallest

Signs of success, a workaholic.

A workaholic sign in palmistry is a well-developed Mercury finger (the pinkie). It’s not a common thing to have a thick pinkie. But, if it appears thicker than the rest of the fingers or abnormally large, it shows someone who may be rather talkative. They will also have a keen interest in business or money. These people are perfectionists and potentially very shrewd.

Signs of success from the skin texture and consistency

When reading hands, it is essential to take in as many factors as possible to fully understand the make-up of the individual. Taking note of the skin texture and consistency of the flesh should be one of the first to receive your attention. The usual successful person has average to slightly coarse skin.

These factors can alter or add to the meaning of some natural traits; the delicate skin lessens the qualities, giving some refined or sensitive characteristics. Coarse skin shows the opposite, a lack of refinement. The thicker the skin, the better it protects the body from toxins. Therefore, thick-skinned people do not get sick nearly as often as thin-skinned folk. However, when they do, it comes suddenly, usually without warning.


Mostly found in women, the healthy skin is not so soft to be silky, nor will it feel or look coarse. The ridges are relatively well visible, and the texture is like paper. The medium skin shows a reasonable amount of energy and sensitivity. They are receptive and casual, with excellent social and communication skills. The type you would find in a lawyer, doctor or office worker.


The ridgelines on the palm and the fingerprints are easy to see on those with rough skin. There are not as many fine lines on the palm. It feels slightly rougher than paper. This type of skin is found in men or women who possess the right amount of vitality (physically and mentally) but aren’t particularly refined or sensitive. They are well-grounded, active, sporty, successful, hardworking and motivated.

Do you need help with motivation?

Are you procrastinating? Some tips to reduce the boredom of some jobs:

  • Try playing music or listening to the radio while you work.
  • If at home, watch television while you work and use the commercial breaks for the most difficult tasks.
  • Call a friend on the phone while you work on jobs such as the dishes or folding washing.
  • See if you can get a family member to help do a job and set yourself a time limit. My children are willing to help if I say, ‘Let’s see how quickly we can do a ten-second tidy.’ We all start tidying and counting while we do it or use a stopwatch to time ourselves, and they have more fun doing it if I help.
  • Do the boring jobs first? Get them out of the way quickly so you have more time to do the things you love.
  • Are you happily helping everyone else finish their tasks and going out of your way just to be nice?
  • Do you stop and ask yourself, ‘Do I want to do this?’ If the answer is no, then say no. You need to finish a major task of your own first. It is difficult to say no when you want everyone to think you are a superwoman or a man. However, you know you have taken control of your life when you do, which feels good!

Claim Your Power – See here for more info.

Life Line Marks on the Palm Explained

life line marks, cross line of life line, star on life line, marks on line of life

Palms with many lines and life line marks

In palmistry, the life line (located around the ball of the thumb) helps to read potential life changes. The life line marks can help detect what type of change might occur (or has occurred). In this article, I have included several marks that might appear on the life line.

Most palms will have the lines that are classed as ‘the major’ lines; a heart line, a head line and the life line. The major lines are what people tend to look at first when examining the palms because they are usually the longest and deepest.

Using the lines for prediction

If you are trying to use the lines for prediction, gather information based on past events that have led the person to be where they are now. Past events can help us see where the future direction might go. Remember that these lines and marks can change over time. Therefore, what is evident in your hands now does not imply a fixed quality or event. As our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade.

The more marks and lines, the more active the mind or emotions.

Most of the fine lines are present because they show the individual’s nature as being sensitive, caring, nervous or possessing a very active mind. If someone tends to stress a lot, they will have more lines or marks.

Keeping in mind that any person can control their destiny, palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows a particular attribute, it is essential to look for other indications for confirmation, as one feature can offset another.

marks on the life line, dot on life line, island on life line, cross on life line, drooping line on life line, branch line

Life line marks and what they mean.

Almost all horizontal life line marks, such as crossbars, stars, and slashes, are classed as negative interference or obstacles. A hand with many of these lines belongs to someone with much nervous energy. They are sensitive to everything around them. They worry a lot and possibly tend to look for problems to worry about.

A rising line denotes a positive time. It can be something like an achievement of a goal or the completion of a study. Depending on other signs, it can suggest a boost in finances.

A drooping line from the life line is less favourable because it can denote a loss or a less welcoming period. (You can watch the lesson about life line marks here.)

marks on the life line, dot on life line, cross on life line, island on life line,

More about the meanings of marks

The fork in a line shows divided energy, therefore, depicts a decision of some kind, often related to changing location. A spot or dot is not so favourable, as it can denote a sudden shock, injury or trauma. The spot appears like a dent or nodule (not like a mole or freckle).

A cross mark denotes an obstacle a little more difficult than the bar line. The grille on a line is also a mark that is not too good because it shows much uncertainty, anxiety, depression or even physical restriction.

An island has a similar meaning to the grille in that it, too, shows uncertainty. However, because the lines continue, it is not as damaging.

What if someone has hardly any lines or marks?

A hand with very few lines and markings belong to those who rarely fuss. They are not significantly affected by emotions. A single broad and unblemished line describes an unobstructed life path. These people don’t allow anything or anyone to change or distract them from their life journey.


So, the markings, no matter what they look like, indicate interruptions to life. These interruptions do not have to be negative. They can and often are positive changes or life events, such as having children or getting married. (See video on marriage lines here.) Starting a new life at any age can interrupt a career, hobbies, friends, family and even the general outlook on life. These changes, in turn, can make their mark in the palm of your hand, especially on the life line.

~ Sari A Puhakka.

Life line types. See the article here.

Learn to Read Hands. See info here.

WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.

Fate Line Starting Points in Career Questions

fate lines in palmistry, palm reader in brisbane, fate line starting, missing lines, fate line missing

Fate Line Starting Points in a Palm Reading for Career Questions

The fate line on the palm is usually a vertical crease in the middle of the palm. It is also referred to as a career or Saturn line and is an excellent indicator of change in the life of its bearer. In palmistry, we look to this line when considering goals, motivations and general direction in life. A curved line shows a gradual change in career or goals. A broken line that changes positions denotes major changes or uncertainty in the career or life. However, the fate line starting points vary and have distinct meanings.

A straight fate line that runs directly from the palm’s base to below the middle finger can denote an unchanging and steady direction in life.  Also, they are self-motivated, and in control of their decided path in life from an early age.

Starting at the heart line or head line

The fate line, which is not visible until it reaches the head line and upwards, suggests that there is no clear-cut direction in life until around the age of thirty-five. If the fate line starts at the heart line, the career is not settled until around fifty.

palmistry line, success line, fate line


fate lines in palmistry, palm reader in brisbane, fate line starting, missing lines, fate line missing
Saturn lines (Fate lines)
  1. Fate Starting at the life line is a traditional start to a career. A career originates from the individual’s background, education or personal merit. They would be competent and determined people who apply their energy and talent to succeed.
  2. Starting from inside the life line would show someone with less choice. However, were probably ruled by the family in the line of work expected of them or obligated to follow the same profession as their parents.
  3. Starting at the wrist at the centre of the hand shows the first responsibilities and a balanced personality. The fate line starting at the base of the palm is a sign of common sense and independence using own efforts, which can manifest in career choices. This type of person has a steady life, whether they have a job or not.
  4. A fate line starting at the Mount of Moon shows people (or the public) based professions of their choosing. They achieve success due to their appealing and charming qualities. This is someone who can be in the public eye. Often found in entertainers and actors.

What if you have two fate lines?

Depending on how tight they run to each other, a double fate line can refer to two similar occupations, hobbies or study alongside a career simultaneously. If the lines are close, it can depict a successful business partnership. It may even represent a husband or wife who is considered very supportive.

Whatever the case, the second line suggests a duality of some aspects and acts as a support line, giving strength to the main line. The second formation sometimes shows up as a small fork leading in two clear directions.

A broken fate line

A fractured fate line, but one that overlaps alongside the second part of the line, presents a planned change in career. If the breaks do not overlap, and there is a space, it is an unexpected change, a time when progress regarding career or goals has reached a standstill. The motivation and purpose are no longer justifiable. Look for clues on the other lines for reasons such as health or family.

A fine/faint fate line

A faint, weak line is hard to see; it doesn’t seem to be in its complete form. It can suggest a lack of direction in life, which is common in young people searching for and deciding on their career path. The line shows scattered energy and undecided objectives.

Life mission reading for a career.

A life mission reading from your fingerprints and hands reveals a key theme of your life, your strengths and what you need to know to use your full potential.

We all have a calling or purpose; it is our passion to pursue a dream. Your life mission reveals the power to propel you towards that dream goal.

Scientifically based information from the fingerprints will help you get a clear direction in your life from your strengths and explain your life lessons. They show the weaknesses holding you back and why you keep struggling in some areas of your life.

I hope you have enjoyed learning from this post. Please share it with your friends. 🙂

WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly. Using any information presented on this website is intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.

What’s my life purpose?

Will you succeed in your career, and have you found direction in life?

What lucky signs do you have, like the line of success?

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