All the markings on the palms. The marks we see on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any category of a line are still significant. They can indicate a warning, such as stress, or point to a sign of talent, fortune or an event. In most cases, markings on the mounts accentuate the meaning of the mount either favourably or in an undesirable way.
Read an article about all the markings on the palms here.
People inherit many physical features and character traits from their parents, but we are all unique, and our hands show it. The basic shape of the hand is especially an essential part of reading the palms because it is what helps us to determine the first and most fundamental character of the person.
The fingers are a tremendous part because they can show how we express ourselves and how we have developed in the past. We all have distinctive looks, and the same goes for our psychological make-up, and that is why reading hands can become very involved and complicated. It is this personal disposition that reflects in our hands from birth.
I would like to note these three things:
Palmistry cannot predict the length of a person’s life.
Palmistry cannot foretell the exact number of marriages or children.
It also cannot tell what your future partner looks like, what age, size or how wealthy they are.
These are the typical questions I get asked; yes, even number three. Some people seem to think a hand reader has this kind of magical power to give such answers. I do write many articles about the marriage lines and children lines, because of the traditional meanings. In some cases, these markings have been accurate. However, I do remind people to be careful, not to take the evaluations too seriously.
You can control your destiny
You may be disappointed about the ambiguousness of some aspects of palmistry, but it should give you a feeling of relief knowing you have more control over your life. I would not think that relying on fate alone is beneficial to anyone’s happiness, but instead, it should show what is potential and that you have the power to choose or change the course of your life.
Life doesn’t always have to be so serious, which is why I have made these funny palmistry memes so you can have a giggle. If you have any you’d like to share, I would love to know. Post your funny palmistry memes to my facebook page here
Learn the meanings of your star sign as per the funny comedian mystic Lushoosh. Aries, pieces, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Funny Fortune-Telling Mystic Comedian. Have a laugh with Lushoosh as she tells your future and fortunes (or misfortunes) Just for fun and jokes about palmistry, card reading or psychics.
The Study of the hand, Chiromancy is one of the oldest of the ancient forms of divination, which has long been known as palmistry. This study helps us to learn about ourselves and our goals in life. In modern times, a new approach to hand reading has evolved (Chirology) which uses not only the study of the hand shape and fingers but also of the lines, markings, skin texture, palm ridges, and fingerprints.
Destiny Palmistry, Hand Analysis Australia, is owned and operated by Sari Puhakka. The business is focused on bringing you high-quality service and customer satisfaction, with books, lessons, workshops, videos, as well as palm and intuitive readings.
The Palmistry Shop is a place to purchase books (new and used), ebooks and readings. You can instantly download ebooks and get a bargain with the used books. You can also pay for your personal palm reading and we are working on new and exciting products, coming soon!
An accurate palm reading can help you discover more about your future, your health, life and its lessons. A thorough reading of the hands can show individual potential, qualities of character and our behaviour because the palms can reflect the thoughts and motivations of the mind. How exciting to know that you may be lucky in love, money or have a special gift!
The first line a person typically looks at on the palm is the line of life. It is also frequently the most prominent line on the palm as it arcs around the mount of Venus, reaching somewhere near the wrist. Whether long or short, it is not an indicator of longevity. What it does reveal, however, is the nature and quality of your life.
To judge how a person manages their world; we observe the condition of the line. Ideally, it is well-defined without deviations or markings. In the present day, however, that is not likely to occur due to busy and demanding lives. The line of life also indicates the subjects’ physical strength and health during various periods of life.
Examining it is essential also in obtaining confirmation and timing of events because through the markings on the line, there is a capacity for seeing considerable changes. The line can alter, shift or even fade as circumstances change over time. However, consider all indicators from the palm before making assumptions, as some factors can offset (or support) the findings.
How the life line forms
The way a life line forms, depends on the other lines on the hand as well as the thickness of the mounts. For instance, if you have a deep Simian line with well-developed mounts, the chances are that the life line is short. If you are young and haven’t made yourself set life goals, then your lines are still changing or growing.
If you are a person who lives through emotion and you feel like the heart rules you, your heart line shows as the most robust. In such cases, others might be weaker. The most robust lines on the hand show what rules you live by the most. In the case of the prominent head line, you would very much be practical and rational. If the line of life is the strongest, you are physically driven and do not like change.
A long steady line shows vitality, routine, stability, motivation and someone who perhaps does not need to depend on anyone or anything. Therefore, a short line shows the opposite, less energy and stability. The thing for sure about this line is that a short one does not mean a short life. The length and prominence refer to the quality of life, the constitution, (lack of) family roots, and the get-up-and-go of the individual. It shows someone who loves their freedom and is not bound by any strict regime.
A short life line can also point to a specific time that a significant change occurs in the persons’ life. Look at the length of the line and apply the time scale to potentially suggest the age that the shift occurs.
In nearly all cases of a short line, I see branch lines that connect to the fate line (career line). The meaning of the connecting lines is that the subject at a certain point in their life makes a significant move or change, such as in their career. Also, check to see if the line is broken instead.
The dangers of a short line of life
The danger with this type of line is if the person doesn’t make an effort to plan their future. The love of being free to do whatever they want can eventually catch up on them. So if you have this mark, think about what kind of responsibility are you taking over in your life? Are you allowing others to dictate what you do and where you go?
The short life line can belong to those who do not usually have a broad family background or family traditions. While they can be close to their immediate family members, it is not often that they arrange large family unions. It could be due to the fact they tend to move around a lot. A short life line can appear weak, so for someone with this feature, finding a place to settle down and sticking to a routine and setting goals, strengthens the line.
The lines on the palm can change
I have seen this type of line ‘grow’ as the person makes concrete decisions in their life. For example, I looked at the palm of a seventeen-year-old young man. He had hardly any life line at all; in fact, it was the shortest one I had ever seen. What I found out he was kept under close guard by his father, due to his flighty nature and the lack of a mother figure. This young man did not have any responsibilities at home. He seemed entirely dependent on his father and lived each day without any concerns.
I saw his hand again at age twenty-four, and he had an almost standard length life line on his palm. I asked him what he has been up to and he said ‘I’m adulting now’. He had moved out to live with friends a few years ago, he had a job and was saving money for a new car and a holiday. I saw his line depicting his newfound life goals, and it was a positive sign.
The start of the life line
The start of the life line does not always commence at the same position, occasionally starting close to the thumb and other times as high as the Mount of Jupiter. If it sits high, it shows an ambitious and confident nature. Occasionally it can begin joined with the head line and appear like a branch from it, which means a much more insecure yet family orientated spirit. These types show a good deal less confidence compared to those with a separate line from the head line. The well-separated line depicts independence early in life.
The arch of the life line
Some lines curve around enough to reach out towards the mount of Moon so far as to touch the fate line. I have learned that when this occurs, it has a significant meaning around that period indicating a need for change or an event that brings about change. Often career or motivations become a current focus.
A line that arches widely towards the mount of Moon depicts an outgoing and maybe restless person with many interests. They will have a love of travel and changes of scenery. A broad line curving well around the Venus mount shows warmth and affection but a little more reserved. A line close to the thumb shows a lack of energy and love; a person who is entirely selfish or cold emotionally, especially if the Venus mount is flat.
On a small proportion of hands, the heart line, and head line appear to be joined into a single line, forming one long line across the palm, known as Simian lines, or crease. The association of this line was once thought only to be with chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome. However, it is mostly a regular feature. In some recent studies, it is believed to show forms of neuroticism, hyperactivity and introversion.
I see these lines on the palm as ‘energy’. The head line relates to our mentality, how we think, and how practical we are. The heart line depicts our emotional side and how sentimental we are. So you can imagine if the two types of energy, mental and emotional, are in the same line, there’s going to be some inner tension.
While these attributes may relate to some of the people involved in the survey, they have also found that this line on someone with no physical defects or other behavioural problems, signifies a somewhat different, quite a forceful by nature; not necessarily a negative attribute as it would seem. Many with this line tend towards being determined yet sensitive.
The owner of Simian lines can possess great potential for strong will and focus, many of whom are ambitious. But, the focus won’t last if they are not following their passion. It helps if they have found their niche and had opportunities in their life regarding education and family support. If only on the one hand, there might be a creative nature.
The Simian lines on both palms
The Simian line on both hands can suggest the subject has more of an intense and passionate nature. However, to hypothesise about this crease, look at other features of the hand, such as hand shape, finger length, thumbs, and lines; including fingerprint and palm patterns.
Typically, the owners of a Simian line are stubborn, unpredictable and easily misunderstood by others. They do however tend to possess an abundance of energy, some finding it difficult to relax. While these people are intense, at the same time they can be very empathic and quite sensitive in their way. Usually very open-minded, yet cynical; nonetheless mostly what you see is what you get.
The Double Simian type character tends to follow their heart and in doing so, they tend to choose a career that gratifies that emotion. Mostly, they are either fully into what they do, or fully not into it. It is nearly always ideal for them to be engaged in their passion. In doing so, it is taking full advantage of the single-minded and determined nature.
If your child has Simian lines
If you have a child with Simian lines, you might have already noticed some different character traits. He or she might seem more dynamic and energetic than others. They might also vacillate between being pleasantly charming and helpful to completely ignoring you.
Your child might display some fixated behaviour, which can be directed in positive ways by encouraging their interests. An example of this might be the boy who loves sport, but if he doesn’t get the opportunity to play, he might find something else less desirable to preoccupy his mind.
Some might have already been diagnosed with Asperger’s or ADHD. If that’s the case, your child might show some qualities like being disobedient regarding rules. Your child might display a limited attention span, low self-esteem, or have difficulty at school.
Treatment for hyperactivity can include talk therapy, healthy diet, quality sleep and strict routines. It has been noted that exercise is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of hyperactivity.
Quotes by Simian line people:
I am good at something related to art, such as drawing, making handicrafts, etc. I am a good listener and very emotionally sensitive. People usually find me comfortable to be with. I am bad at something related to “remember exact things” like histories, fix recipes, etc. because I like improving and being flexible. Once I feel uncomfortable with people, they tend to hurt me, it’s hard to maintain a good relationship as before.
I am energetic man – always thinking the future – manage time when work – I’m a hard worker – I believe the law attraction happens in my mind – what I’m thinking it always happen in real life.
People say Iam influential in accessing a problem and going in-depth for a solution. I find it very hard to talk with new people. My friends and people I know say that I have an attitude which may be due to the success in my academics and work. But I know that it is not, I talk to people who I feel worth, or else I stay away.
Triangle Meaning on the Palms The triangle meaning on the palm lines depends on where it is. The triangle is one of the marks that require careful analysis because the mark is so small that it goes unnoticed. You might see lines crossing on the palm, and they appear to form shapes like squares and … Read more
STAR MARK ON THE PALM. LEARN WHAT IT MEANS. The Star mark on the palm is one that is difficult to properly not only recognize but also to interpret. The reason that it is so challenging is that people don’t always see things the same way. Palmistry is something that takes the study of not … Read more
Looking at your hands and palm lines can help you understand more about yourself and your future. Modern palmistry is helpful in situations where you might feel confused or uncertain about life decisions. We can rely on the hand and line characteristics because the brain significantly connects to our hands. The star lines can have a significant meaning. In this article, you will learn how to recognise these marks.
The star lines and markings we see on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any category of a regular palmar line are still notable in a palm reading. They can indicate a warning, such as stress, or point to a sign of talent, fortune or an event.
In most cases, markings on the mounts (the padded areas of the palm) accentuate the meaning of the mount in a favourable or undesirable way. Star lines are markings that are both good and bad. On a line, based on traditional meaning, it is an unwelcome find.
Some of these markings will take a careful eye when analysing what they mean due to the difficulty in interpreting whether it is a mix of other lines overlapping or one which stands on its own.
A star will have at least three lines crossing at the same point and NOT be made up by other minor or major lines. It is an independent mark on the palm. While most star lines on the mounts are a welcome sign, they have a complex connotation. The reason could be the challenges in attaining high-level success or recognition.
Star lines on the mounts.
The area under the middle and ring fingers is common to misread the star mark, as it is usually a coincidental crossing of the success line and Girdle of Venus lines.
On Jupiter or Apollo mount, it reveals extraordinary talent, financial windfalls or even fame. However, even these positive markings need to be viewed as cautionary. Sudden fame or success can influence personal life. That means keeping one’s head together and feet on the ground to ensure a more secure scenario. The star on the Jupiter mount is more about honour and influence. The star on the Apollo is more about fame.
Star on the Mercury Mount
A star on Mercury mount beneath the pinkie shows a sudden rise in a business venture. However, on the negative side, it can point to dishonesty.
Star on the Saturn Mount
A star on Saturn mount beneath the middle finger may depict restriction, confines or obstacles. There is usually some effort in legal matters.
Star Mark on the Mount of the Moon
A star on the mount of the Moon at the base of the palm shows powers of instinct or imagination. There might be celebrity status in a literary career. On the negative side, it can suggest fear of the sea or danger at sea.
A star on the ball of the thumb (Mount of Venus) can depict success in romantic affairs. The energy and passion are strong but might come at the expense or sacrifice of another matter.
Research and Scientific Study Markings in Palmistry
A mark in the centre of the palm in the form of a triangle is thought to be a sign of scientific aptitude. Some palmists say that it indicates an unusual aptitude for research. The person usually undertakes interests that pertain to the unveiling of secrets and problems.
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Markings on the palms, like slashes, stars and grilles
The markings on the palms that don’t seem to fit into any line category are still significant in that they can indicate a warning, such as from stress, or point to a sign of talent or area of focus.
Some marks can depict emotional or mental issues or even health problems. These marks can be recognised from ones like the grille, cross, star or slashes. If your hand is covered in a whole web of fine lines, it is likely that you don’t have any specific marks but are sensitive to your environment. (See this article about too many lines).
Markings on the palm mounts
In most cases, markings on the mounts accentuate the meaning of the mount either in a favourable or an undesirable way. A star is one marking that can be seen as good or bad.
But even these positive markings need to be viewed as a warning since sudden fame or success can affect personal life – An effect like keeping one’s head together and feet on the ground will ensure a more secure and happily ever after scenario. Also, it’s possible to have unfavourable fame, like some criminals.
Some of these markings will take a careful eye when analysing what they mean due to the difficulty in interpreting whether it is a mix of other lines overlapping or one that stands on its own.
A star will have at least three lines crossing at the same point and not be made up by other minor or major lines. It is also found independently on the palm. While most star markings on the mounts are welcome signs, they have a complex connotation. The reason could be due to the challenges usually involved in attaining high-level success or recognition.
Star on the Apollo line or Mount
The star is an unwelcome find on a line and can denote a sudden shock. A star on a line can be most favourable only when it’s on the Apollo line, Jupiter, or Apollo Mount. On these mounts, it reveals extraordinary talent, financial windfalls or even fame as a reward for consistent effort.
Star mark on the mounts
A star on the Mercury Mount can suggest a sudden rise in a business venture or denote dishonest behaviour.
The star is a mark of fame on the Mount of Apollo under the ring finger. However, it can also be the wrong fame, so be careful.
Star on Saturn might be problems with legal matters, restrictions or confines.
The star on the Jupiter mount can signify a sudden rise in fortune, achievement or honour.
On the Mount of the Moon, the star depicts possible celebrity status in a literary career. Some say it marks someone afraid of the sea or travelling on the water.
A star on the Venus Mount shows energy and passion, but it might come at the expense of another matter.
A grille marking appears on a hand when there is a group of many lines in a patch. Typically, vertical and horizontal lines overlap in one area, forming what may look like a lattice. But usually, the lines are not visible but an area that appears to be a blur of lines or skin ridges.
The grille mark, in most cases, is unfavourable. It mostly shows stress and overuse of mental faculties, depending on which part of the hand it is. For example, beneath the pinkie, the individual might focus too much on their business and communications, showing too much stress.
A dot on a line can depict many things. The thing to remember about dots is that they are not the same as moles. A mole is just a part of the skin, whereas a dot forms on the lines. The dot can be grey, brown, black, pink or red. The darker the colour, the deeper the meaning. In general, the dot depicts something suddenly happening. It can depict a shock to the mental or emotional aspects.
Slashes are like short crossing lines on top of one another and usually mean an obstacle. However, these obstacles are temporary because they do not break the line. If the slash is at the end of a line, it is like a dead-end road depicting a change in direction. A slash line on top of the marriage line is a deletion line, which often denotes a relationship that didn’t work out.
Prediction from the lines
Using markings on the palms for prediction, gather information from the past trials that have led them to be where they are now. Remember, any lines or markings that represent the future are just assumptions. Palm reading is not an exact science. What’s on the palms can show potential for the subject based on past actions, whether negative or positive. The reason prediction is only an assumption is that our hands have such a connection to our brain that mental activity is recorded on our palms. As our thoughts and desires change, new lines can form, and old ones can fade.
Major and Minor lines – Excerpt from Destiny Palmistry
Most palms have the major lines: a heart line, a line of the head (or Simian line) and the life line. Some hand readers also refer to the Saturn and Apollo lines as major ones. I do not because they are not always in everyone’s hands, along with the fact that they are most likely to change along with the person’s circumstances. The major lines are what people tend to look at first when examining the palms because they are usually the longest and deepest. These lines can also subtly change over time; therefore, what is evident in your hands now does not imply a fixed quality or event.
Some lines change quicker than others
The lines that are most likely to change quickly are the minor lines. But most lines depict what has led to the current circumstances and what is happening now. Remembering that any person can take control of their destiny, palmistry can be used to determine some consequences or guidance for our future. Accordingly, if a line shows an attribute, looking for other indications for confirmation is essential, as one feature can offset another.
For example, a line that shows success for a person may indicate this as a likely conclusion. However, if other signs are against it, such as a lack of willpower, attaining that success may be difficult (but not impossible). Finding adverse marks should not be bad but instead an incentive for making positive changes for better future outcomes.
About Sari
Sari Puhakka, expert hand analyst, writer, and artist. She has studied hands for over 35 years and initially wrote a motivational book called “Claim Your Power and Succeed in Everything You Do”. This book was written for her clients as a self-help book to improve every area of their lives.
Reading palms and cards was merely a hobby for her until she was 28. It was her mission in life to be an expert in her field and to have the power to help people see their potential to succeed in whatever they desire.
Sari is originally from Toijala, Finland. Born in 1967. She emigrated to Sydney, Australia, in 1977 with her parents and three sisters. In 1996, she became a mother of four children in Queensland, Australia. Presently, she is coaching hand analysis through workshops and private tuition. As well as providing readings and continuing the series of Destiny Palmistry books.