If you are interested in palmistry for personal reasons or if you are a professional coach, a therapist, counsellor, or healer, hand analysis allows you to add additional means to your range of work. You can give your clients more insight and clarity for finding their way and attaining their maximum capacity to achieve their goals. Get these hand analysis lessons emailed to you in video format.
What is palmistry
Palmistry is more than simply looking at the lines on the hands. The art of analysing hands is about seeing the character and discovering your potential and purpose in life. The Study of the hand, Chiromancy is one of the oldest of the ancient forms of divination, which has long been known as palmistry. This study helps us to learn about ourselves and our goals in life. In modern times, a new approach to hand reading has evolved (Chirology) which uses not only the study of the hand shape and fingers but also of the lines, markings, skin texture, palm ridges, and fingerprints. Read more here.
Whether you are new to palmistry or have the experience, there is always something new to learn. Not only are there various opinions about hand analysis, but also different cultures. I hope to give you enough diversity in this site so that you can form your own opinion as well. Is there anything you couldn’t find? Let me know, I’m always looking for more interesting content. Contact me here. If you would like to learn hand analysis for free, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel and newsletter. If you haven’t already subscribed to our newsletter by email, you can do so here. We also have private tuition, workshops and a video course for an even better learning experience. See here.
The use of the term hand analysis is often preferred over the word palmistry to try to steer away from the reputation of fortune tellers (which, by the way, still exists in most eastern worlds). I use the word palmistry because it is an art that completely studies the hands and palm lines.
Today I would like to talk a little about how palm readers, over the years, have struggled to get respect from the population in general. I was particularly concerned when I realised that many people making it even more challenging are other so-called ‘new age’ hand-reading experts.
There is also a new wave of hand analysts mocking the word “palmistry” as something that should no longer exist and is just fortune-telling. However, palmistry is hand analysis because it is the art of studying the hand and all its features, such as the lines.
I am going to make this point by taking some excerpts from timeworn palmistry books that explicitly use the art for hand analysis, not fortune telling, whether it concerns the quality of the lines on the palms or the shape of the hand and fingers.
The human hand has been described as the creator’s masterpiece of a mechanism. It’s a wonderful adaptation to the requirements of life. Few realise that the hand is a direct servant of the brain. Its markings reveal the workings of the brain and the general characteristics and physical ailments. It cannot be denied that there is much opposition to the practice of Palmistry based on ignorance and bigotry.
In this examination, it is necessary to note both hands. The first point to be noted is the texture and consistency of the skin; this will be best ascertained by feeling the back of the hand and noting its softness or otherwise.
The appearance of the hand as a whole will show whether it is evenly balanced or is heavier or lighter in some parts than in others.
Below is another excerpt about hand analysis from the famous “Cheiro”.
He uses the term palmistry in studying the character from the hands.
“Palmistry for all” by Cheiro – PUBLISHED IN 1916
There is no country in the world where the “study of character” is more indulged in than In the USA. During my many visits there, I could not help remarking how even the “hardest headed” businessmen used any form of this study they could get hold of to help them in their business dealings with other men and endeavouring to ascertain the character of their clerks and employees.
In looking over the records of my career, I find that in the course of my visits to America. I gave private lessons to the heads of two hundred and seventy business establishments in New York. One hundred thirty-five in Boston, and three hundred and forty-two in Chicago.
Study of the character
All these men were large employers of labour. What they principally wanted was to have some help beyond that of their judgment. In dealing with those, they came in contact within the regular course of their business careers. In no other country did I find the same interest in studying character from a practical standpoint.
This is why I am writing a special Preface for this Edition. Believing as I do, my American readers will appreciate the added information. I may be able to give regarding the obtaining by glancing at a hand. A quick grasp of the leading characteristics of the persons they are thrown into contact with. Or, for whatever reason, they choose to use this study.
He explains all aspects of the hand and how they relate to the character:
WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.
Most palms have the major lines: a heart line, a head line and a lifeline. (See photo below). I have chosen only these three to be classified as major lines. However, some hand readers also like to refer to Saturn (vertical line to the middle finger) and Apollo lines (vertical line to the ring finger) as major ones. For most practising palmists, missing lines on the palm might confuse them. Not every hand has these major lines exactly. For example, you might have the Simian line, where there is only one horizontal line across the hand instead of two.
Often, when the Simian line is present, other lines, such as minor ones, tend not to show. If your life line is missing on the palm, it shows that your energy runs differently. Maybe you have a Simian line, or one of your other lines is prominent.
Changing lines.
The minor lines subtly change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now does not imply a fixed quality or situation. If you are missing lines on the palm, they may just be going through change. The major lines can also change in appearance. Marks and breaks can appear, and sometimes the marks or breaks ‘get healed’.
When using the lines for prediction, the information gathered is from the past events that have led the person to be where they are now. Any lines or markings that represent the future are just an assumption, whether negative or positive. The reason is that our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade.
Minor lines.
On some hands, the minor lines are not present, and it depends on the skin’s texture. Tough skin rarely gets any fine lines on it. The lines that are most likely to change quickly are the minor lines. They can even disappear altogether, so don’t worry if you don’t have every line ‘as per the book’.
If you are reading palms to try to tell the future, remember that anyone can control their destiny. These lines can and do change. Palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows a particular attribute, it is important to look for other indications for confirmation, as one feature can offset another.
For example, a line that shows success for a person may indicate this as a likely conclusion. However, if other signs are against it, such as a lack of willpower, attaining that success may be difficult (but not impossible). However, finding adverse signs should not be seen as negative but instead as an incentive for making positive changes for better future outcomes.
Missing lines on the palm, including Saturn or Fate line).
The Saturn line (fate line), which travels from the base of the palm towards the middle finger, is not usually present in young children and not even in some adults. Unestablished career goals often lead to a missing fate line. However, what if you are an adult with a job? This line, in general, indicates the success of a career, whether they are settled or varying and changeable. It is not often absent in adults, but it does not mean anything negative when this happens.
During my career, I have met some businesspeople whose hands the line was absent. They all were happy to say that they were ‘self-made’ men and that no fate would decide the course of their careers.
Something to think about: Imagine the line as a path; if it is in front of you, you will probably walk on it. But if you are in a place with no path, you can still move towards where you want to go; you have to make your own path.
Saturn lines (Fate lines)
Missing Apollo Line (success line, sun line)
The Apollo line is one of the more common missing lines on the palm. When the Apollo line is missing, it shows dissatisfaction with life or career choices. Success is still possible. However, the person might not be happy with what they have achieved. So, if your Apollo line is missing, look at what you are doing and if it aligns with your passion. The success line can form in your palm when you begin to act on your dreams. Some people believe that the success line forms when a person is happy to be by themself, engrossed in their work, for example.
The missing heart line suggests a logical and emotionally detached nature. In all matters, these people are objective, rational and almost ‘mechanical’ regarding their emotions. Relationships might be difficult to sustain unless they can tap into those feelings without overthinking them. On the dominant hand, with strong Jupiter and thumb, they can be aggressive, judgemental and bad-tempered. A good heart line on the non-dominant hand helps offset some cold characteristics.
Some rare hands have no head line, yet a normal heart line exists. This feature suggests that decisions are based on emotional rather than logical views. The missing head line depicts a passionate character with strong opinions. However, they might too easily jump to conclusions because they lack rational thought.
So, when you think about it, the missing lines are just an indicator of a free spirit; they do what they want and create their path without restrictions. There is clear support for scientific research that the hands are connected to the activity of the brain, reflecting the character and well-being of the person. Therefore, the fewer lines there are, the fewer things affect the individual emotionally or mentally through thoughts and actions.
Sari Puhakka is an expert hand analyst, writer, and artist. She has studied hands for over 37 years and has published several palmistry books. Originally from Toijala, Finland, born in 1967. She emigrated to Sydney, Australia 1977 with her parents and three sisters. She is currently residing in Queensland, Australia. Sari initially wrote a motivational book and began reading palms and cards as a hobby. Now, she is the Director at Hand Analysis Australia, holds lesson workshops, and attends events for readings.
You can order my book from Amazon in paperback, hardcover or Kindle below:
WEBSITE NOTICE: The author disclaims any liability or responsibility to any person or entity concerning any outcome, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by utilising any information presented on this website and intended as point-of-view and entertainment only.
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